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Why moisturize before bed

2022.01.06 17:54

You can also prop up the head of your bed on 2- to 4-inch pieces of wood. The extended skin contact time brings much better results. Fibers on most cotton pillows are rough against the hair cuticles. Changing a cotton or linen pillowcase every one to two days can also bring an improvement. They're dangerous to your health and wreak havoc on your skin. Look for foods rich in Vitamin C and add some dark leafy greens high in water to your diet.

Healthy food choices help create and maintain healthy, moist skin. Other bedtime best practices are adding moisture to the air in your bedroom with a humidifier to gently vaporize the air and add humidity. Also, Sobel says that your retinoids and hyaluronic acid products should be applied in the evening to help accelerate the skin's repair functions as you sleep. Adding retinol-based serum like Care Skincare Tireless, Retinoid Night Serum can help boost collagen production and encourages epidermal cell renewal, while hyaluronic acid deeply hydrates skin, reducing the effects of overnight water loss.

By Nykia Spradley May 01, Save Pin More. Credit: Getty. Comments Add Comment. Back to story Comment on this project. Tell us what you think Thanks for adding your feedback. All rights reserved. Keep it simple. Sorry, cotton lovers. Silk or satin is the best material for your skin. Harsher materials like cotton are rough on your skin— and your hair —while you toss and turn in your sleep, leading to wrinkles and irritation. It might be time to rethink your "mountain fresh" soap, at least for your pillowcases.

Chemicals in fragrance can irritate and inflame your skin while you sleep and even sometimes cause a rash, says Johnson. She suggests washing your pillowcases with unscented detergent , and without fabric softener, at least once a week. By now, you should know about the dangers of blue light. Spending too much time on your phone, computer, or tablet before bed can ruin your sleep and therefore put you at higher risks of cancer and depression , among other problems.

Still can't give it up? Knowing that it can also mess with your skin might sway you. Getting enough sleep is essential for that bright, healthy glow you're after, Hollmig says. Retinoid use over a period of several months is known to promote the development of new blood vessels and collagen, as well as smoothing out sun-damaged skin.

It is not enough to just slap some lotion on your face and head to bed, especially as you get older. Time marches on, no matter what you do.

With a good daily habit of moisturizing before bed using the right products, your skin will age with grace and poise. Verlo Corporate. Sleep Health. When is the Best Time to Moisturize? Applying moisturizer before bed allows three things to happen: 1.