Where is mario letter in luigi mansion

2022.01.06 17:55

Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: hombad46 hombad46 3 years ago 2 Desk in the twins room It's tempting to linger in this moment, while every possibility still exists. Do i need to have hp to get a gold portrait on each of the 25 ghosts? Open the curtain with your Poltergust. Open the chest for a key. Don't go to the location shown yet, though. Instead, go into the room across the corridor.

Nana is sitting peacefully in her rocking chair, doing her knitting. Check the basket of wool to release the three balls, and they will start rolling around the room. You need to hit Nana with all three balls. Once you have one, she will start to move around the room and shoot 'lasers' at you. If you miss at any point, you'll have to leave the room and start over.

Once you hit her with all three, she's ready to be caught. Get the key from the chest that appears, catch the Boo, and head for the last unlocked room on this floor. Along the way, catch a Fire Element Ghost from one of the candles in the corridor. This is an unusual room. If you try to leave by the door to the east, you'll come back in through the door to the west. Light the candles and stand in the centre of the star.

The flames on the candles will turn an ominous purple. The doors will be sealed shut. Now you can catch the Boo, and leave via the eastern door. Check out the telescope. Luigi will see the Moon through it. This causes the walls of the room to mostly disappear. Step out onto the small balcony that this event creates. You'll see a meteor shower. You need to catch one of the falling stars, and shoot the Moon with it.

Aim to the left of the Moon, and once you hit it, it will explode, creating a glowing path, at the end of which is Mario's Star! Get the Star, leave, and go downstairs to the room where you got the key for earlier, in the Bathroom. The 'legendary' billiards player, Slim Bankshot, walks around his pool table, continuously practising.

When he breaks off, you need to catch the billiard balls, and hit him with three of them. Don't worry too much about missing him. Once you've hit him three times, he'll be stunned, and you can catch him. Collect the treasure from the chest that appears, catch the Boo, and go into the next room. This room is very similar to the Mirror Room. Turn on the projector, and watch out for the silhouettes of ghosts appearing.

This room contains 6 Purple Grabbing Ghosts. When you catch all of them, a red chest containing Mario's Glove will appear. Catch the Boo, and return to the Billiards Room. Go upstairs to the main corridor of Area 1, and enter the door for which you have the key. Look up at the ceiling to see a mobile made of two toy planes. Point your Poltergust at it, and turn it on. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. More information. From Luigi's Mansion Wiki.

File:LM Hat. File:LM Glove. File:LM Letter. File:LM Shoe. File:LM Star. Mario's Star is either the second, third, fourth, or fifth item that Luigi collects in the game. This item is located on a floating platform at the Observatory after Luigi launches a Meteor Ghost to a moon and destroys it.

A pathway then appears to lead Luigi to the platform. Luigi's Mansion Wiki Explore. Luigi Mario E. Gadd Toad King Boo More Explore Wikis Community Central.