How do unis use ukcat

2022.01.07 19:14

Details about the portfolio can be found here. The template for the portfolio can be found here. However, due to COVID, interviews for entry are conducted in an online formal by formally trained interviewers. It will be held in late September. The interview for domestic students will take the form of a scenario based process in which each applicant proceeds through a series of ten stations and one rest station, with each active station assessed by a different interviewer.

These interviews have been developed with the assistance of McMaster University and are part of a licensing agreement of their MMI process. The interviews are designed to assess the following personal qualities deemed desirable in medical students and medical practitioners.

All interviewers are formally trained in the interview process. The interviewers have no academic information regarding the candidate at time of interview. There are 3 steps in the application process:. UOW offers 67 domestic and 17 international positions. The GPA calculation is based on the last three years of full-time equivalent study 3. Meeting the above criteria does not guarantee an invitation to an interview.

Details can be found here, on the course website. Personal qualities and motivation to study Medicine at Notre Dame assessed in the Notre Dame portfolio. Details about the portfolio, including guide, can be found here. The School of Medicine, Fremantle uses the Multiple Mini Interview MMI process to assess the non-academic qualities of prospective students, such as responsibility, ethics, teamwork, communication and self-reflection.

The MMI format has been adopted by Notre Dame since , and other medical schools around the world, to help ensure they are accepting students who are a good fit for medical professions. The application process is in two parts:. Prerequisites must be completed less than 10 years from intended enrolment. It will be held as a Multiple Mini Interviews. Details about the admissions process can be found here. Only around 60 places are on offer.

The MMI lasts approximately 3 hours. Each candidate is rated to a scale at the individual stations. There is a total of 8 different assessment stations. Successful applicants will have demonstrated the qualities required by the medical school. Please see the table below for links to the relevant pages of their websites:. All rights reserved. We think you might be lost Cognitive subtests only. Note: Please ensure you check the relevant university website for the latest information, as changes occur frequently and without notice.

Comprehensive admissions information relating to all courses including dentistry and postgraduate medicine can be found on the MedEntry online learning platform. The Medical Entry Handbook has additional information. Start your medical interview prep! Applicants meeting these requirements will be ranked on the basis of their UCAT global score. Those ranked in the top or so will be given an interview. Decisions to make offers will be based on the interview score.

Where applicants have the same interview score, the global UCAT score will be used to differentiate between them. Minimum in each individual section. We will not consider any extenuating circumstances in relation to UCAT test scores. Scores must be within top 8 deciles of the cohort and situational judgement test SJT must be within bands We then rank all applicants according to their total score out of 28 and work down the rankings to fill our interview places.

Please note that we will not consider applicants, without contextual data, whose BMAT scores does not fulfil ALL of the following criteria: Section one: a score of at least 3 or higher, Section two: a score of at least 3 or higher, Section three: a score of at least 2. Minimum of 3. Section 1 is scored out of 9; Section 2 is scored out of 9; and Section 3 is scored out of 5 for quality of content.

They do not use the quality of English score A-E. The cut-off BMAT score required to be invited to interview is typically The total amount of points available in the application process is Section 3 will have half the weighting of the other sections as it will be revisited during the interview stage of the selection process. You should bear in mind that as we short-list the same number of applicants every year, and we use two variables which carry the same weight , there is no actual cut-off.

How well you need to do in BMAT will be entirely dependent on how well every other applicant does, and how well you have done in GCSEs if you have taken them. High scores throughout each section will strengthen an application. Candidates who score below the average for their cohort are less likely to be successful.

UCL may ask you about your essay in section 3 during the interview. It is wise to make notes of your arguments during the test essay section because you do not get to keep a copy of your answers.