Where is hernia pain located in women
But because hernias tend to grow larger or cause symptoms over time, most men will require surgery within 10 years of hernia diagnosis. There are two surgical treatments for inguinal hernias. Minimally invasive surgery is often performed laparoscopically, requiring only keyhole-size incisions through which a tiny camera and instruments can be inserted to make repairs.
Minimally invasive robotic surgery similar to laparoscopy, but surgeons use a controller to move instruments is also an option.
With minimally invasive surgery, patients are back to their regular activity within two weeks. Open surgery is the other treatment option — recovery takes four to six weeks. For both men and women, repair is recommended for most abdominal hernias.
The exception is if you have risk factors for complications or hernia recurrence, such as obesity or poorly controlled diabetes. Some patients do not have symptoms and may decide to delay repair after discussion of the risks and benefits with their surgeon. Surgical options and recovery time for ventral hernias vary widely because these hernias come in all shapes and sizes. A small umbilical or incisional hernia can often be treated on an outpatient basis. However, repairing more complicated hernias may require a hospital stay of one to five days.
A: When most hernias start, the internal tissue that pushes through the muscle gap is usually fat. Smoking which can cause a chronic cough , chronic constipation, being overweight or obese, and even lifting really heavy weights can all put strain on the abdominal region.
And pregnancy, which puts pressure on the abdomen, can be a major cause of hernias in women. The more concerning symptoms occur when you have something called a strangulated hernia. Over a couple of hours, the symptoms can progress to extreme pain, potentially with nausea and vomiting.
Once you get a hole in your muscle or tissue that allows an internal organ to push through, that hole will not seal up on its own. If you get constipated and are really straining to have a bowel movement, make sure that you take a stool softener so that you're not pushing. If you do pretty heavy duty weight lifting, scale back. A hernia can range from just unsightly to downright painful.
Before I felt the lump, it kind of felt like a stitch in my side that wouldn't go away. Weaknesses can also occur in the abdominal wall later in life, especially after an injury or abdominal surgery. In men, the weak spot usually occurs in the inguinal canal, where the spermatic cord enters the scrotum. In women, the inguinal canal carries a ligament that helps hold the uterus in place, and hernias sometimes occur where connective tissue from the uterus attaches to tissue surrounding the pubic bone.
You can't prevent the congenital defect that makes you susceptible to an inguinal hernia. You can, however, reduce strain on your abdominal muscles and tissues. For example:. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. This content does not have an English version. This content does not have an Arabic version. Overview Inguinal hernia Open pop-up dialog box Close. Inguinal hernia Inguinal hernias occur when part of the membrane lining the abdominal cavity omentum or intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the abdomen — often along the inguinal canal, which carries the spermatic cord in men.
Email address. First Name let us know your preferred name. Last Name. Thank you for subscribing Your in-depth digestive health guide will be in your inbox shortly. Women with symptoms of stomach pain, nausea or vomiting should seek urgent medical advice as they may indicate an incarcerated hernia. Femoral hernias are much more likely to cause an emergency situation.
The symptoms of umbilical and epigastric hernias include a bulge in the navel or upper abdomen, a dull ache through to severe pain especially when coughing, sneezing or lifting heavy objects, and bloating or constipation. Incisional hernias occur with a small lump or swelling near or along surgical scars in the abdomen.
They can happen months or years after an abdominal operation. The lump appears when coughing or straining, and then goes away again. Over time it can get bigger and cause pain.
A hiatal hernia may not have any noticeable symptoms. Sometimes, hiatal hernia symptoms in women can include heartburn, acid-reflux, bad breath, bloating, nausea and being sick, and difficulty and pain swallowing. In women, an indirect inguinal hernia can appear as a swelling or lump in your groin that may be painful. The lump often appears when you lift something or strain and then disappears when you lie down.
Inguinal hernias are the most common type of hernias in men. Their abdominal wall then closes up but it can leave a man with a weak spot or opening in their abdominal wall where a hernia can protrude through. Their abdominal wall can also weaken with age. An inguinal hernia can manifest as a bulge in the groin that comes and goes based on whether or not the patient is standing, lifting, exercising or coughing. It can also be painful. In men, the weak spot is usually in the inguinal canal where the spermatic cord enters the scrotum.
Pain can radiate down the inner thigh or into the scrotum. Surgery is the only way to treat a hernia and nearly all hernias can be surgically repaired. The exact hernia treatment is dependent on the type of hernia a man or woman has. Hernia treatment is generally the same for men and women and that is to repair the hernia either using laparoscopic or open surgery techniques. When treating women with inguinal hernias, a doctor is less likely to use a mesh for extra support as their hernia opening can be completely closed with sutures without the added worry of keeping part of the opening to allow blood flow to the testicles.
We can offer our patients convenient appointments with an experienced hernia specialist to investigate their symptoms without having to wait.
We regularly see men and women with hernia symptoms. We promptly and reliably provide a diagnosis.