How do resistors reduce voltage
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 5 years, 9 months ago. Active 5 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 39k times. Dallin Dallin 51 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. The Photon The Photon k 3 3 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. So are you saying R is a constant and not a variable? Of course you could also consider a potentiometer driven by a constant voltage or current source, or a LDR, or a thermistor if you want to think about situations with variable resistors but those all vary in response to an external stimulus, not to the applied voltage.
You can also have resistor that varies in response to applied voltage a diode's DC behavior is like this , but then you are talking about nonlinear circuits and Ohm's law no longer applies. Other devices may change 'resistance' but they are generally not considered resistors. And in the realm of circuit theory, anything with a memoryless I-V is considered a nonlinear resistor.
For the sake of this discussion, a good resistor doesn't change resistance with temperature or voltage or current or magnetic field, or whatever. This means that if resistance increases voltage increases" Yes it is true ,i. Hope this helps,. Lokanath Lokanath 3 3 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges.
Jean Klod Jean Klod 1 1 1 bronze badge. The Overflow Blog. However, we dropped a lot into this to let you know that there are more things out there that can affect your design in certain situations. Go forth and have some fun with those resistors! Interested in embedded systems, hiking, cooking, and reading, Josh got his bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Boise State University.
Josh currently lives in southern Idaho with his wife and four kids. Because the resistor forces the water through a smaller gap, does the voltage required to get electrons through the gap increase and therefore, that's how resistors use up some of the voltage supplied to the circuit?
This is where having an intuitive understanding of Ohm's Law is really helpful! But, in a real circuit, you're typically working with a given voltage source so that voltage won't change For example, 1. So, if resistance goes up or down, current also goes up or down. On the diagram you showed of water going through a pipe, all the water that hit the narrower part of the pipe went through, and that confuses me.
Because, to my understanding, resistors are supposed to reduce the current water going through the wire pipe but with what you showed, it did not reduce the amount of water going through the pipe. What's going on here? The resistors reduce the current by restricting the flow of electrons. At around the mark, you notice the flow through the "resistor" which is the narrow part of the tube. How that restricts the flow is, imagine if that narrow part of the tube were 4 times as wide, how much more water would be flowing from the top to the bottom?
So, it does reduce the amount of water or "current" to a controlled flow. The second question is really good - the resistors reduce the amount of current through that point. Whether or not there is more current elsewhere in the circuit depends on how the circuit is set up. If there is something else "downstream" or "upstream" in series, then the current through those other items will be the same as through the resistor.
Because a resistor reduces the amount of electrons able to pass through it, what happens, physically, to the electrons that can't get through?
Is there some sort of buildup? Do the electrons disperse somehow? The electrical resistivity of a particular conductor material is a measure of how strongly the material opposes the flow of electric current through it. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.
Skip to content Home Physics Do resistors reduce voltage? Ben Davis October 20, Do resistors reduce voltage? Is Temperature directly proportional to resistance? What is the effect of temperature on the resistance of a wire? What will happen if we will not use a resistor in the circuit?