Can i use aussie conditioner on my dog

2022.01.06 17:51

From the Blog. Samantha Meyers Author. Also in From the Blog. Subscribe Sign up and get all the ingredients your dog needs for a life well lived, delivered straight to your inbox each month. Join Our Mailing List Be the first to hear about exclusive deals, product promotions, and events! But that's just my opinion. I use human products on Salem. When he was younger I used dog products, but I never found anything that made him as soft as good quality human stuff. I don't bathe him that often, but when I do I rinse really really throughly and I've never had a problem.

I still do use dog shampoo and conditioner around his face and ears though only because I'm afraid of getting the human stuff in his eyes. I also keep Dawn on hand for when they get really, really nasty. The two in bold are for humans, Mane and Tail is for both. I swear by Shimmer Lights for whitening and I know tons of other show people who do the same. I've never had a problem with it and I even use it on their faces. My Petco boss thinks I'm committing a sin by using human shampoo, but I know TONS of people who do the same, and the dogs all still have their hair.

I even know people who use human hair coloring on the dogs! I use Shimmer lights for showing too, and it gets the dogs so white! I also use the conditioner and suspect the shampoo alone would be too drying. I won't try human conditioner on my dogs because they are so big and have so much fur and double coats it would take hours to rinse them!

I can't imagine having to groom a Malamute or Pyr. I use any cheap dog shampoo that does not have an offensive smell for them.

I use Miracle Coat spray leave-in conditioner. The ASPCA warns pet owners that human grooming products, whether conditioner or bar soap, can lead to unpleasant skin irritation in dogs -- no, thank you.

Don't take the unnecessary risk. Always take the time to visit a nearby pet supplies store before you bathe and condition your pooch. Remember not to get excessive with the bathing of your doggie. Stick to the three-month rule with the exception of messy emergencies and especially sweaty weather situations. If you use grooming products and water too frequently on your dog, you may trigger conditions including skin dryness, skin irritation and reduced healthy skin oil levels -- yikes.

Share It. Bathing Frequency In general, canines aren't the biggest fans of bath time, from the running of the water to the shampooing itself to the drying.