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Noahs ark how many years to build

2022.01.06 17:56

But this was not the same time God made a declaration to Noah to build the Ark. Let's look closer at the context. Not until verses 13 and 14 does God speak to Noah about the Ark and coming Flood. Notice that Noah had sons who already had wives.

Could Noah build the Ark in 70 years? Man was still a recent creation direct from the mind of God, and his intelligence not as dimmed by thousands of years of the Curse as our minds are today and archaeology confirms that even ancient post-Flood man was capable of great feats and technological advancement. Also, people lived immense lifespans before the Flood, during which they could continually hone their talents.

How old was Noah when he built it and when the flood occurred? Why did pre-flood man live long lives? On what date was Adam created? What are the races of man? Why did the devil attack God's throne?

Bible Answers - Beginners - In-Depth. Study by Topic - Prophecy - Apostle Paul. Maps and Pictures - Amazing Facts! According to Jewish tradition, the ship had a window for natural lighting from the sun, a whole floor dedicated to composting animal waste, and wood from forests Noah planted for this purpose. Studying the design of the first Divine-commanded building could help inform our modern green building standards.

Within such an architectural and engineering system, every action has a significant impact and ramifications, and individual elements can be designed and aligned to strengthen and reinforce other elements in reducing environmental impacts. The biblical story of Noah tells us that God judged the people of the earth with a Flood, killing everyone and everything not on board the Ark.

Only eight people survived: Noah, his wife, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. According to the Bible, God gave humans years before unleashing the most serious environmental catastrophe in human history, as punishment for the misbehavior and excesses of humankind. God chose Noah as a messenger, instructing him to build the Ark as a sign to the people that the flood would come unless they changed their actions.

The judgment was sealed because of the sin of lawlessness, robbery, or wrongdoing chamas. Just as the people took one bean and then another, without looking at the consequences of their combined actions, so God punished them drop by drop.

After years, the Flood came. Is there any exegetical evidence of just how long Noah actually did take making the ark? Am I missing something?

Or is this a Jewish tradition? Or did the preacher make it up to humour the congregation? According to scripture, Genesis reveals a "countdown" toward the flood of years though there is some contention with this interpretation of the years. However, in Genesis we are told that Noah, his wife, three sons, and their wives all entered into the ark. Now, we have to recognize that Shem was not the oldest child, though he is often listed first. Instead, Japheth the firstborn is born to Noah when Noah is years of age.

This means, based upon the chronology of both Japheth and Shem, that Shem was born at the latest when Noah was years old and was at the latest only 2 years apart from Japheth, meaning Japheth would have been about years old when the flood began.

It would have to have meant that Ham was born the same distance as the other two no later than 2 years. This is where the statistic of years would probably originate.

However, that figure cannot lend toward the actual time it took to build the ark since there is absolutely no exegetical evidence to indicate the time to build the ark. However, scripture seems to imply that when the commandment came to build the ark during the countdown of years that Noah's children were old enough to have already married. I think we would struggle to fit years of building the ark into the scenario if the commandment to build came when all three children were married.

The book of Jasher chapter 5 verse 35 says, "In his five hundred and ninety fifth year Noah commenced to make the ark, and he made the ark in five years, as the Lord had commanded. He has built the ark in this mean time.

I wouldn't say he has taken exactly years, since the numbers seem rounded he certainly didn't have his three children in the same year, for instance and he didn't necessarily start building the ark in the same year his last child was born, but by the context, we can calculate he has taken about years. That this instruction from the Lord to build the ark came when he was approximately years old.

In fact, God's instructions to Noah could have come only a few years before the flood. Chapter five verse 32 only says that he was years old when he began to have children, not when he began to build the ark. Conservative estimates suggest anything from 5 to 20 years to build the ark using the Early Bronze Age technology that was available at the time and depending on how much outside help may have been enlisted.