How old is lee hsien loong
He succeeded his father, Lee Kuan Yew, who remained as senior advisor to the fund until his death. Speaking at his party convention on 19 November , Lee suggested to raise taxes to fund future government expenses. In May , Lee instituted electoral reforms to the current electoral system by reducing the number of group representation constituencies GRC , increased the number of Non-constituency Members of Parliament NCMPs to a maximum of nine inclusive of the number of elected opposition members of Parliament , and the number of Nominated Members of Parliament NMPs permanent also to nine.
Also part of the reforms was the legalization of internet campaigning and mandating a "cooling-off" day where campaigning is prohibited except for party political broadcasts. In that election, the PAP won 82 of the 84 seats, including 37 walkovers.
Lee and his six-member GRC team won In the general election of 7 May , the PAP saw a 6. Lee was sworn-in into a second term on 21 May His new cabinet included three newly appointed ministers: S.
The Community Culture and Youth Ministry portfolio was given to Grace Fu , who became the first woman in Singapore to serve in a full ministerial position. She currently is the first female Leader of the House in Parliament. On the 20th of July, , it was announced that his health data was hacked along with that of 1. The hack was targetted, with the intent of accessing his health data in particular.
As part of the party's leadership succession, it is widely interpreted as a prelude to Heng replacing Lee as Singapore's fourth Prime Minister, sometime after the next general elections. Lee and U. President Donald Trump , 8 July Lee with U. Secretary of State John Kerry and U. Vice President Joe Biden, August Bush in his inaugural visit to the United States as Singapore's Prime Minister to foster a closer cooperation in defence and security, and to address common threats such as terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
In , Lee made his first official visit to the White House upon invitation of then President Barack Obama to commemorate 50 years of diplomatic ties with the United States.
Lee was one of the early drafters and a strong advocate of the Trans-Pacific Partnership , and had on many occasions urged the U. Congress to ratify the trade deal as soon as possible. He added that not doing so would "affect U. In June , Lee congratulated President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in separate letters sent to them on the successful outcome of the North Korea—United States summit in Singapore and wished both countries success in implementing the agreement signed.
On 10 July , Lee visited Taiwan to the displeasure of China. On 28 August in his first National Day Rally speech, Lee criticized the Taiwanese leadership and populace over their pro-independence stance. He reiterated his support for the One-China policy and clarified that his visit was to gather enough intelligence before taking over as Prime Minister.
Responding to the issue of nepotism Lee challenged his critics to prove it or put the matter to rest. Legal action had been taken in the Singapore courts for defamation against the Financial Times [40] and the New York Times Company. However, WP immigrants have noted high levels of stability in recognition. The International Herald Tribune apologised in March that readers of the article may "infer that the younger Lee did not achieve his position through merit".
The case stemmed from a settlement between the three Singaporean leaders and the paper about an article also by Bowring that referred to 'dynastic politics' in East Asian countries, including Singapore.
In that settlement, Bowring agreed not to say or imply that the younger Lee had attained his position through nepotism by his father, Lee Kuan Yew. In response, media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders wrote an open letter to urge Lee and other top officials of the Singapore government to stop taking 'libel actions' against journalists.
The first part of the clause stated that he wanted his house to be torn down when his daughter decides to move out. The second part of the clause stated that should demolition be impossible, his house should not be open to the public.
Lee's siblings alleged that he was abusing his powers, using "organs of the state" as prime minister to preserve the house against their father's wishes.
Lee and the Cabinet denied all their allegations and convened a special sitting of Parliament to debate the matter thoroughly. Their daughter, Li Xiuqi, was born in Three weeks after giving birth to their first son, Li Yipeng, Wong died at the age of 31 on 28 October of a heart attack. Lee has a daughter — Xiuqi [68] — and three sons — Yipeng, [69] Hongyi and Haoyi [70] including the daughter and eldest son from Lee's first marriage.
Lee was initially diagnosed with lymphoma for which he underwent chemotherapy [73] in the early s [74] then subsequently also underwent a successful robot-assisted keyhole prostatectomy on 15 February after being diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Military Wiki Explore. Popular pages. Project maintenance. Register Don't have an account? Lee Hsien Loong. Edit source History Talk 0. See list. Main article: 11th Parliament of Singapore.
Main article: 12th Parliament of Singapore. Main article: 13th Parliament of Singapore. See also: 38 Oxley Road. The Straits Times. OCLC ISBN Retrieved 2 June Retrieved 12 September University of California Press. Digital object identifier: JSTOR Young PAP. Archived from the original on 20 March Retrieved 7 January Retrieved Central Provident Fund Board.
Financial Times. Retrieved 9 May Archived from the original on 22 March BBC News. Archived from the original on 9 June Archived from the original on 22 May Retrieved 23 Apr Retrieved June 13, BBC Chinese. Liberty Times. Archived from the original on 24 November The New York Times. The Guardian. Settles Claim in Singapore". Human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Singapore". Archived from the original on 9 October Retrieved 24 January Bangkok Post.
Archived from the original on 14 February He resigned from the SAF on September 21, Following his election to Parliament as a member of the People's Action Party PAP , he was appointed political secretary to the minister for defense by the prime minister. Lee's rise within the PAP and government hierarchies was even more rapid. The creation of the Economic Committee can be viewed as the beginning of the PAP government's consultative style of leadership, as Lee managed to obtain feedback and views on the causes of the recession as well as suggestions for ensuring economic recovery from about a thousand participants from both the public and private sectors in Singapore.
The Economic Committee completed its report one year later, and its 12 recommendations enabled the government to deal successfully with the economic recession. In January , he was confirmed as minister for trade and industry and promoted to second minister for defense services. Then, in October , six years after he became an MP, he was appointed as one of the two deputy prime ministers with Ong Teng Cheong. Given his outstanding performance in the army and his meteoric rise up the party and government hierarchies, it was not surprising that Lee was expected by most Singaporeans to succeed Goh Chok Tong as Singapore's third prime minister when Goh retired from the political scene.
However, in November the government announced that Lee was diagnosed as suffering from an intermediate grade malignant lymphoma. After undergoing 18 weeks of chemotherapy, Lee's health improved as his doctors reported in April that there was "no evidence of any residual disease.
In the elections, the PAP won all but two of Singapore's 83 seats in Parliament; Lee and Goh remained in their governmental positions. Lee Hsien Loong's speeches as minister for trade and industry and as deputy prime minister can be found in Speeches, which was published by the Ministry of Communications and Information until November , and then by the Ministry of Information and the Arts from December onwards. For more information on Singapore see Stella R.
Quah and John S. Quah compilers , Singapore Oxford, , which contains annotated references; and Kernial S. All rights reserved.