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Rhetorical what does it mean

2022.01.06 17:58

His work was overloaded with rhetorical embellishment, which he was the first to introduce into Roman history. It was a rhetorical question and, to those posing it, simply a wish—just another way to say, "Why can't we all just get along? All rights reserved. Filters 0. The definition of rhetorical is a question that is asked only for emphasis or to make a point and is not meant to be answered. Rhetorical Questions Rhetorical has several meanings which are close enough in meaning that they may easily cause confusion.

Examples of rhetorical in a Sentence McKinney made her name in Georgia politics as a rhetorical bomb-thrower. Colleagues in the statehouse dubbed her "Hanoi Cynthia" after a speech denouncing the Persian Gulf War.

It conforms pretty much to the map, doesn't it? Recent Examples on the Web Youngkin has given little rhetorical time to Trump, largely dodging questions when asked about the former President and declining to appear with him at Monday evening's tele-rally.

Singer, National Review , 8 Sep. First Known Use of rhetorical 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a. History and Etymology for rhetorical see rhetoric. Learn More About rhetorical.

Time Traveler for rhetorical The first known use of rhetorical was in the 15th century See more words from the same century. Phrases Related to rhetorical rhetorical question. Examples of rhetoric in a Sentence The media almost never discuss what the sweeping dismantling of public services inherent in the rhetoric of the antigovernment movement would mean in practice.

Dionne, Jr. Recent Examples on the Web But does a situation have to lead to violence to be harmful, or is contributing to a chorus of anti-trans rhetoric bad enough? First Known Use of rhetoric 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1.

Learn More About rhetoric. Time Traveler for rhetoric The first known use of rhetoric was in the 14th century See more words from the same century. From the Editors at Merriam-Webster. Hyperbole, and Other Fancy Rhetorical Style: MLA. He believed — wrongly, as it turned out — that his fame and rhetorical skills could stir Unionist sentiment among sensible Southerners, despite calls for secession from their newspapers and their intemperate politicians.

But politicians abhor a rhetorical vacuum, and they have clamored to fill it. Its rhetorical potential—if it ever had any—has been thoroughly exhausted. It was a gracious touch, a rhetorical olive branch to his vanquished foes.

Yet the president uses it for rhetorical vividness—a clarity, as it were. But this new flavor of rhetorical flimflam is still pretty, well, whack.