How do five gay men walk

2022.01.07 19:14

Five gay and five straight men spent an hour mingling with dozens of people. Could the testers determine who was gay and who was straight? People were accurate 60 percent of the time, which is better than chance. But there were plenty of wrong guesses, too, showing that the stereotypes can be way off.

The man who most people thought was straight was actually gay. Many people do think that gay men are more promiscuous than straight men, and in fact, Bailey said, gay men do have more sex partners.

But, he said, it's because men, in general, want lots of partners and women, in general, do not. Women limit the amount of sex that straight men have. That can't be a good thing," Bailey said. But, of course, stereotypes can lead to ridicule and to violence. People have long mocked gay people, even attacked them, for being different.

While there may be some differences between gays and straights, there are lots of similarities. We'll notify you here with news about. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Comments 0. Top Stories. Multimedia Photo Video. We all saw this coming.

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