What kind plant is this
This flowerless tree reproduces by beetles that pollinate the seeds. Scientists say that this ancient exotic-looking plant has changed little since Jurassic times. Different species of cycads come in various sizes. The smallest type of cycad may have a trunk that is only a few centimeters tall. In fact, this interesting plant looks like it just has long fern-like leaves growing up from the ground.
Because of this feature, it is easy to mistake cycads for ferns. Larger cycads can grow large leaves that look as if they are exploding from the top of the trunk.
The larger cycad species can grow to a height of between 32 and 50 ft. Coniferous forest is a type of forest that includes different kinds of trees like pines, firs, spruces, cedars and junipers. Conifers is the common name for woody, shrub-like plants and trees in the division Pinophyta. This group of perennial evergreen trees includes pines, junipers, cedars , and spruces. These important types of trees grow in most climates in the world and are very common in the Northern Hemisphere.
They are also the most important group of gymnosperms. Like cycads, conifers are identified by their seed-producing cones. Some species of conifers have cones that disintegrate to disperse seeds, and others rely on birds for seed dispersal. Conifers are also identified by their unique type of green, bluish-gray, or silvery foliage. Some types of conifers can be large majestic trees with drooping leaves covered in soft pine needles. Other conifer species can be small, shrub-like evergreen plants that grow well in ornamental gardens.
Some examples of small conifers for your garden are dwarf spruce trees, low-growing cypress trees, or small pine evergreen bushes. One of the survival features of trees such as fir trees, cedars, junipers, yew trees, and pine trees is that they are very cold hardy. Flowering plants such as lilies include many cultivars with various colors and shapes. Species of flowering plants are some of the most diverse, beautiful, and fascinating of all plants that grow. Plants with seeds that flower can include anything from a tall oak tree to a delicate orchid or beautiful rose.
According to some estimates, there are over , species of flowering plants that are divided into 13, genera, families, and 64 orders. Flowering plants are also vascular plants because they have a complex system to transport fluid to all parts of the pant. Types of flowering plants can include flowering vines, trees that blossom , ornamental grasses, and orchids.
Also, common flowering plants such as asters , begonias, chrysanthemums , roses, tulips, and herbs are all examples of angiosperms. Flowering plants can also be classified as annuals or perennials depending on if they survive winter or not. Also, some types of flowers only bloom in springtime or other start flowering in spring and continue producing blossoms until fall.
For example, some plant species thrive well in full sun and prove excellent ground cover. Other creeping plants can survive well in partial to full shade. Marigold is very common and popular flowering plant around the world. Annuals are plants that die off in the winter and only leave a dormant seed.
Some beautiful types of annuals that flower include pansies, marigolds, snapdragons, petunias, winter violas , and poppies. Lilac is a perennial garden plant with beautiful flowers. The flowers of the lilac shrub have several colors such as white, pink and purple. Examples of cool plants that flower year after year include roses, lilac shrubs , stunning hibiscus plants, flowering trees, succulents , and dahlias.
Also, flowers that grow from bulbs such as daffodils , tulips, and crocuses are often the first kind of flowers to grow every spring. The Phalaenopsis orchids are examples of exotic-looking plants. They are also some of the most popular and easy to care for orchids. Some of the most stunning types of plants to grow indoors are orchids. There are many species of orchids that come in all different colors. Some of the easiest orchids to care for are the Phalaenopsis orchids with large colorful petals and unusual markings.
Ivies are fast-growing plants that grow just as well outdoors as they do indoors. Growing conditions, possible problems, pictures and description. Begonia Coccinea This plant is from a large genus named Begonia.
The Angel Wing Begonia is one of the most popular species from the genus. Gerbera Jamesonii A flowering pot plant displaying striking flowers. Hymenocallis Littoralis This amazing bulb based plant "beach spider lily" enjoys environments that are downright aquatic and easy to maintain. Amaryllis Belladonna Also known as the naked lady because of the bare flower stalks that appear without leaves. Strelitzia Reginae The Bird of Paradise is a delightfully easy to care for plant that enjoys warm, balmy days year round.
Neoregelia Carolinae An interesting species from the bromeliad family which produces a red center within the rosette of leaves. Impatiens Walleriana Grown for their attractive blooms outdoors just about everywhere and indoors when given enough bright light. Zantedeschia Aethiopica Keeping this rhizome happy indoors is a matter of paying attention to some very basic growing conditions.
Ardisia Crenata Also known as the Christmas berry because it produces bright red berries which last well past Xmas time. Cattleya The Corsage orchid is not the easiest of orchids to care due to its humidity and temperature needs.
Cyclamen Persicum A small and attractive flowering pot plant grown during the winter. Calathea Crocata Named Eternal flame for its attractive yellow bract. Oxalis Triangularis A bulbous type species which blooms small trumpet like flowers and has attractive triangular purple leaves. Anthurium scherzerianum The beautiful waxed effect flaming flower plant scientific name: Anthurium scherzerianum makes a great ornamental plant that stands out looking lush.
Vriesea Splendens This species features a red sword like flower head which can grow up to 2ft tall and attractive mottled leaves. Abutilon Hybridum The flowering maple scientific name: Abutilon hybridum is part of a large plant genus of flowering and foliage type plants. Clivia Miniata Caring advice and description of the kaffir lily plant, botanical name: Clivia miniata , also the common name bush lily.
Pachystachys Lutea The lollipop plant Botanical name: Pachystachys Lutea is a sub-tropical species that produces small white flowers from a beautiful cone shaped bract. Lycaste There are around 30 species of Lycaste and many of these are hardy and easily obtainable. Stephanotis Floribunda A flowering climbing vine which blooms white colored fragrant flowers in the right conditions.
Tillandsia Caput Medusae The Caput Medusae has been added to the unusual plant section for it's obvious bizarre look. An air-plant also known as the Medusa's Head. Phalaenopsis The moth orchid like other plants from the orchid displays many bright colorful flowers. Capsicum Annuum A flowering pot type species grown for it's attractive fruit. Spathiphyllum Wallisii Shiny green leaves and white spathes make this attractive Euphorbia Pulcherrima Red bract type is the most popular grown for the Christmas holiday period.
Primula Obconica Small clusters of flowers in different color variations. Billbergia Nutans The queens tears is a bromeliad plant which is easy enough for most growers to grow indoors. Caring, information and advice. Guzmania Lingulata A popular bromeliad species grown for it's green leathery foliage and bright red or orange bract.
Paphiopedilum There are more than 80 different species plus many many hybrids of paphiopedilum. Paphiopedilum Concolor From the Paphiopedilum genus which is suitable for growing indoors, with the correct conditions and care provided. Aechmea Fasciata The Urn plant is also known as the silver vase plant scientific name: Aechmea Fasciata. Solanum Capsicastrum You will find it's a popular ornamental plant to buy at Christmas time, sold in many stores. Dypsis Lutescens A cane type palm growing up to 8ft tall with mulitple stems.
Syngonium Podophyllum Very similar species as the Philodendron and from the same family. Asplenium Nidus A popular fern plant that display attractive 2 ft long fronds once it matures. Nephrolepis Exaltata 'Bostoniensis' One of the easier ferns to grow indoors. Rhapis Excelsa A popular indoor plant species which looks elegant standing in offices, hotels, living rooms and conservatories. Phoenix Canariensis A tough palm displaying long fronds with thin straight leaflets.
Aspidistra Elatior Receives its common name for its ability to withstand neglect. A nice an easy to care for foliage plant. Aglaonema Grown primarily for the attractive leathery leaves. Nertera Granadensis With its picky watering and light demands, the coral bead plant has proven difficult for beginner house plant growers.
Dracaena Fragrans A well known indoor plant which is grown in many homes and offices. Ficus Pumila A climbing and low growing plant from the ficus genus. Pteris Cretica One of the easier ferns to grow indoors and a bit more forgiving. When you take a walk on sunny days, have you ever come across a beautiful flower that you would know more about? Simply take a photo of the plant, PictureThis answers all the questions for you. Picture this plant, and discover a new appreciation for the natural world together!
Key Features: - Instantly Identify thousands of plants, flowers, and trees with advanced artificial intelligence - Learn more about plants, including beautiful pictures around the world - Get suggestions and advice from a network of friendly garden and horticulture specialists - Plant care tips and watering reminder, help you better grow your lovely plants.
PictureThis has been featured in the App Store from different countries. While not perfect, it can distinguish with high accuracy between different species in our collection of rare plants. It can even recognise down to cultivar sometimes - amazing. Amazed how it can work with any photo and it will give recognition a go - with impressive accuracy. I used 3 others before breaking down to use the PictureThis app and I have to say it is a lot more convenient and accommodating than the others.
I downloaded this app to help try and identify some weeds and vines that were growing in the yard with all intentions of deleting it before the end of the free trial, but honestly, this app rules! Not only did it give a almost constantly accurate identification for most of the plants on my yard, but also has tons of information on said plants and how to deal with them. Only unfortunate downside to this app is that some times it will miss identify plants or give different identification to the same plant if different photos are provided.
There is, however, the option to ask a botanist to help identify or diagnose your plant. Overall I am very impressed with this app and will be keeping it around. The interface is beautiful, you can connect with people on the map in your area and see what others are snapping and the database is pretty solid.
I wish there was a place to add a wishlist!! No plant app seems to have this feature yet! I hope to see these improvements and to see this gain better ratings, as it definitely deserves it over its terrible competitor! Good informations but never get the right plants, try 22 plants which I known all their name, corrected only 4 try 13 roses, non of them correctly. But if you get the right plants, you will get the useful details and easy to share on social.