Can i take theraflu while nursing
Benzonatate is a very dangerous product when taken directly by a child. Due to this potential for severe toxicity at relatively low doses, this medication should be avoided in lactation. Common trade names: Tesselon Perles. Codeine prescription required L3 : Although no longer available over the counter, drugs containing codeine are used to treat pain and cough. Codeine can cause respiratory depression when taken in high doses. In general, if the mother is lethargic she should wait to breastfeed until she is alert, at which point codeine levels would be lower.
Diphenhydramine L2 : Antihistamine. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine that is often used in cough, cold, sinus, and allergy formulations. Although the levels are low in breastmilk, this medication can cause sedation and therefore is not ideal in breastfeeding mothers. If you are taking a sedating medication, be sure to have support in caring for your infant.
There are many non-sedating antihistamines on the market, which are likely a better choice. There is some anecdotal evidence that diphenhydramine can suppress milk production, but this pattern is not supported by the medical literature.
Common trade names: Benadryl, Tylenol PM. Chlorpheniramine L3 and Brompheniramine L3 : Antihistamine. These medicines are similar to diphenhydramine, but they have fewer studies about breast milk safety. They are heavily sedating and not recommended. The non-sedating antihistamines mentioned above are still better choices. Common trade names: Aller-Chlor, C. Pseudoephedrine over-the-counter, but kept in pharmacy L3 : Decongestant. Pseudoephedrine is an adrenergic compound used as a nasal decongestant.
It does not have antihistamine properties. It is excreted into breast milk in low levels. Pseudoephedrine commonly appears in combination products. An excellent alternative would be a nasal decongestant like oxymetazoline Afrin-L3 discussed below. Common trade names: Sudafed, Claritin-D. Phenylephrine L3 : Decongestant.
Phenylephrine is a decongestant that is commonly added to cold mixtures and nasal sprays for use in colds, flu, and congestion. Levels in milk have not been reported, but experiments have shown that it has poor oral absorption in infants. It is used to dry up secretions. Sedation is an unwanted side effect when using it as an allergy medication, but can be an advantage to help with sleep.
Doxylamine L3 : This is another sedating antihistamine, similar to diphenhydramine, which is more commonly used for its sedative properties. There are no good studies about how much of this drug gets into breast milk. In infants exposed to doxylamine, there are reports of sedation, apnea, and paradoxical CNS stimulation. If you are taking a sedating medication like diphenhydramine, be sure to have support in caring for your infant.
Use caution with this medication. Common trade name: Unisom. Melatonin L3 : Melatonin is a normal hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the human brain, mostly at night.
It may either induce a sleep-like pattern in humans, or be the result of sleep; the evidence is not clear. It is definitely passed into human milk and some experts believe it is responsible for entraining the newborn brain to reset its circadian clock to that of the mother by communicating the time of day to the newborn.
The effect of orally administered melatonin on newborns is unknown, but no adverse reactions have been reported so far.
Nasal Saline Irrigation L1 : Using salt water to irrigate the nose and sinuses is a practice dating back thousands of years. In modern pharmacies, saline is available in nasal sprays and nasal rinses, as well as mineral packets for home reconstitution. Studies have shown sinus and nasal rinsing to be highly effective in relieving symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis. Oxymetazoline L3 : Nasal Decongestant.
This decongestant comes in several formulations that last between 4 and 12 hours. There are no good studies of oxymetazoline safety during breastfeeding, however, very little of it is expected to reach the milk because it is locally administered and poorly absorbed.
For this reason, oxymetazoline is probably a better choice than oral systemic decongestants such as pseudoephedrine during breastfeeding. Often found in Coricidin and more. And whatever you do, keep breastfeeding. Never stop nursing because of a cold—your breastmilk passes antibodies to baby, serving as his or her best defense against catching your illness.
Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such.
You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances. Getting Pregnant. Popular links under Pregnancy First Trimester. The CDC considers oseltamivir safe to use in breastfeeding mothers. At present, there is no breastfeeding data on zanamivir Relenza. Physicians are advised to use oseltamivir Tamiflu instead of zanamivir Relenza in breastfeeding mothers. Many herbal remedies and their safety have not been evaluated for the breastfeeding infant.
Just because a product is marked natural does not mean it is safe while breastfeeding. Caution should be used for any consumption of herbals as well as prescribed medications.
If insufficient data is available on a specific herbal remedy then it is advised to avoid it while breastfeeding. Insufficient data is available for Airborne, a cold remedy, and therefore should be avoided for breastfeeding mothers. Pleasant Hills Clairton Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA P: Phenylephrine helps clear out a stuffy nose by helping reduce swelling in your sinuses.
Medication, food, and nutrients can pass through breast milk to your little one, so double-checking Theraflu safety is a good idea.
Nevertheless, there is data extracted from voluntary studies and surveys. Since acetaminophen is such a common medication, it poses little risk to your little one when you take it while breastfeeding. Some infants are also prescribed acetaminophen, and this prescribed dose is much more than what they would get from your breast milk. The other two ingredients is where it gets a little tricky.
Dextromethorphan is a relaxant and sedative. This means taking high doses might make your little one drowsy, as well. It differs between moms, but it could also mean a dip in your milk supply. Phenylephrine can also reduce your milk supply while taking Theraflu.
However, it seems the effects go away in a few days. Keep in mind that decongestants can make their way into your breast milk and make your little one sleepier than usual. Taking the side effects into consideration, it might be safe to take Theraflu just once or very infrequently to reduce uncomfortable symptoms.
After all, your baby will do much better when you feel better.