How do university of phoenix online classes work
However, it is still operating to this date. UoP is still offering classes online as well as at its many campuses and learning centers. Some of them are politicians, businessmen, and athletes. It is unlikely for them to be successful if the school where they earned their degrees is not legitimate. If you are planning on going to the University of Phoenix, keep on reading. Below you will come across some of the most important matters you need to know about the school and being a student of it.
Then see to it that you share this article on your social media sites once you get to its very end. There is one question on the minds of people who wish to go to online schools to get degrees.
One of the main reasons why a lot of people want to have degrees is for them to be able to get better jobs. At times they need to have degrees to get promoted. It cannot be denied that it is easier to go to an online school than a traditional school. It means that anyone who applies to it will get admitted. This is provided that they can meet the requirements. This is most likely to be one of the reasons why a lot of employers do not take applicants with online degrees seriously.
Below are the names of some schools in the US that accepts all applicants that are able to meet their requirements:. But because they are not online schools, they and the degrees they are offering are less likely to be frowned upon.
One more reason exists why a lot of employers turn down applicants with online degrees. Also, sometimes referred to as degree mills, they are online companies or organizations. All of them claim to be colleges. What they are really offering, however, are illegitimate programs and diplomas. Needless to say, they are offering fake degrees. In many instances, students do not even have to study.
All they need to do is to give their credit card numbers in exchange for a degree. The problem with a degree from a diploma mill is that employers can easily tell it apart from a degree from an accredited school. All they have to do is go online and perform a quick background check of the school offered the degree. Trying to get a degree from a diploma mill is a waste of time.
Other than this, what sets diploma mills apart from other online schools is that they are not accredited, unlike the University of Phoenix and other similar schools. This is why before you go to any school, be it online or traditional, make sure that it is accredited in order for you to avoid wasting your time and money trying to get a college degree. Complete Guide.
First things first: UoP is a for-profit school. A lot of people are not fond of for-profit schools thinking that they offer nothing but expensive, poor-quality education. After all, they are first and foremost businesses whose primary purpose is to maximize profits for their owners as well as stockholders. However, just like traditional schools, not all for-profit schools are bad. However, there are also benefits to going to them.
They include an easy admission process, flexible schedule, and skill-based training. UoP first came into being back in The main goal of its founder, John Sperling , was to make higher education more accessible to adults who wished to work and study all at once. The very first class took place in , with only eight students. It got accredited the following year, and, a couple of years later, it opened a campus in San Jose, California. Yes, UoP started out as a brick-and-mortar school.
Throughout the history of UoP, it had its ups and downs. For instance, it became very popular in the s. UOP said it won't do it unless I re-enroll and start all over. Does this sound like a College you would want to attend?
Twenty weeks ago, I was told that I would not have to pay anything to complete my degree. They said Pell and my loan would cover everything. I started my last class 4 weeks ago. They adjust their billing to line their own pockets. Do your research before you sign your life away. I know it sounds petty and dumb, but right is right and wrong is wrong.
They are preying on innocent students who want more out of life. They only care about numbers. Stay away. Once you sign those loan papers, your livelihood is at stake. I had just finished my bachelor's degree in Sociology and was still actively taking classes in the UCCS philosophy school because of my drive for knowledge and to better myself. I initially went into the Masters program at UCCS for sociology, but decided very quickly that I wanted to actually teach future generations - not just study about it and write critiques and social essays about it to small groups of academics.
I Switched graduate majors and entered the school of education. Even though I had a terrible first impression, I still stuck with a program for another semester before concluding that the UCCS college education just wasn't going to give me the kind of education I needed to make a difference in the world.
So, Being the kind of person who had been running his own business with his father for close to 10 years, I decided to look elsewhere to earn the necessary credentials to enter the education profession. Enter the University of Phoenix. It can't be stressed enough: at the time this college was absolutely on the cutting edge of higher education. It was able to deliver curriculum and credits in a hybrid model online where you would do your work a couple days a week in person and still have to complete extra work at night with groups.
I have to say that although the University of phoenix has received much deserved negative scrutiny for being a "diploma mill" in its schools of business etc In fact, of the two hundred or so students in my graduating class of only about half actually completed the Masters.
Honestly, the program was hard as hell because it was designed to be just as difficult and valid of an educational training program as any four-year university or graduate school, but it was marketed to us working professionals who already had been busy working in actual careers for a few years.
There is a caveat to this story. And I must say the proof is in the pudding. Since earning my master's degree as well as my principal's license back in , I've gone on to enjoy a very successful career in education. I saw my salary raise each year because of my credentials earned at Univ. None of that would've been possible if I had simply gone from my teaching license as UCCS was offering back then.
After this I was identified as an educational leader by the now retired director of the program Dr. I was able to secure Stafford Loans at 1. The financial choice was clear back in the early s. Today I must say it is clearly a different story, but I would never stop anyone from earning a degree at either institution. Investing in one's self is truly priceless and you will want to shop around as a frugal, financially shrewd consumer to make sure that you're getting the best value for your hard earned dollar.
Clearly, anyone reading my review will need to do their own research to make sure they are making the best financial move. But I will simply say that any prospective student should visit the campus as well as speak to the faculty before making any educational decision.
University of Phoenix is the best college I have ever attended. People who say this university is easy, was not telling the truth. The negative review are lies. I am a straight A's student with a high G. A and I must say the courses at the university are intense.
You really got to put in the work, If you don't, you will fail. All the bashing and negative feedback towards U. P once lead me to believe it was true, and at first gave me a negative reaction, until I experience it for myself.
P is an overall good college and would definitely suggest this college to anyone who is ambitious, motivated and college ready. I am currently an online student at UOP.
The option to do online school has helped balance my work life, mom life, church life, and school life. I honestly think if I didn't have the option to do online school, I probably wouldn't have pursue getting my degree. What I like about the program is how it is outlined, you do one class at a time instead of 3 or 4 classes through a course of a semester or quarter.
The 5 week course allows me to concentrate on one subject at a time instead of 3 or 4. Although the course is accelerated through 5 weeks, I'm able to put my attention to 1 course at a time.
I know there are a lot of negative comments about the new blackboard. Business Associate 3. Business Bachelor's 3. Business Master's 3. Business Administration Bachelor's 3. Business Administration Master's 3. Communications Bachelor's 3. Criminal Justice Associate 3. Criminal Justice Bachelor's 3. Criminal Justice Master's 3. Education Master's 2. Elementary Education Bachelor's 3. English Bachelor's 3. Environmental Science Bachelor's 3. Healthcare Administration Associate 2.
Healthcare Administration Bachelor's 2. Healthcare Administration Master's 2. Human Resources Bachelor's 3. Human Services Associate 3. Human Services Bachelor's 3. Information Technology Associate 3. Information Technology Bachelor's 3. Liberal Studies Bachelor's 3. Management Bachelor's 3. MBA Master's 4. Nursing Bachelor's 2. Nursing Master's 2. Psychology Associate 3. Psychology Bachelor's 3. Psychology Master's 3. I'm over I felt like I was talked into this program.
Now I'm in debt for. Please do not agree to sign up with this college. This bill for me has naked me depressed and over my head". It markets itself as an "affordable online option", which drew me in, but the kicker are the fees.
They charge you for dropping classes. They charge you for processing documents. Need a transcript? I couldn't even continue to go. You may as well go somewhere with a better reputation and courses since they're going to charge you the same amount anyway. This school is about making money and will rip you off at any opportunity. They are so nice and helpful when helping to get you enrolled and once you are in, that ends!
Save yourself a lot of time and frustration and money and go elsewhere!!!!!!!! Jemel M. Bill to attend college. I served in the Marines for 12 years as a Supply Chief.
To my surprise it was With this information I started my my classes and never looked back. Not only was the work challenging but I could always get a hold of an instructor if I needed them.
The one thing I don't care for is the group projects but luckily I had good partners. I worked a full time job 7pm-7am as a Production Manager and was still able to find the time to complete my program. You truly get what you put into it. The biggest gripe I hear is that they are for profit. I personally don't understand what the big deal is. What school isn't for profit. How do you expect to get new academic buildings built if you aren't making a profit?
Whatever stigma the school about it being online should be erased by this point. Every school in America had to figure out how to convert their platform to online and UOP didn't. They are the best in the country at online learning. This was the most professional graduation I have ever attended which had to be hard because we were the first in person graduation since Covid started.
Now a month removed from graduation I was hired to be a Operations Manager for a Walmart Fulfilment Center which is a 6 figure job. I could not of been hired for this job without experience and a bachelors degree. I would highly recommend this school to anyone especially if you are working fulltime and you are a parent.
Don't listen to others do what's best for you! Estela Diferretti. My undergrad was from community college and SDSU. Those school financial aid departments always had a solution and never had any kind of errors in disbursements, and if they did they did not hold me accountable for their mistakes.
For the most part, the instructors are great and very knowledgeable not only about the course work but with actual experience in the field they are teaching. The online resources are also very helpful and make remote learning less challenging. However, I have had nothing but bad experiences with financial aid! I mean this is a for-profit school. This is the department that should be staffed with competent and proficient people.
They make so many internal errors and pass the blame to the student.