Where is saulat mirza

2022.01.06 17:51

Saulat Mirza was put to death at a jail in Balochistan province on Tuesday. He was convicted in of the killing two years earlier of Karachi's power utility service head Shahid Hamid. Mirza was due to be hanged on 19 March but the execution was delayed after he released a video alleging the killing was ordered by MQM chief Altaf Hussain.

The video came just a week after the authorities carried out a high-profile raid on Nine-Zero, the Karachi headquarters of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement MQM , a powerful regional party. Paramilitary Rangers claimed they captured a number of wanted criminals and recovered a big cache of arms in the raid. Mr Hussain, who lives in self-imposed exile in London, has strenuously denied any involvement in the killing of Mr Hamid. Officials at the maximum security Machh jail said Mirza had sought forgiveness from his guards for any hurt he may have caused them, and had farewell meetings with some of his fellow prisoners before he went to the gallows.

Mirza's execution had been put on hold in March following the release of the video and he was questioned by government investigators in jail. So many victims will sleep with satisfaction tonight. Azim Mughal. Departed soul of Hamid Shahid would be happy Partially today.

Please do not delay the execution of alleged co-suspects. Clean the Karachi. Justice served, why so far only low level people are caught and hanged, why not big fish, who are responsible for making these criminals. I really don't think big fish will ever be prosecuted. Only low level criminals will be prosecuted. Ahmed Ali. Saulat Mirza was not committing heinous crimes all alone.

What about others, why no action? Press is also silent. Kashif Khan. Only in Pakistan can a person serve 19 years in jail and then be executed. Human rights mean nothing in this country. Judiciary is a joke in Pakistan.

All the confessions made were of no use, people behind ordering all these murders were never touched, thats the way justice is served in Pakistan. Juliana Fitzwater , justice will be completely served, if the political group behind is also punished. I don't think he has taken all the evidences with him. Most of the critical information is disclosed under false promises to him and his family. That's why now sindh's governor is not wanted.

Fareed usa. Man destroyed the families of those he made victims of target killings now he destroyed his own family. Who led him to the path of self destruction?

MQM has lot to answer. Juliana Fitzwater True justice will be served "when and if" the top conspirators of these murders are also punished. Deplorable, they way the case was treated for Media purpose He was a hit-man, an assassin, a terrorist. He did not have A master. Some of the hits were, perhaps, on MQM's request.

Who paid him to kill the Americans? Why didn't the investigators release that information to the public? Violence is violence, murder is murder no matter who does it. State did the same; the only difference is the name; when State does it we call it capital punishment. Thoughtful What facts need to be found? He admitted to the murders, and he got punished. The police, prosecutors and judges were all correct.

If someone tells you to go kill someone else, you have the ability to say no. If you do it then its on you. Grafello Vwell said. I wanted to say the same thing to Yuong guys. Crime doesn't pay. Make right choices. Do not follow any pak political leader. They are all depraved and have done nothing for Pakistani people.

Muhammad Farooq Death penalties are not the answer. You have to change the mindset. But who will do that?. We have no leader worth his good. Selective justice where only poor suffer and the main characters walk free and remain behind the screens. The planners and ring leaders must be brought to justice as well above any political compromises.

Even if he was a murderer and criminal the way our electronic media reported his hanging was just shameful and depicted our our nation has been desensitised and we are at the lowest level of class.. We badly badly guillotines in streets like in the French revolution so that common man get an impression and lesson that the hands of law are longer and anarchy can not prevail in Pakistan.

Acting upon the law after 17 years is no good performance. I have now on mind how did Mr. Rehamt Shah afridi owner of newspaper from Peshawar escaped with doctors certificates that he was dying and can stand the execution but is reportedly still alive Newsmen should research if some monies or other bribes did foil the law in that case? President did used his powers can possibly was misguided by various lobbies Poor guy, he was made sacrificial goat by power mongers.

M Jamal. Nobody knows. Justice is clearly very very far away in Pakistan. Execution of criminals should not be given such wide coverage as done by print and electronic media. It should only be reported as routine matter rather than given them projection. Shahid Ali Jatoi. Now it is time to bring to justice all his facilitators!!!

He had no personal enmity with those who were killed. Of course he was following instructions. Who are those who facilitated his stay in jail, arranged mujras, and gave him hope for release?

Who are those who put on hold hangings for killers? We need to see an end to this crimes and criminals! I hope the process of clean up intensifies and not leave anyone involved. May 13, am. Irony here is you worked gave a large part of your life for the organization who supports Khidmat-E-Khalq Foundation KKF ambulance service but when you died they were no where to be found and your dead body was carried by Edhi Ambulance.

So sad, he was an intelligent person, could have an excellent life. I wish he had made sensible choices in his life. Unaiza Faraz. Now catch the ones who were behid this guy. Syed Australia. The main culprits who are the master mind of this murderer should also be brought to justice otherwise the system of justice will remain questionable.

Attorney Tausif Kamal. Much as I'd like to cor with this hanging, the state executed him after many days of the issuance of his death warrant and dilly-dallying torture As such his execution clearly amounted to 'cruel and unusual punishment' by the state, and was thus unlawful. Ahsan gul. He was a murder and did not deserve any sympathy. He chose to do all evil deeds and compromised his family security. Any of his sympathizer do not forget his victims' families agony.

They should have told him ever morning that he would hanged that night and postpone until next day. Ali Awan. Although I am a little saddened after reading the story and seeing the mourning by the family members, I am sure that the family members of the people who were killed by him would have mourned the same way.

I believe that this is the only way to bring justice to the society. I am completely for capital punishment but it must be done in just and transparent manner. Sohaib This is why Pakistan is in the state it is. Everybody is busy supporting their party. No one looks at which candidate is best to serve the country as a whole rather than a specific region or city.

The gist of life is - it is hard to create, impossible to preserve and easy to destroy. A person aware of this gist is hard to sway!!!

Shahid Latif. Simple Question. What was the motive?????? What about the rest of the gang? Thoughtful are you suggesting he was innocent. Latest Stories. Most Popular Must Read. Reuters Dawn. Team doctor says Rizwan was admitted to hospital on Tuesday and spent two nights in intensive care.

I think Saulat had all rigths to have few more days add to his life for the sake of his family. One has a right to go to any length to save his life. Karachi walas respect his right. Why do JITs and inquiry commissions etc take so long even when they "have to" give clean chits? Common Citizen. Yes they did the right thing as that Video was highly suspicious and carried mal-intentions.

Also, even if legally challenged that video can not be admissible in court as evidence so please don't try to put every thing on MQM. Have some respect for legalities too. A JIT is formed to 'clear' people formally and finish the case once for all. What a joke!

It is the job of investigation department to look into the people who are being mentioned in any case. Ghori name has come and therefore agencies must conduct investigation in this regards. Very sad to see the very unprofessional attitude of our investigation people and their masters.

Arshad Hussain. Jan 01, pm. These statement will be used in Future when needed. Who to believe How long our old and discarded system allow the big fish to escape?

Long View. Good decision, let MQM take care of Ghori. JIT is formed to clear the guilty of all charges. In beginning Sualat had hope that Ghori will protect him so he didn't name him. Is this difficult for jit to figure out. Our jits are waste of time. M Jamal. Recently our interior minister Ch Nisar has stated in an interview that JITs report can be formulated as per official demand.

Since then, his family have filed clemency applications in two separate occasions: first in Sindh High Court in and in the. About: Saulat Mirza. Since then, his family have filed clemency applications in two separate occasions: first in Sindh High Court in and in the Supreme Court of Pakistan in ; all applications were rejected by the apex court.