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2022.01.06 17:58

By choosing I Accept , you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Print Subscriptions. Deseret News homepage. Filed under: Sports. Collie calls reaction to his post-game comments 'ridiculous'. Share this story Share this on Facebook Share this on Twitter Share All sharing options Share All sharing options for: Collie calls reaction to his post-game comments 'ridiculous'. Reddit Pocket Email Linkedin.

Sign up for the newsletter Morning Edition Start your day with the top stories you missed while you were sleeping. Thanks for signing up! Check your inbox for a welcome email. Email address required. First Name. Last Name. Collie, who became a poster child for concussions when he was knocked unconscious twice during the second half of the season with the Indianapolis Colts, suffered three concussions in a month period and has seemingly become toxic in the eyes of most NFL general managers.

The year-old spent four years as a member of the Colts before they let him walk as a free agent in , not long after he'd suffered that third concussion. In the two years since, Collie has caught just six passes in seven NFL games.

He spent four weeks on the San Francisco 49ers roster in the summer of , he was used sparingly as a member of the New England Patriots that season, and the only NFL sniff he's received since was a workout last spring with the Washington Redskins, who opted not to sign him. Now, instead of taking a hint and walking away, Collie is attempting to keep his football dream alive by crossing the 49th parallel to Canada, where he'll try to redeem himself as a member of the BC Lions.

Is this pursuit worth it? Or is it absurd? More broadly, is it our right to deem a grown man's very personal decisions to be righteous or ridiculous? When retired players sued the NFL earlier this decade, their key claim was the league withheld information regarding the potential short- and long-term effects of football-related head injuries and failed to warn players of the dangers associated with concussions.

The reality is that's no longer a factor, because most if not all of the information we have about concussions in sports is now public knowledge. In other words, Austin Collie isn't being duped.

With full access available to information regarding the potential risks, it becomes hard to criticize grown men for deciding to take those risks. That's why former WWE wrestler and concussion expert Chris Nowinski has no problem with Collie continuing to work at extending his pro football career. Jeff Bazarian points out, the reality is that there's still a lot that remains unknown to both laymen and industry experts.

A lot of murkiness still exists when trying to determine which players are at a higher risk than others, so we really don't know that Collie's three well-documented concussions place him in any more peril than those who have suffered a higher quantity of less noteworthy hits. So people like me and others are working as hard as we can to provide that clarity. Rarely can films like Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues give us opportunities to connect the dots regarding broad societal dynamics, but the popular comedic sequel may have accidentally done exactly that during a scene in which Ron Burgundy is injured.

In the scene, Will Ferrell's character is knocked unconscious after slipping and falling during a ridiculous ice-dancing performance in front of a crowd at a party.

As onlookers rush to help Burgundy, an affluent party guest screams at Burgundy: "Do not die in front of us! The latter four words of her plea, of course, convert the exclamation from one of altruism to one that is primarily if not wholly selfish. We prefer not to witness horrific incidents. Football is entertaining and the NFL is in the entertainment business.

Incidents in which players are injured severely aren't good for business. So it's fair to wonder, as Collie has, if teams are essentially blackballing him because they don't want to host his next nationally televised knockout. Everybody has their opinion.

But I'm not them. Football is a childhood dream for me. It's a way to provide for my family and play a game I love. To not be playing, because of a label, is hard. I've been labelled. It hardly seems fair, but Nowinski notes "athletes, after having known concussions, often don't receive the same interest from teams.

Nowinski first noticed it with his college roommate, Isaiah Kacyvenski, whom he claims had nearly a quarter of the league interested in him when he was released by the Seattle Seahawks early in But then, after the linebacker out of Harvard suffered two diagnosed concussions with the St.

Darin I commend you for being unbiased in this report. Something Florio seems to be unable to do when it comes to the refs! You must be logged in to leave a comment. Not a member? Register now! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Has Foote been fined for that cheap shot forearm to the head? If not, why not?