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When was come as you are written

2022.01.06 17:52

Seattle on May 23, Link. No Replies Log in to reply. This is definitely one of the more positive Nirvana songs. If Kurt left behind one good thing, it would be his avocation of being who you are. IronandMark on November 09, Link. General Comment Dude, this song sounds like a complete contradicion: Come as you are, as you were As I want you to be As a friend, as a friend As on old enemy Take your time, hurry up See? Make sense to anyone else? General Comment "Come as you are" This is a warm, inviting sign that can be posted on churches or restaurants.

So, "Come as I want you to be" and "as friend". I want you to be a friend. For this part the lyric is actually, "as a known enemy", not as an old enemy. Kurt Cobain was once quoted, "a friend is nothing but a known enemy. Let's his memory rest. That's one interpretation of the first verse, anyway.

General Comment So many fucking self-absorbed fucks. I had to read through 14 pages filled with completely irrelevant banter to find out if anyone had had similar ideas to me about this song. Honestly -- this site is about Song Meanings, and it is completely off-topic to post your opinions about what Kurt Cobain thought or how Kurt Cobain died.

After reading through the posts and resorting to blindly skipping the ones with the words "Kurt" or "death" or "suicide" in the first 3 lines , I've seen some insight into the song that rings more truly for me than the idea I had when I started. Still, I figured I'd share the impression I got from the song when I initially started thinking about what it might mean. The feeling I got was that someone very close to Kurt Cobain earlier in his life had hurt him very badly, perhaps by choosing another person, and he was struggling with conflicting emotions, love, respect, hate, anger, towards this person.

He wished things to be as they used to be, for the person to come back and be a friend to him. When he insists that he doesn't have a gun, he's not telling the truth; his anger is leading to murderous thoughts, and he's trying to get the person to meet with him so he can express to them how badly he was hurt. I no longer think this is really what the song is about, but I still think of it as an interesting interpretation.

It came to me because that is the situation I am in in my life. I know the pain and the anger and the sorrow every day, and the twisted turns it takes in my mind make me feel ashamed that I am not able to accept and be stronger. In any case, many of the comments have suggested far more likely interpretations of the song, about acceptance and specifically how many groups, some of them well-known and mainstream, want very much to think that they are benevolent and all-accepting when really, sometimes even as a policy, they accept only those who conform to their narrow beliefs and views.

On the topic of mud vs. If the song is perhaps truly about some groups of people who claim to be accepting and kind and friendly but are actually, whether overtly or in secret, very intolerant of other, different groups, then this could be a reference to racial clashes that have caused great conflict and anguish, as much in recent years as in the past.

There have also been other popular theories concerning the meaning of this tune. For instance, some have postulated that it may actually be about drugs.

But at the end of the day, this may simply be a friendship song presented by the tortured genius we know as Kurt Cobain. Indeed along those same lines, it has also been put forth that he actually got the title of this track from the motto of a hotel he used to frequent during his vagabond teenage years.

The director of the music video to this classic track is Kevin Kerslake. Oliver British. Wendy British. Fred US English. Tessa South African. How to say come as you are in sign language? Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of come as you are in Chaldean Numerology is: 9 Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of come as you are in Pythagorean Numerology is: 6. Select another language:. Please enter your email address: Subscribe. Discuss these come as you are definitions with the community: 0 Comments.

Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. Create a new account. Images of a baby swimming underwater a reference to the cover of Nevermind and a pistol floating appear. Towards the end, a clip of the band appears, with Cobain in the front, lying on the ground and kissing the camera. Tribute to Kurt Cobain in Aberdeen. The sign was paid for and created by the Kurt Cobain Memorial Committee, a non-profit organization created in May to honor Cobain.

The film As You Are was named after the Nirvana track. The plot "revolves around a trio of high schoolers in the s, trying to find their way through the difficult maze of adolescence.

A remix of the song was used for trailers of Marvel 's Netflix series The Defenders. Template:Nirvana band. Pop Culture Wiki Explore. Wiki Content. Recent blog posts Forum. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account?

Come as You Are Nirvana song. Edit source History Talk 0. Genxegesis: Essays on Alternative Youth sub culture. Popular Press. Retrieved on September 7,