When is it tmj versus root canal
The grinding will eventually erode the structure of the teeth and lead to much more severe dental problems in the future. Untreated TMJ is one of the prime underlying factors in eroded jawbones and loose teeth. It is important for anyone experiencing the symptoms of TMJ to visit the dentist for an exact diagnosis.
What does treating TMJ involve? TMJ could be a result of several different problems. Bad bite is the most common, but an injury resulting from a blow to the meniscus cartilage is also a possibility. Once a firm diagnosis is attained, there are several ways in which relief can be provided. A specially molded bite guard can be created to stop teeth grinding during the night. A bite relationship analysis may be recommended by the dentist. The dentist can also provide advice on relaxation techniques which will lessen the effects of stress.
As a last alternative, the dentist is also able to prescribe muscle relaxants. Realignment involves adjusting the relationship between how the upper teeth come together with the lower teeth. It is not a painful procedure, and it is one the dentist has performed with great success numerous times.
As with any procedure, the dentist will be happy to answer questions and discuss symptoms, options, and treatments. In most cases, your description of symptoms, combined with a simple physical examination of the face and jaw by your dentist, provides useful information for diagnosing this disorder.
Your dentist may also take x-rays and make a cast of your teeth, to see how your bite fits together, or request specialized x-rays for the TM joints. Your complete medical history may be reviewed as well, so it is important to keep your dental office record up to date when looking for a diagnosis.
At Duff Family Dental , our dentists can examine your mouth to help diagnose TMJ early, before you experience severe symptoms.
We also offer effective TMJ treatment and other general dentistry services, like root canals and dental implants. We look forward to hearing from you! What Causes It? Common symptoms of TMJ include the following: Pain or tenderness of your jaw or TM joints Aching pain in and around your ear Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing Aching facial pain Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth Problems when you try to open your mouth wide Swelling on the side of your face Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint See also What to Do If You Break a Tooth.
Amalgam fillings are metal fillings. Metals expand and contract with hot and cold foods and drinks, and your tooth does not flex with these changes, causing micro-cracks. Over a number of years, these micro-cracks turn into more prominent cracks, and eventually, your tooth may break off. White fillings do not expand and contract with hot and cold foods and drinks, and are ideal for front and back teeth. At our Browns Plains practice, we colour match white fillings to your tooth so that no matter where you need a filling, it will always look aesthetically pleasing appearing like a natural tooth.
When you get a toothache, the first thought is that you will need to have a tooth taken out. This may not always be the case. Here at Dental Aspects, we try to help ease your pain.
The cause of the pain is diagnosed with our latest technology to give you a few different options on how you would like us to proceed. It is always best to keep your own natural teeth rather than taking it out, however in some instances, this may not be the best treatment option for you.
Wisdom teeth commonly cause discomfort in many people, especially young adults.