Can i wear rudraksha
Panchgavya - Mix of cow's dung, urine, milk, ghee and curd. In absence of this, use Panchamrit which is mix of unboiled milk, honey, sugar, ghee and curd.
Gangajal in a achamani pot with Kusha grass or a spoon for sprinkling. In absence of Gangajal, clean pure water may be used. After bath, with a calm and clean body and pure mind sit on an Asan mat or clean carpet facing east. Place Rudraksha in a plate over the 9 leaves of Peepal tree. Whenever you wear the Rudraksh, always chant the mantra while doing so. Also do worship of it and offer incense stick and ghee diya lamp to it. One should not wear the Rudraksha before the bath and even should not touch it with dirty hands.
The wearer of the Rudraksha must avoid eat non vegetarian food and should not take alcohol. He should speak truth always and must visit Lord Shiva temple for his blessings. One important thing that Rudraksha should never ever be carried to the cremation and funeral ground. Even during the birth of new born or where new baby is born the rudraksh should be avoided there as well.
One should never wear the Rudraksha while having intercourse. Women must not wear the Rudraksha during their periods or when they are having their menstrual cycle. Always keep your Rudraksha clean. Dust and dirt can settle within the pores of the bead. Clean these as frequently as you can.. If the thread becomes dirty or damaged, change it.
After cleaning, wash your Rudraksha with some blessed pure holy water or milk. This helps maintain its sanctity. Always keep the Rudraksha oiled. After regular cleaning, oil the bead and offer them the incense. This is of utmost importance. Especially when not using the bead for sometime, or storing it for a long time.
Many get confused with the form and size. One shouldn't seriously worry about it. One must keep care of this thing that the mukhi you buy should be well defined, and should be natural, there should be no cracks. Rudraksha is hot in nature. Some people just can't wear it. Their skin shows sign of allergy. So better not to use, Keeps the beads in Puja room and offer daily Namaskars to them.
Mala that we wear in neck is formed of beads or 54 beads. Japa mala can be as small as 27 beads. Do not use neck mala as japa mala or interchangeably because purpose of each and every is different. Only after that the mala should be worn. Since Rudraksha is incredibly divine and pure in its nature, It should be held in gold. Exceptions are permitted. Silver or strong red or black thread is even ok to go for the rudraksha.
Also it's advisable to take off beads while taking bath as excess soap dehydrates the beads natural Oil. They have to be worn with faith, respect and one should love it. Rudraksha divine beads is worn by anybody regardless of age, sex caste, creed, culture and place. Rudraksha is the divine gift and thus very precious. There are variety of process through which the Rudraksha beads can be energized and can provides best outcomes. The best and most auspicious day to wear the Rudraksha is on Monday as Monday is devoted to lord Shiva or it can be worn out on any day with proper rituals and worship.
Before wearing it, kindly follow the mentioned all points strictly and regularly in order to gain the maximum benefit of the Rudraksha.
Before wearing the Rudraksha, take an early bath and cleans yourself properly. There is seed mantra of your Rudraksh bead, that must be chanted minimum 8 times, after chanting the mantra one should wear it with clean, pure heart and faith.
Clean the Rudraksha beads weekly with water and mix Gangajal along with it. Allow it to dry under fan if you reside in a very humid climate, then let the beads soak in water overnight and scrub with a tough plastic brush to clear the pores.
Note that beads are strong and do not break up scrubbing Once they're dry apply a light-weight oil like Olive and Sandalwood oil with a toothbrush.
I've been wanting to buy for quite some time but it's not on the item list. Do help I have observed many people have wore Rudraksh at the same time consuming non-veg foods. I believe it is not allowed to consume non-veg or alcohol after one has wear Rudraksh.
Please put some light on it. I m Revathy, 34 years old and my husband is in onsite I read your article regarding Rudras Please revert me back your valuable feedback.
Namaskaram, First follow a sattvic lifestyle vegetarianism is important. A rudraksha mala is to assist you in developing your inner well-being. If you have not pursued the spiritual path properly, I do not believe the rudraksha mala would be of any special benefit. Start with doing the "Inner Engineering" program with Sadhguru. I am unhappy the way Isha Shoppe team handling things. Looks like customer care person I spoke to is not properly trained, answers she gave quite unconvincing.
Would please provide me the details of where did you buy your mala? I would like to go there in person and buy it I think its better for you to wear Panchamukhi. Toggle navigation. International Centers Europe 18 locations. Back to Home page. The most common is the panchmukhi rudraksha which can be worn as a mala and has many benefits. However, the ek mukhi rudraksha should be worn only by certain types of people.
Jan 20, Table of Content 1. What is Rudraksha? Which Rudraksha Should You Wear? Ek Mukhi Rudraksha Panchmukhi Rudraksha Benefits Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Benefits 3. What are the Benefits of Wearing Rudraksha Beads? Outlying Islands U. Editor's Note: Rudraksha malas available at Isha Shoppe are prepared with great care and are consecrated and energized for maximum benefit.
Related Tags. Shiva Spirituality. Show Comments. Hide Comments. Perfectly clear :. I have never used a Rudraksh will like to use one which should I use and whre can i get it. Better use a thread-based chain for LingaBhairavi Pendant.
Yes, do the soaking process as you have mentioned. No need of Japa before wearing. You wear while eating non-veg. What is the use of spatika mala? Soak in ghee overnight and then milk overnight. Thanks, Sadhguru, for explaining this in such layman terms :. You can wear 5 or 2 face Rudraksha. Its not inauspicious. Please leave the beads in a river and get a new one.
As Sadhguru says, Panchamukhi mala is best for overall wellbeing. I've been told that girls and women should not wear rudrakshas. But I am sceptical about what she said Please wear Panchamukhi for over-all health and wellbeing. Better not mix rudrakshas.
Please see the replies to the same kind of questions below. Can you tell me which muki is powerful for men. These beads bring peace. Yes, you can wear the Rudraksha mala. Yes you can irrespective of gotram. You can buy another one, if its possible. Spatika mala helps to cool down the system. Condition it the first time before wearing and also every 6 months later on. Kindly tell me how to take care of the Rudraksh. Thank You. Kind regards, Satish.
Please wear Panchamukhi Rudraksha mala. Ishashoppe does not have 3 mukhi. We do not have information where this can be bought. Mala would be best. You can just cleanse once every 6 months with the cow ghee and milk process. Plz Explain Thank You You can wear both.
You can re-string them and wear. Yes you can. Please do not do such a thing. Rudraksha beads should not touch metal. So, better not to wear the silver chain. Can panchamukhi Rudraksha be worn by children below 10yrs of age. Kindly let me know where can i purchase it. Thanks, Sadhguru, for explaining this in such layman's terms :. Namaste, I got mala with beads from isha shoppe online Is it okay to wear?
Namaskaram, thanks for the feedback. One is enough. If you wish, please wear the mala around your neck, not on your wrist. One more thing. Its said in the blog, that Rudhraksha should not crack or else, its no good. So, how good, useful, effective are these rudraksha malas, if one has to buy from Isha Shoppe? Kindly clarify.
Doesn't mater which Nakshatra. Panchamukhi is suited for overall health and wellbeing. You can remove the copper wire and have a thread instead.
Yes, you can join. Metal should not touch the Rudraksha mala 4. Best not to use. Can I wear a single bead in the neck. Rules to wear a rudraksha. Leave it in a river. Thank You, very much for the reply. I am no longer bothered by the confusion.
Yes, it might help. As it says in the article, children can wear Shanmukhi. Then you can buy extra beads. When its meant to be used as a mala, please use it as a mala, not otherwise.
Best to wear one kind of Rudraksha. You can call Isha Shoppe for extra beads. Can I get one without the Tassle? Just the beads? How do I place the Bindu bead apart when changing the thread? No timing restrictions. Thank you for your valuable reply. You can wear Rudraksha, its fine.
Its best to avoid mixing different types of Rudrakshas. Can I wear rudraksha mala all mukhis. Have it on different ropes. Its better to wear Rudraksha as a mala around your neck. Please read the article again for Sadhguru's recommendations regarding this. Namaskaram I currently wear panchamukhi mala only.. And also my wife is pregnant.. Can she wear rudhraksha mala?? Better buy a new one and make sure you wear it.
The postscript says. Rudraksha can be bought anytime and on any day. Wear a longer thread for the Talisman, so that the Rudraksha does not touch it. Its fine. You can do it again if you wish. Yes, they can.
Can people above 12 years wear 6 face rudraksha? Before wearing Rudraksha ,what processing would be done? Supllier Rudraksha Indonesia. Better wear just the rudraksha mala. Can use the same. You can do the cleansing process and wear again. Sadhguru has not spoken about that. Sorry, we have no information regarding that. Plastic, glass or porcelain. I have the same question. Thank you.. Get a finer thread, silk will be better. Sadhguru's article clearly says above, best to clean once in 6 months.
Yes and Yes to both your questions. Thanks for information, please tell me rules after wearing 5mukhi rudraksha. Better you replace with a thread yourself. You can wear the Panchamukhi Rudraksha. Can we make these as bracelet and wear? Can i wear both sphatik mala and rudraksha Mala? Better have a check with your physician. Better to wear Rudraksha mala on its own. They told us in Inner Engineering that any number of beads greater than is okay.
Yes, if your table is big enough so that there's space between the yantra and gudi. Yes it can be worn single and there are no conditions to wear.
There's no age specification as such "Five-faced beads or panchmukhi is safe and good for everyone — man, woman and child. Yes, by all means, can wear. No such restrictions for wearing rudraksha mala. You can re-string them. Please do the cleansing process: Soak overnight ins cows ghee then soak overnight in cows milk. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.
For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Rudraksha also called as Rudraksh are dried seeds of a tree, which grows in select locations of South East Asia, botanically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus.
The word Rudraksha comes from "Rudra" name of Shiva and "Aksha" meaning tears. Rudrakshas also called as Rudraksh are very supportive in maintaining physical and mental balance. Anyone, irrespective of gender, cultural, ethnic, geographical or religious background can wear Rudraksha. They are intended for persons at any stage in life irrespective of mental and physical condition.
It can be worn by children, students, the elderly and ill for many benefits. Please see question 5 below. They are of the same quality; it is just that it's a question of convenience. The smaller ones cost more simply because the rudraksha is not plucked from a tree, they wait for it to fall down, fully ripe and fall down. So, it is much harder to pick up the smaller beads in the mountain so they cost more; otherwise they're about the same.
Rudraksha offered by us are carefully selected, checked for quality and consecrated. The benefits of each type are mentioned below:. To condition new Rudraksha beads, immerse them in ghee clarified butter for 24 hours and then soak them in full-fat milk for an additional 24 hours. Wash it with water and wipe the beads with a clean cloth. Do not wash them with soap or any cleaning material. Due to this conditioning, the color of the Rudraksha may be altered and it is perfectly normal as these are natural beads.
It is also normal that some color of the thread may also come out during the conditioning. Conditioning should be done every six months as explained below. Conditioning of Rudrakshas should be done every six months. To condition Rudraksha mala or beads, immerse them in ghee clarified butter for 24 hours and then soak them in full-fat milk for an additional 24 hours. Wash it water and wipe the beads with a clean cloth. The mala can be worn all the time. You can even wear it when you sleep or shower.
If you take cold water baths and are not using any chemical soap, it is especially good for the water to flow over it and upon your body.
But if you are using chemical soaps and warm water, it becomes brittle and will crack after sometime, so it is best to avoid wearing it at such times. Traditionally, the number of beads is plus one, the bindu. Depending on the size of the Rudraksha seeds, the mala will have varying number of beads.
All Panchamukhi Rudraksha have the same quality, impact, and benefits regardless of the size. You can choose any of the seven sizes depending on your preference. The smaller beads are rare to find hence the difference in the price. No, you should not share your Rudraksha with anyone else, since the Rudraksha adapts to the wearer. Remember, copper can oxidize milk products so you should not use a copper vessel while conditioning the Rudraksha.
It is best to reposition the bindu to be at the center of your chest, but once you start to move again, so will the bindu. This is okay. Rudraksha have a certain quality by nature, so it is important to wear them on the body in a way that treats the Rudraksha with respect and care. Rudraksha should not be worn like jewelry and kept aside later.