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When was peter pettigrew born

2022.01.06 17:58

He was regretful and begged his friends apologies. When he turned to Voldemort in the fourth book it may only have been because Sirius and Remus, his lifelong friends, had rejected him and he was hurt. You are all entitled to your opinions and I to mine, but until I see the entire story, I cannot decide whether Peter was wrong or right in what he did. There is a little of Peter in all of us. That's what makes him so interesting. Gothic Princess [5]. It was a bloody war situation; people were getting killed right and left, terrorism attacks all over, chaos and fear dominating everything.

How many of us know what that's like? How many of us know how we ourselves would act, growing up in such situations? I don't like what Peter did, but my first and foremost reaction is Walk a mile in their shoes before you condemn them utterly.

And I still say he's got future-redemption written all over him. If Vader could redeem himself, why not Peter? Ashfea [6]. How could I not be, when he is one of the most human characters in the series? Snape may be more complex than him and everyone else in the books, for that matter , but Snape has an almost preternatural ability to handle himself.

Peter doesn't; no matter what he chooses, all sides are his enemy. Sometimes it is too late to turn back - by embodying that uncomfortable truth, Peter is the presence of the tragic in HP. I think that Peter has so many detractors because when people look at other characters, they see whom they would like to be, and when they look at Peter, they see who they are. Miss Milton [7].

Peter is a convoluted and complex character. McGonagall says he was never quite in the league of James and Sirius, talent-wise -- that he was "always hopeless at duelling. Yet he managed to blow a hole so big "it had cracked the sewer below" and kill thirteen Muggles -- while cutting off his finger, and with his wand behind his back! Yet he can make the difficult Animagus transformation at fifteen, with only the help of his friends!

He is the epitome of every socially-awkward teenager who clamoured for affection from his friends, who would do anything for affection. Greenie [8]. I am really blown away by the fact that people are defending Peter. It makes me question the future of humanity. So just stop defending him, alright? So what if he was a weak, pittiable child? He betrayed his friends. He was willing to let a BABY die for his own personal gain. He doesn't deserve to be called human. The things he did were some of the worst imaginable.

Melanija [9]. I hate Peter more than anyone else. As you know, he pretty much screwed his entire circle of friends over. He didn't even spare any consideration for his mother, the coward.

Plus, he took a knife to Harry. I find that unforgivable. Younger Peter is okay, generally, but someone should have poisoned him. Juniatha [10]. Categories : Characters Harry Potter Characters. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Talk. Views Read View source View history. Rat unregistered. Gryffindor or Slytherin. Peter Pettigrew otherwise known as Wormtail - was a slow person born to Mr and Mrs Pettigrew.

He began attending Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft and Minerva McGonagall made him a hatstall and then the hat thought 5 minutes and 30 seconds deciding between Gryffindor and Slytherin and then the hat shouted Gryffindor and then Wormtail began making friends with Moony , Padfoot , Prongs in He made friends with Lily in Snivellus was in Slytherin still thinking about Lily.

Fled with Voldemort's wand after he was vanquished on the night the Potter's died, and used it to kill Muggles and Cedric Diggory. Affiliations Order of the Phoenix Death Eaters. Profession Spent most of his adult life hiding as a rat Animagus in the Weasley household, before returning to Lord Voldemort as a Death Eater.

Related Entries. James Potter. Lily Potter. Sirius Black. Remus Lupin. Lord Voldemort. Albus Dumbledore. Percy Weasley. Ron Weasley. Weasley family. Bertha Jorkins. Frank Bryce. Cedric Diggory. Barty Crouch Jr. Severus Snape. Cornelius Fudge. Minerva McGonagall. Madam Rosmerta.

Rubeus Hagrid. Shrieking Shack. The Burrow. Malfoy Manor. Gryffindor Tower. Fidelius Charm. Animagus Transfiguration. Blasting Curse. Dark Magic. Dark Magic spells to create a Horcrux. Killing Curse. Snake Parts. Whomping Willow. Order of Merlin. Genes and Appearance in Animagi.