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What should i provide for a salary history

2022.01.06 17:51

You'll get detailed feedback in two business days, including a review of your resume's appearance and content, and a prediction of a recruiter's first impression. After all, your work history isn't the only thing that hiring managers will be looking at when considering you for the job—let Monster's experts show you what else to highlight and what to downplay.

Thank you! You are now a Monster member—and you'll receive more content in your inbox soon. By continuing, you agree to Monster's privacy policy , terms of use and use of cookies. Search Career Advice. Salary history: How much should you tell? If a potential employer wants to know your salary history, should you tell? Learn how to play your cards right if you're asked to disclose salary details. Margaret Steen, Monster contributor. Know how to answer questions about salary.

Related Articles. Your salary history correlates to your level of experience in a given career field. To align your expectations with their budget. If the salary you earned at your most recent job is well above what the current employer is offering you, it may not be the best fit for you. To guarantee a fair amount for the position.

Employers might need to adjust their salary offerings or jobs descriptions depending on the kind of applicants that gravitate toward their opening. For example, if a company receives a lot of applications from people with high average salary histories, they might have to reevaluate their budget for that position.

Create My Free Resume Build a professional resume in minutes. Create My Resume Now How to Handle a Request for Your Salary History You could be prompted to include your salary history in your resume or as an answer to a question on the job application.

You can either give the exact figure or provide a salary range. Be as realistic and accurate as possible. Prospective employers can verify with previous employers while reference checking— so, no throwing out high figures just to make yourself look good. This could buy you some time to become a little more informed about what the value of the job is to the employer. Our resume builder tool will walk you through the process of creating a stand-out Architect resume.

General terms. This is the best course of action if your salary has increased since your start date. If you remember it off the top of your head, give the exact number. Providing your salary history in a list is a little less stressful than doing so while face to face with a hiring manager.

You can curate this ahead of time and it will help get your thoughts together. A list of your salary history follows a similar format to a resume. Include the job title, name of the company, location of the company, start and end dates, and the salary earned. If the question hasn't come up before you get to your first in-person interview, that does not necessarily mean it won't be asked.

Many times an employer - it could be a human resources representative or your potential future boss - will ask you about your salary history as part of the interview. You should feel comfortable handling it the same way as you would in the written or telephone versions. In some respects, it is easier to handle the question in person because you can read the interviewer's response to make sure your story is being properly interpreted.

If the company pushes you harder for a more detailed response, try to come up with a few variations on the same answer. Tell the company, with all due respect, that you don't think your salary history should affect your prospective salary future at a different company - especially if it's in a different industry.

You could try deflecting the question to focus on what the new job requires and why the old pay would not be a good match. Of course, this all means that you have to do some preliminary homework. Visit Salary. Be sure to benchmark the position you're applying for by job content, as opposed to the job title. It is worth noting that some organizations - civil service organizations are one example - have requirements to disclose pay.

But they usually have more rigid pay structures than other employers, so even when you show your pay history, you're not risking as much as you might elsewhere. Once you've mastered the art of being your own agent, the rest will follow. Remember that the employer is the only one who benefits when you say a number first. And your salary history, simply put, is history. Toggle navigation Demo. Experience CompAnalyst: Demo. There is nothing employers like less than candidates who don't follow directions.

An alternative would be to include a salary range rather than a specific amount. If you do include your salary history, be honest. It's easy for potential employers to verify your salary with previous employers. However, you can also say that your salary requirements are flexible. That may help keep you in the running for the position and will give you some flexibility when negotiating compensation later on.

What's the best way to provide your salary history? You can list your salary history in your cover letter without itemizing. For example, you could say, "I am currently earning in the mid-fifties. If you're concerned that your salary is high enough to knock you out of contention for the position, what you might want to do instead is to include a salary range rather than a specific amount. Or, your salary history can be listed on a separate salary history page and enclosed with your resume and cover letter.

A salary history list includes the name of each company worked for, job title, and the salary the candidate has earned while working at the employer:. The following are templates you can use to provide employers with salary history. The second example mentions benefits in addition to annual salary.

Marketing Coordinator Metropolitan, Inc. The information contained in this article is not legal advice and is not a substitute for such advice.