rytkikamriks1976's Ownd

How much hash can you make from an ounce

2022.01.06 17:58

Upon closer inspection, the quantity was clearly not a full ounce. That's probably not remarkable; but it became an item of discussion later, with a friend. And we started to think of this as a puzzle Could we weigh this chunk of hash, whole, before dividing it?

It would require an apparatus A method It was a chance to elaborate something, to fabricate a physical device from a few basic principles and bits of incidental material. But even if we could manufacture a workable scaling device, how could we use it? We'd need something that weighs close to an ounce. Of course, we'd really need gradients of an ounce, in order to ask and answer the question of how much [if so] the quantity was short Anyway - both work well.

Thanks, but that doesn't sound right. But i have a strain Nemesis - a pheno with a lot of trichomes - many more so than on my Jack Herer which is much more potent? But anyway - with some great bud with lots of trichomes on it would i get like 1 gram of hash from 5 grams of bud? Although gumby is faster, its def for the mass harvester. It may be cheaper, but is not higher quality. If your doing it for youself, think about investing in 1 gallon bubble bags, especially if youre talking about oz's.

Youll gain more yield and separate in quality. I get around 1 gram hash for every gram of high quality sugar leaf. Siphoning will surely take SOME of your ohhh sooo precious trichs.

The 90 micron and 73 micron bags produce some of the finest resin. This is a great method while the bag is wrapped inside out in the bowl. Also remember to do this immediately after cleaning the majority of the resin off. Always with a light sandy color. Often the lightest hash in the group.

Closing this bag at the top and grasping it tightly while lifting it out of the bucket makes for quick and easy draining, the trick is to give it a quick jerk upwards. By dropping the bag down six inches after jerking it upward, you allow the water to pass thru the screen while the resin is floating off the screen. Doing this a few times in a row will quickly drain a slow draining bag. The bowl method is used for removing resin from the screens, we have yet to find something that works better.

Here we have more spoon cleaning going on. It's realy a nice sandy resin, i'm sure a full melter by looks alone. For those that are wondering what we do with the resin once we have scooped it out of the bags, we will get to that.

We take the resin and place it on a pressing screen. Once again the bowl method, a nice tight screen can solve a lot of problems and eliminate potential mess. Once all the grades are on the pressing screen, you can simply place it on a towel, close the screen, cover it with the towel and press lightly with a large wooden roller or what ever you have available.

Pressing lightly is important as when you pull these cookies out you want to break them into powder over piece of thick cardboard. Towel covering the pressing screen, ready to be pressed, this should be done lighter with higher quality resin, as it will quickly press together and not break up easily in which case will not dry properly. Finally we have the end results all pressed nicely into cookie shapes. You should note that leaving the bubble in this pressed cookie form is by no means a proper drying process, they should be broken up into powder while still wet and placed over a thick cardboard that will act as a dessicant and remove the water from your bubble.

Be sure your bubble is fully dry before pressing it — otherwise mold can form on the inside. Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTub. Learn More. Learn how to use our products. Instructions, videos, tips. Connect with the Bubble Man. Sign in Register. Select currency:. This site requires JavaScript to function properly. Please enable JavaScript in your web browser.

Line the bucket with your Bubble Bags, starting with the 25 micron bag and ending with the micron bag. Fill the bucket with enough cold water to cover the bottom of the Bubble Bags about halfway full. Keep Westword Free. Since we started Westword , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Denver, and we'd like to keep it that way.

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Herbert Fuego is the resident stoner at Westword , ready to answer all your marijuana questions. Contact: Herbert Fuego. Don't Miss Out. Join Today.