Should i drink soda with a sore throat
Comments Close comments menu. Video link. Close X. Click to scroll back to top of the page Back to top. Posted December 6, pm. View image in full screen. Smaller font Descrease article font size - A. Wondering if gargling really works? Read this brief New York Times article about a research study on the effectiveness of gargling.
To relieve pain and reduce inflammation, take ibuprofen e. Motrin, Advil , acetaminophen e. Tylenol or generic versions of these medicines, following package directions. Keep your throat moist by using a vaporizer or sucking on throat lozenges, ice or popcicles. Some lozenges also help relieve pain.
But should we be drinking hot drinks or sucking on ice pops to sooth the pain? Whether you are experiencing the common cold or the flu , a sore throat is likely going to be your companion for a few days.
We are no strangers to the nuisance of sore throats in the Medical News Today editorial office. But our opinions are divided between those who have grown up with the belief that hot drinks are the best remedy for sore throats and those who think that ice pops or ice cream are the go-to solution. Adults get between two and five common colds every year. In school-aged children, this number ranges from seven to 10, and sore throats plague many when these infections strike.
While viruses and bacteria are the root cause of the sickness, our immune system is actually to blame for the symptoms that we experience. Macrophages are patrol cells of the immune system, who are constantly on the look-out for viruses and bacteria. Upon a close encounter, macrophages release immune molecules to kick-start the fight against these microorganisms. Two such immune signaling molecules are bradykinin and prostaglandin E2, which stimulate nerve endings in our throat.
This is what causes the sensation of pain. However, drinking the right fluids may be all you need to relieve the scratchy, painful feeling. Here are some of the best drinks to soothe your sore throat:.
Any warm beverage can help soothe a sore throat. Drinking warm lemon water may be especially useful when you have a sore throat due to an illness, as it can add a small extra dose of vitamin C to your diet.
Vitamin C can boost your immune system and may even help you overcome colds. Adding honey to your lemon water may also treat a sore throat and cough. For example, a small study found that honey can help speed up the recovery of a sore throat due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
Ginger tea may also help soothe a sore throat. In fact, a study indicated that a hot water extract of fresh ginger might help protect you from the respiratory syncytial virus — a highly infectious virus that commonly affects young children — though more robust human studies are still needed.
If you're not a fan of ginger tea, you may want to opt for chamomile tea , which is made from dried Matricaria flowers. According to Amber Robins , MD, a board-certified family medicine doctor and lifestyle medicine strategist at Camillia Wellness in Maryland, chamomile tea can reduce inflammation in the throat.