Why are slurry tanks so dangerous
A high proportion of PTO entanglements occur when using slurry tankers. Agricultural contractors must be aware of the dangers of working with slurry and should ensure that they work safely at all times.
Several people were drowned in water on farms in recent years. Where possible, fence off water hazards and take a cautious approach when working near water tanks, ponds, rivers or lakes. Children are particularly at risk. Healthy, safe and productive lives and enterprises. Please Note Our website uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience and to collect information about how you use this site to improve our service to you.
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Workplace Stress. Safe Handling of Slurry In Ireland, over 40 million tonnes of slurry are stored, handled and spread each year.
Toxic gases Toxic gases are released during the bacterial decomposition of slurry in tanks. Prevention Evacuate and ventilate before you agitate. Never agitate slurry in still air conditions. Move all animals out of the shed before commencing. The risk is variable and difficult to predict. You may not have noticed any problems until now but the gas is always there during mixing. A combination of conditions can easily result in you and your animals suddenly being in serious danger.
Slurry gas is a mixture of gases including methane, carbon dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, all produced by bacteria during the decomposition of slurry. A high concentration knocks out your sense of smell, causing difficulty in breathing, then disorientation. After only a few breaths, collapse and death can occur. This gas rapidly displaces air from the lungs and affects the nervous system.
Some gas may bubble to the surface but most remains dissolved in the liquid in a similar way to gas held within a bottle of fizzy drink.
As soon as slurry mixing starts, the gas is released rapidly. The addition of other materials such as silage effluent may increase the quantity of gas produced. The rate of gas release is variable and difficult to predict, adding to the danger. At high concentrations it is not possible to smell hydrogen sulphide. The gas is generally given off in large volumes very soon after mixing starts in any area of the tank.
The first 30 minutes are the most dangerous. As mixing continues, the quantity of slurry gas released falls off. However - each time the pump is repositioned to mix another part of the tank, gas concentration rises again. Stay out of the building for at least another 30 minutes or longer depending on the size of the tank.
Slurry pumps that are designed to allow the PTO shaft to remain attached to the tractor when the pump is being transported have a high centre of gravity and it is important to follow the advice below:.
It is essential that the two lower lift arms on the tractor are properly latched and locked into the two brackets on the slurry pump linkage frame before the top link or PTO shaft are attached.
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