Why does anne trujillo look different
Support Us. Keep Westword Free. Anne Trujillo, the early years. Anne Trujillo circa , as seen in her first publicity photo for Denver7. Anne Trujillo with her current on-air partner, Shannon Ogden.
Since we started Westword , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Denver, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.
Michael Roberts has written for Westword since October , serving stints as music editor and media columnist. He currently covers everything from breaking news and politics to sports and stories that defy categorization. Contact: Michael Roberts. Follow: Facebook: Michael Roberts. Twitter: mikerobertscolo. Don't Miss Out. Kickboxing, boxing, grappling and other movements are part of the karate experience. You learn what to do if someone is attacking. When she joined the station, he was already working there, and he is now a freelance photographer.
But I enjoy being physically active. I love having that opportunity now. Trujillo, a Coloradoan by choice, says many Colorado women enjoy physical challenges. Colorado is one of those places that breeds risk-taking. People are health-conscious here.
Karate is a newfound chance to express her energy, a way to kick out and kick back. Though she maintains a pace that would fatigue others, Trujillo considers the time spent doing karate time well spent. She holds fast to the ideals her parents instilled in their homes, the family living first in Santa Fe, then in Los Angeles and finally in Denver. Her dad worked at a grocery store during the day and studied at night to become an engineer. He was an independent contractor for about 25 years.
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