Where is otsego michigan

2022.01.06 17:55

Services: ticket office, fully wheelchair accessible, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, snack bar, paid short-term parking, paid long-term parking, call for car rental service, taxi stand, intercity bus service. Local government website: ci. Average household size: This city: 2. Percentage of family households: This city: Percentage of households with unmarried partners: This city: 7. People in group quarters in Otsego in 18 people in other noninstitutional group quarters 6 people in other group homes 5 people in homes for the physically handicapped 4 people in homes for the mentally retarded.

Education Gini index Inequality in education Here: Number of grocery stores : 22 This county : 1. Michigan : 2. Number of supercenters and club stores : 2 Allegan County : 0. Michigan : 0. Number of convenience stores no gas : 21 Here : 1. Michigan : 1. Number of convenience stores with gas : 36 Allegan County : 3. State : 2. Number of full-service restaurants : 85 Allegan County : 7. State : 6. Adult diabetes rate : Allegan County : 8.

Adult obesity rate : Allegan County : Low-income preschool obesity rate : Allegan County : Healthy diet rate : This city: Average overall health of teeth and gums : Otsego: Average BMI : Otsego: People feeling badly about themselves : Otsego: People not drinking alcohol at all : This city: 8. Average hours sleeping at night : Here: 6. Overweight people : This city: General health condition : Otsego: Average condition of hearing : Otsego: Here: 7.

WZUU WMUK WAYK WAH WCSG WFAT WIDR WAF Start Your Review of Otsego. Members receive 10 FREE city profile downloads a month, unlimited access to our detailed cost of living calculator and analysis, unlimited access to our DataEngine, and more. Enhanced Cost of Living Calculator Now includes childcare, taxes, health, housing for home owners vs renters, insurance costs and more when you upgrade to premium. Log In Sign Up. Median Age Download This Place.

City: Otsego Zip Codes: Best Places to Live in Otsego Rankings. Housing Market in Otsego. It's a good time to buy in Otsego. Home Appreciation is up You can also use our New Interactive Map to explore places. You can also expand it to fill the entire screen rather than just working with the map on one part of the screen.

Navigate your way through foreign places with the help of more personalized maps. Use the satellite view, narrow down your search interactively, save to PDF to get a free printable Otsego plan. Click this icon on the map to see the satellite view, which will dive in deeper into the inner workings of Otsego. Feel free to download the PDF version of the Otsego, MI map so that you can easily access it while you travel without any means to the Internet. If you are looking for directions to Otsego, MI rather than an online map of all of the places that you are interested in visiting, you also have the option of finding and saving the directions for future use.

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