vaatoterri1984's Ownd

When was heart shaped box written

2022.01.06 17:52

Kurt initially wanted William S. Burroughs — legendary counterculture writer Junkie, Naked Lunch and a hero of his — to play the old man, but he refused. The frontman offered him the option of doing it anonymously, so keen was he to work with the author. To the extent that you may want to avoid any direct use of your image… I would be happy to have my director look into make-up techniques that could conceal your identity.

While I would be proud to have William Burroughs appear as himself in my video, I am more concerned with getting the opportunity to work with you than I am with letting the public know. The most likely scenario seems to be that it is a love song, possibly incorporating both the strengthened feelings for another person one often experiences when exposed to tragedy and perhaps some kind of bonus vaginal in-joke.

Ooh, crows, nice. These were an Anton Corbijn decision. Heroin, a drug with which Kurt Cobain was tragically more than familiar, is derived from a member of the poppy family. Krist is in more sensible trousers now, but the colours in the whole video are nuts, hyper-real, due to a labour-intensive but incredibly effective treatment process.

The footage was shot in colour, converted to black and white and sent to Mexico, where every frame was hand-painted in a style intended to resemble Technicolor, the highly-saturated colour style of the films of the s. Or, you know, he just did. Each to their own. Maybe at this point he thinks along the lines of "if she loved me, why would she want me to harm myself? The priceless advice is sort of using sarcasm, or veiled anger. This guy is angry at all the horrors he's had to face because of his metaphorical imprisonment by the heart shaped box.

He's angry at the pressure that was put on him to do things that should never have been done, to harm himself. He's also angry that he accepted that sort of advice. His new complaint is that he is forever in debt to this priceless advice, in other words, he's fucking pissed that he's been damaged, further corrupted, whatever it was that this shitty "advice" pressured him to do that left him with bad memories.

I couldn't agree more! General Comment This song is pretty simple and everyone is over analyzing it. Kurt was a Pisces, Courtney was a Cancer astrologically and as a person. Kurt used to tell Courtney "I'm forever in debt to your priceless advice" when they were arguing.

My Interpretation I'm not trying to insult anyone but you're all way off the mark here. This is obviously a song about Luke realizing what the dark side of the force is via his visions of Darth Vader. Magnet tar pit trap is a direct reference to that cave. She eyes me like a Pisces is Obi Wan trying to keep the fact that Leia is Luke's twin sister out of his mind, because if he thinks about his sister, then she will be betrayed to their dark side. I've got a new complaint, forever in debt to your priceless advice is a jab at Luke's training with Yoda itself.

He is too really too old to train and therefore his first instincts lead him to discount that training with sarcasm and narcissism. And broken hymen of your highness? That's obviously a reference to Queen Amadala, who died in childbirth.

This has to be kept out of Luke's mind, or else he will succumb to the dark side! So, sorry Nirvana fans, Kurt was just trying to let us all know the dangers of the dark side with this one! Nightcrow4 on April 03, General Comment No offense, but you guys are all stupid. Kurts passion was in the way he wrote the music, and the way in which he SANG the vovals, not the vocals themselves.

Kurt wanted you to listen to the music, and have your emotions provoked by that- the music. The lyrics, they were your's to make of them what you wanted. If Kurt was still alive, he'd be pretty pissed off about all these petty arguments.

Oh yeah. Kurt and Courtney loved each other. Who cares what Love tells the press. She could tell them she's really a guy, but it wouldn't make her one would it?

Kurt killed himself. He and i share a disorder called bipolar disorder, so i understood his head. Stop guessing as to every movement that Kurt made, and just listen to his music. Kade on February 22, Link. Kade Kade that is a gross underestimation of his talent and of language itself. Take an English class and read the lyrics as poetry. Those lyrics meet high critical standards and therefore are open to serious interpretation. And I'm bipolar too, but that doesn't mean I understand your head or his or anyone else I've never met.

Wrona on January 30, Kade you mean borderline? General Comment this song was about courtney. He had already written the song way before she gave him the box. Artists - N. Rate These Lyrics. More Nirvana Lyrics.

Early mentions of the track, including its demo refer to the song as Heart-Shaped Coffin Still, had it been called Heart-Shaped Coffin, the song's original title would have only made it all the more haunting and prophetic when Cobain sadly lost his life. See more More on Nirvana. Foo Fighters. More on Nirvana See more More on Nirvana.

Her cover was softer than the original. After Del Rey covered the song, Love decided to chime in on Twitter. On top of which some of the lyrics about my vagina I contributed. So umm next time you sing it, think about my vagina will you?