Why does penny work at the cheesecake factory

2022.01.06 17:56

Community Bot 1. Martin Martin 3 3 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. Add a comment. The best. Carlos Machina Carlos Machina 43 1 1 bronze badge. Welcome to the Stack Exchange. Quick note: this doesn't actually answer the question. May I suggest taking the Tour to get a better understanding of how we work here.

MeatTrademark - I think he believes it does, in summary "it doesn't resemble a real cheesecake factory, so that when you go to one you'll be pleasantly surprised" Make something look substandard as advertising? I'm never going there! Yeah, that's not the rule. A trademark exists to protect the customer from confusion. If you wanted to make a jet airliner called "The Cheesecake Factory", you could get away with it -- because there is no potential for confusion.

You could not call a restaurant "A Cheesecake Factory" or "The Cheezecake Factory" or anything else that might confuse customers. And, anyone can mention a trademark, so long as they don't imply that the trademark owner somehow endorses the mention. Lots of companies are named "United" or "American" or "Delta" -- but don't name your new airline that! Bob Bob 1. Any source for your claim or just a wild guess. Featured on Meta.

Now live: A fully responsive profile. Related Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Accept all cookies Customize settings. He hesitantly ordered a hamburger at Leonard's behest and waited to be disappointed.

However, Sheldon ended up loving his meal and added The Cheesecake Factory to their list of acceptable eateries. In "The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification," Sheldon fears dying before making a contribution to science. Life would be safer for him if he stayed in his bedroom instead of riding in cars and busses and traveling to work every day.

To be a part of his friends' lives, Sheldon created a robot that allowed him to see what was going on. Shockingly, Leonard brought the robot with him to work and The Cheesecake Factory. With Sheldon in virtual attendance, he saw famed engineer and programmer Steve Wozniak eating at The Cheesecake Factory.

Considering he was in robot form, Sheldon regretted his decision and ran to the bus for the chance to meet him. Leonard and Priya had a lot of promise when they started dating.

They had tons in common and were interested in each other's work. The more serious they became, the more envious Penny got. Thanks to weekly girls' nights, Penny, Amy, and Bernadette all talked about disrupting Priya and Leonard's relationship. One day at The Cheesecake Factory, Bernadette took everyone's order and told Penny that if Priya ordered a non-fat option, she would totally give her the "full-fat" kind.

And funny enough, Bernadette did just that. Priya ordered a diet cola and Bernadette gave her a regular cola. In the fifth season, Sheldon felt like he was wasting too much of his time being indecisive and thinking about silly things. To expedite his decisions, he carried around dice and rolled them around when he needed an answer. While at The Cheesecake Factory, Sheldon rolled the die to help him with what to eat, drink, and when to go to the bathroom. It wasn't the smartest decision Sheldon ever had but it wasn't the worst either.

He seemed happy rolling those dice! Lynn is a nomad who travels the globe on the hunt for her next adventure with her husband. Raj invited the group to attend the People event but they denied his invitation. They were so annoyed by his behavior that they couldn't imagine being with him another second.

It was quite sad seeing how much Raj changed and how little his friends cared for his accomplishment. Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard needed to prepare for their trip to the North Pole so that they would know what to expect when their expedition came. They needed a place cool enough to simulate the Arctic weather, which is where The Cheesecake Factory comes into play. Sheldon begged Penny to allow them to into The Cheesecake Factory's freezer to practice. She denied his request at first but by the end of the episode, they were all in the restaurant's freezer.

Raj is incensed and felt betrayed by his sister and best friend, but there wasn't a lot he could do. Leonard brought Priya with him to The Cheesecake Factory to eat with the rest of the guys but that's where things got emotional. This scene wasn't sad as a whole but viewers saw a piece of Penny die when she met the lovely and enchanting Priya.

She was stunning, educated, and could keep up with Leonard's brain. Penny took their order and slowly realized that she messed up.

When Sheldon got in the middle of an argument between his girlfriend Amy and close friend Wil Wheaton, he was at a loss. He never had to choose a person over another person before. He loved Amy but he also didn't want Wil viewing him differently — especially after their Fun with Flags episode. Sheldon wound up at The Cheesecake Factory where he asked for some liquid courage from Penny. In Sheldon's mind, he thought he was getting iced tea but Penny actually served him Long Island iced tea.

Sheldon was wasted in a matter of moments. Sheldon doesn't do well when two people he cares for are in an argument. The negative atmosphere consumes him. In an attempt to smooth things over between a quarreling Leonard and Penny, Sheldon showed up at The Cheesecake Factory for lunch.