Pz iii which gun

2022.01.06 17:53

Each section was of a welded construction and all four were bolted together. The hull was divided into two main compartments divided by a bulkhead. The front compartment housed the gearbox and steering mechanism and the rear one both the fighting and engine compartment. Basic hull, turret, superstructure and crew layout remained unchanged throughout the production life of Panzerkampfwagen III series. Ausf J had its armor protection significantly improved as it ranged from 10mm to 50mm.

New type of front access hatches was installed along with new air intakes on the hull front. The only difference between both models was the main armament and ammunition stowage for 84 in contrast to previous 99 rounds. These guns had originally been fitted to older Panzer IV Ausf A to F1 models and had been placed into storage when those tanks had also been up armed to longer versions of the 75mm gun. All early models up to and including the Ausf. F had two 7.

Models from the Ausf. G and later had a single coaxial MG34 and the hull MG The range was generally around km 96 mi. Only a few hundred Ausf. A through F were available in these campaigns, most armed with the millimetre 1. They were the best medium tank available to the Germans and outclassed most of their opponents such as the Polish 7TP , French R and H light tanks.

At this time the majority of the available tanks including re-armed Ausf. E and F, plus new Ausf. G and H models had the millimetre 1. However, the most numerous Soviet tanks were the T and BT tanks. This, along with superior German tactical skill, [9] crew training, and the good ergonomics of the Panzer III all contributed to a rough favourable kill ratio for German tanks of all types in This could penetrate the T frontally at ranges under metres 1, ft.

In addition, to counter antitank rifles, in the Ausf. However, due to the introduction of the upgunned and uparmoured Panzer IV, the Panzer III was, after the Battle of Kursk , relegated to secondary roles, such as training, and it was replaced as the main German medium tank by the Panzer IV and the Panther. By the end of the war, the Pz.

III had almost no frontline use and many vehicles had been returned to the factories for conversion into StuG assault guns, which were in high demand due to the defensive warfare style adopted by the German Army by then.

Military Wiki Explore. Popular pages. Raaen, Jr. You risk a low roll when shooting HE at the wrong spot. My play style favored the 50mm with a low alpha and high ROF. If you are very good with ammo switching, know which ammo will pen where without going into sniper mode all the time, I can see how the DERP can be very effective. I had a few really good games with the DERP. However, I lost a couple where I scored 5HP hits in a clutch situation.

BoomMfer, on 22 August - AM, said:. Community Forum Software by IP. Please log in to reply. The long 50 mm. All early models up to and including the Ausf F had two 7. Only a few hundred Ausf A through Fs were available in these campaigns: most armed with the millimeter gun.

They were the best medium tanks available to the Germans and outclassed most of their opponents, such as the Polish 7TP and French R and H light tanks. However, the most numerous Soviet tanks were the T and BT tanks. This, along with superior German tactical skill, crew training, and the good ergonomics of the Panzer III, contributed to an approximate favorable kill-ratio for German tanks of all types in This cannon could penetrate the T frontally at ranges under metres.

Against the KV, it was a threat if armed with special high-velocity tungsten rounds. In addition, in the Ausf L version began the use of spaced armour skirts around the turret and on the hull sides to counter anti-tank rifles. V Panther. Welcome to Wargaming. Tank Discussion. View Source View history.

Jump to: navigation , search. These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes. VK Player Opinion. Pros and Cons Pros: Very fast speed and traverse; can easily be a scout when needed Upper front armor gives many at-tier enemies trouble Fast firing, somewhat accurate 50mm gun with ridiculous APCR pen. There are now some specific information on situations this tank can encounter: In a game where the Pz.

Early Research The Engine should be researched first in order to fulfil your role as a scouting medium tank , for it will give plenty more acceleration followed by the Tracks, from there, research the turret and the guns, the radio can be costly to research, so save it for last. Suggested Equipment. Historical Info. Historical Gallery. A impact of a boys projectile at the commanders cuppola of a Pz III. Historical Accuracy Errata. The following are consensus errors or inconsistencies which have been identified with the configuration of the vehicle in question and conflict with information available on the public record.

The causes for these divergences in the game are normally not disclosed and may be rooted in game balance. Only the Pz. N had the 7,5cm Kw. Sources and External Links. II Ausf.