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Why are there nickelback jokes

2022.01.06 17:55

And with that, here are some other major moments of ridicule against Nickelback. With many more sure to follow. Nickelback gets pelted with rocks and bottles at a hard rock festival in Portgual, forcing the band to quit after two songs. The event coincided with the DFS furniture ad. Aux Labs develops NickelBlock app to block all mentions of Nickelback from your internet experience.

App goes completely viral, used by millions and spreads to Facebook. Nearly 56, football fans sign a petition to prevent Nickelback from playing the halftime show between the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers.

The band plays just one song. Nickelback refuses to allow broadcast of their charity performance at Alberta Flood Aid, drawing the ire of thousands of fans. The troll also attended other Republican rallies. World waits for next Nickelback moment of hilarity. Kroger has a great voice and they are excellent musicians. Face it, their good and everyone is jealous. Kroeger has an incredible and unique voice and I love their songs. The issue is that they are purely a product of the record industry.

Their music is completely unoriginal, recycled rock riffs designed to appeal to the average rock audience. It is an insult to the seasoned rock music fan that they think they can appeal to our lowest common denominator. Fact is even the worst of Nickelbacks songs had a million more times the talent of all of rap music ever created.

What an incredibly inappropriate and broadly-generalizing comment. Imho, so many people claim to hate Nickelback merely for the reason it makes them feel included.

Call it the Bandwagon Effect, but people gravitate towards what makes them feel vindicated and liked. Smell that? Pants on fire. Pants on fire everywhere…. Or country songs, let alone other rock songs. Juke Box Hero? Every rap song not about misogyny? Come on that is a lame reason to hate. Well said. Not a huge fan but they have some good songs. Forget hating Nickelback; hate the bandwagon. Lost in a myth that they still have it after all these years. Very well said Brandy!! Not that Nickleback is any of these but they hugely successful.

Paul… your articles are so stupid. You are being delusional with this Nickelback thing. This is a question i have asked myself many times over the last couple of years. Glad someone actually took the time to figure it out…even though its still a mystery. As for you asdasd, you sound like a prick.

Just saw them in concert and they rocked it. Besides, I think most hate for them stems from the anti-immigrant sentement that exists in the U. Nice try making this a political thing. I hate them. They suck. Chad Kroeger is an arrogant prick. He had the nerve to call Slipknot and Stone Sour Nickelback light. Both bands are more talented and neither band sound like Nickelback garbage. Nickelback reminds me of Creed. Overhyped and overrated. HOW do they remind you of Creed??

In it, comedian Brian Posehn, responding to a question about a study that tied violent lyrics to violent behaviour, said: "No one talks about the studies that show that bad music makes people violent, but listening to Nickelback makes me want to kill Nickelback. Later, the band's hit Rockstar, about the materialistic and misogynistic desires of wannabe rock stars, cemented the group as wannabes, she added.

One Facebook group asked whether a picture of a pickle could get more likes than Nickelback. It even became a popular insult to say someone likes Nickelback. During the U. In recent years, Nickelback has gotten in on the joke, responding to critics on social media with snarky replies, Lazzaro adds. Their sheer commercial popularity and success led many to feel that Nickelback was bland, inauthentic, and formulaic. So, even early in their success, many people hated them for seeming insincere and simply producing popular music for the money.

In , Comedy Central started a panel show called Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, where comedians discussed news stories. Everyone who watched Comedy Central was exposed to this joke multiple times that year, making Nickelback the butt of similar jokes and helping to cement a certain image of the band in the mind of people who watched the network.

The commercial was terrible, with poor production values, and prominently featured the song. The commercial was later banned for being deceptive and exaggerating the size of the sofa. The fact that the commercial aired so widely and was seen by so many, was so bad and poorly made, and associated the band with cheap, discount sofas was terrible for Nickelback. It cemented the perception of the band as sellouts who are only in music for the money, and not having integrity or authenticity.

A number of memes and online videos critical of the band went viral. Among them:. Over time, the two perceptions: that Nickelback is an objectively bad band that makes terrible music, and that hating Nickelback is funny and good material for jokes, merged into a single cultural awareness and reference point.

Once there was widespread adoption of these two ideas, the world was ripe for an endless stream of Nickelback jokes, memes, and general mockery. In recent years, some defenders of Nickelback have emerged, helped along by the more-or-less good grace the band has had about being the butt of an endless stream of jokes.

People eventually forgot the ad and the exact joke, but the sentiment behind it had the staying power to put Nickelback on the map as a hated band, a joke. From then on, the idea of hating Nickelback definitely grew organically, but the band and its members ended up doing a lot to unintentionally add fuel to the fire.

In July , Nickelback released their fifth U. It saw overwhelmingly negative reviews from music critics, and some have even deemed it the worst song of all time. Typically, the frontman of a rock band embodies the traits of our idea of what a rockstar is. Most of all, everyone loves them. His notably raspy voice and formerly spaghetti-like long blonde hair are definitely contributing factors too.

Nickelback … anyone? When the viral Internet we know and love today—the one filled with memes , sarcastic petitions and jokey events , full of self-deprecation—got underway, all of the Nickelback jokes transferred to the online world, where they prospered more than ever and even found new outlets. In the month the group was live, the pickle rallied more than 1.

And of course, after years of being what can only be considered a real-life meme, Nickelback became an online viral meme sensation.

After years of this, Nickelback simply caved and began embracing their role as a meme. In January , the band started posting sarcastic responses to insults they received on Twitter. The band has embraced this as well, most recently during the Presidential race.