League of legends how many games to level 30
In times like this, Riot might crackdown and ban your account altogether. The fastest way to get back on the ranked ladder is to cut through the long process of leveling a fresh account by purchasing one from us. We have accounts that have a BE balance of at least 20k, so you can get your Boots of Swiftness on and game on.
However, there is one thing that tends to get in the way of doing this: the price. It may not import your game history along with it, but it does get you everything you need to start building a new reputation as a player on a different server. Not only do you not have to change your runes or refund any champions, but you can devote all your resources toward your secondary role instead of sharing it with your primary role.
Take the edge off and learn like a newbie with an unranked smurf. When it comes down to it, buying a pre-leveled unranked smurf is just cheaper than the alternatives. It costs less than a regional switch but more than a fresh free account, but when you consider all the time saved by purchasing it, everything evens out. Take the plunge and check out what we have to offer. You have the choice of playing a TON of games to reach level 30, or do it the efficient way.
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You can even win prizes by doing so! I liked this Guide. I didn't like this Guide. Vote Comment. Comment Would you like to add a comment to your vote? Thank You! Stream is Offline. Runes: Precision. Spells: Exhaust. Ranked 11 in ADC Role. Ranger's Focus Q Q. Volley W W. Hawkshot E E. Enchanted Crystal Arrow R R. Ashe counters well. Ashe gets countered.
The Author. Aquaired Skillset space Hi! Join our community of off-meta fellas! The Steps. Beginner Bots. Step 2: Pick Ashe. Call Mid. Duo mid is okay. Step 3: Buy Boots. Walk to Mid. Wait for minions. Step 4: Attack-move toward the nexus. You will die. Beginner Bots do not use any gold they earn from kills. Their purchase timers are pre-determined. An Annie Bot with 10 kills doesn't have any more items than one with just 3 kills.
Ramming your face down the mid lane repeatedly nets multiple kills, without even trying, while progressively destroying the towers. The bots are put on a time limit that they cannot win. Doesn't This Just Take Longer? A boost temporarily increases the amount of IP or XP gained at the end of each match or within a given time limit.
There are currently two different types of boosts; duration boosts and win boosts which can both be used together. The duration boost provides additional XP regardless if you win or lose a match. While the win boost only provides extra XP when you win a game and is available in 2 durations.
If you happen to have a few friends that are looking to level up their smurf accounts super fast then this is also a great strategy. Depending on how many friends you have, you can look to play against bots or each other. The fastest way to level 30 would be to have a full team of friends that can finish a bot match as soon as possible.
If you continuously use this strategy, then you will be able to get a win in around 10 minutes, which is a lot faster than normal games. The best summoner spells would be Teleport and Ignite as they help reduce travel times across the map and increase damage. As soon you recall back to the shop you can just instantly teleport back into lane to kill some more enemies. Ignite also helps you secure kills.
When on low HP bots are known to run away. It can be very frustrating when they get away on 1 HP. To stop that from happening, make sure you take Ignite to secure the kill and get the extra gold.
You might be thinking why no flash? The bots are very predictable, and you can tell exactly where they are going to go. If you manage to get one to low HP, it will start to run back up its lane.
If you chase after it, the chances are you are going to die to the tower due to your level. So why take Flash? Are you going to Flash into the tower? Not a good idea. Instead get Ignite and watch them burn. Interested in what summoner spell unlocks at what level? Check out this handy chart. When it comes to picking champions to play in game, it's important to make sure you pick an aggressive champion. If you want to finish the game as soon as possible and save time then having high damage is essential.
There's no point picking a defensive champion if you want to aggressively try and push your lane. There's plenty of people out there who would be happy to boost your account for you, and why not? They get to play the game they love, and make money while they're doing it. This is a matter of how much you value your time though, if you're a highschool student then 5 hours a day grinding doesn't seem too bad, but if you've got a part time job then sacrificing a little bit of money will be worth it in the long run.
You can usually determine if a booster is safe by doing a few minutes research on Google, but when in doubt it's best to avooid.