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How old is charmy bee

2022.01.06 17:58

When you do find Vector and take him to Charmy, Charmy will argue with Vector and then he will start a quiz. If you succeed, he will open the locked gates and cheer. After a few goes of talking to him, Charmy then can give you the number of whitestones for Dream Island Blizland, Cubyrinth, Sparkletown.

Charmy appears in the DS version of Sonic Colors as a non-playable character with the rest of Team Chaotix on a mission to investigate Eggman's theme park and also gives Sonic a mission on Planet Wisp. Charmy appears in the console version of Sonic Generations. Charmy, with the rest of Team Chaotix, are seen celebrating Sonic's birthday party until Time Eater captures everyone, sending him to Planet Wisp.

If Classic Sonic rescues him, Charmy tells him that saving people makes everything better and notices he looks "different". Classic Sonic had a "Seriously? If Modern Sonic rescues him, Charmy tells him that was scared when captured, but now he acts excited and flies to be a "free bee".

Modern Sonic had a confused expression afterwards. After the battle, Charmy and the others head back to the right time and continue celebrating. Charmy also appears in a Rooftop Run mission where he manipulates various objects to slow Classic Sonic down. In a Planet Wisp mission, he helps make air pathways for Modern Sonic. Charmy is hyperactive and scatter brained, and not too bright.

Being a child, he would rather play than work, as shown in the Chaotix' first level of Sonic Heroes , when the team is receiving their first mission at the beachy Seaside Hill , he's hovering around singing "Sea, sea, sea". However, he is also the most friendly and optimistic of all the Chaotix members. Due to his age, he is not as skilled a detective as Vector or Espio , but he is nonetheless valuable to the team. It is possible he is also greedy like Vector, as they had dollar signs in their eyes when their client promised a large payment Sonic Heroes , although, as children are wanting to do, he may just be emulating Vector's behavior.

He shows a deep respect, even admiration, for Shadow in Shadow the Hedgehog , which is shown when Shadow kills a black alien, to which Charmy says, " Shadow, you're so cool!

Charmy, like many other Sonic characters, can run at high speed, but is mostly known for his Flying ability, as he is the flight character in Sonic Heroes. He can use his stinger as a method of attack when he is alone and has the abilities to somehow warp between large flowers, helping him and his friends to get around obstacles and complete their missions more quickly. In the game, if the team does not get all of the items by the time they finish a zone, Charmy can activate a flower and take them back to the beginning of the level.

He also has acute hearing and is good at finding lost objects. Like other flight members in Sonic Heroes , Charmy can use Thunder Shoot, where he charges his friends with electricity and kicks them at enemies. Carry as much as Vector and shrink down. Though he doesn't seem to excel at it, Charmy also plays drums during the " Chaotix Recital " Team Blast.

In the anime Sonic X , the Chaotix crew play a very minor role in Season 2, only appearing in one episode Episode 39, "Defective Detectives" where they try to help Vanilla the Rabbit find her daughter, Cream. By doing this, Charmy activates a videotape that allows Shadow to break free of Black Doom's mind control.

Charmy appears in Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games , acting as a referee. He also makes a cameo in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a sticker. Sega Wiki Explore.

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Heavy Magician. Heavy Rider. Ali Baba. Dodon Pa. Eggman Empire. Knuckles Clan. Black Arms. Battle Kukku Empire. Babylon Rogues.

Coconut Crew. Knights of the Round Table. Nocturnus Clan. Dark Gaia's Minions. Deadly Six. Hard Boiled Heavies.