tiodatiri1972's Ownd

Who said be careful what you wish for

2022.01.06 17:55

Stars line up and volcanoes birth out bits of glass that foretell the future. Poison berries make girls stronger, but sometimes kill them. If you howl at the moon and swear on your blood, anything you desire will be yours. All great sci-fi is: Be careful what you wish for. Revenge is just a really good drive for drama and good action. One of the downsides of being famous is that folks pay far more attention to you than they should. American celebrities are constantly under surveillance, and every word they say is subject to scrutiny.

So, be careful what you wish for if you desire fame. No human being should be a goldfish. Because revenge is a very known feeling in American culture, theres a certain element of an eye for an eye. Theres the saying, 'Be careful what you wish for, you might get it'.

When you wish for revenge, and you think you've gotten it, what happens then? Be careful what you wish for,her mind thundered. Be careful what you wish for, I guess. I believe - this will sound bloated, but I believe it - that true art, the potent stuff, can take the world down with it, just like religion can.

And the opposite of course. I really would like to be involved in things and to understand things, and in some ways you've got to be careful what you wish for because I feel very, very blessed to have such an interesting life and to be able to have little snapshots of lives of people from many different parts of the world. President Obama said in an interview over the weekend that he really misses being anonymous. He said, 'I miss Saturday mornings rolling out of bed and not shaving, going to the market It's like aversion therapy.

You keep doing scenes over and over again with three women in the bed with you, and we had to do them all in one week. Three girls would step out and another three girls would step into the bed.

It sounds like a fantasy but by the end of it, I just wanted to go for a hike on my own in the north of England, in the hills. Because it became a sort of "be careful what you wish for" kinda thing. Im honored to assist, Reichen told Lucan and Tegan as the three men loaded the last of the bags and weaponry. Ive often wondered what it might be like to stand among the Order as one of your own.

Be careful what you wish for, Lucan drawled. Depending how things go, theres a good chance we could end up knighting you on the field. Every day we present the best quotes! Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends. This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to its functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy.

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Login Sign Up. Funny , Dream , Humorous. We often wish that we were in a different place, relationship, or circumstance. Hardly do we think about the consequences of having the things we desire. At times when we get what we want, we settle down being less happy than when we started.

Ancient History Encyclopedia Limited. Pugliano-Martin, Carol. Scholastic Teaching Resources. Pages Last Modified 24 May Last modified on 24 August Like Liked by 1 person.

I was actually thinking about the U. Presidential Election and the Brexit when writing this post. Like Like. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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Learn how your comment data is processed. Skip to content. What Is the Origin of the First Saying? May I have my wish? Now everything you touch will turn to gold. Rid me of this terrible wish! Many of us believe there is something beyond what we are doing right now that will make us happier — alas the grass always appears to be greener. And now…the world does indeed appear to have stopped.

The very thing we took for granted, our liberty, stripped away from us literally overnight, but has it, really?