How does bromden imagine tabers life

2022.01.07 19:14

Candy is simply there to see them. Finally, as she stands and is the focus of intense staring and yearning, something important is happening. The male patients, who Nurse Ratched had attempted to castrate, still have a sex drive and a functioning libido. In other words, these patients are still men, they are still human—they are normal and well to a greater degree than they previously thought. This means that half of the men cannot go on the trip according to Nurse Ratched. McMurphy also accidentally mentions that he is financially profiting from the trip p.

This relatively minor passage depicts the Nurse openly admitting to the fact that she is in a conflict with McMurphy—rather than viewing him as a sick patient in need of care, she views him as an adversary to be conquered. Spivey to join them on the fishing trip thus offering his car as part of the transit. McMurphy has yet another victory in this ongoing conflict with Nurse Ratched p. McMurphy, respectively, has changed or become more entrenched. They are all wearing green uniforms that clearly identify them as mental patients and people are staring.

Their initial instinct is to retreat back to the confines of the hospital p. The attendants begin speaking with Dr. Spivey who shamefully confirms their suspicion that the travelers are men from the asylum.

He has shown them that they are capable of rejoining the world if they simply alter their attitudes—perhaps they are not as sick as they have been convinced.

A passerby on a bicycle stops to ask the patients why they are all in green. Not only do they have pride, but they also have power, they are able to see how their unique attributes can actually be a source of empowerment. This is the polar opposite of the implications conveyed about each man at the hospital and particularly in group therapy.

This trip marks a new type of group therapy, one where the men bond, embrace their illness and develop pride. This line has a major significance that can easily be overlooked.

Upon researching the matter, there appears to be links between this excerpt and the bible. The first reference is of particular interest because it is becoming increasingly clear that McMurphy is being depicted as a Christ like figure in the novel.

McMurphy, like Christ, has 12 Apostles and shares a message that he believes will liberate those who choose to be his followers. He observes that everyone dresses alike, lives in identical homes, they all spill out of public transit after working all day at jobs that are more or less identical p.

Further, the more people differ, the more they are shunned and have difficulty finding a place where they belong. It is not unreasonable to feel as though there is something disconcerting about the urgent need to conform to a generic norm in every regard.

Explain in detail offering concrete examples. McMurphy distracts the Captain and essentially steals the boat that he had arranged to rent p. Notions of being sick, medicated, limited, and in need of therapy are nonexistent as they simply live in the moment for perhaps the first time in decades in some cases.

First we see the emergence of the number 12 yet again; there are 12 men on the fishing trip just as there are 12 Apostles at the Last Supper, apart from Jesus. At the Last Supper Jesus predicts various betrayals and his ultimate demise. Jesus shares a last meal with the Apostles and notoriously tells them that they should drink wine because it is his blood and eat bread because it is his flesh.

On the fishing expedition the men drink beer and catch fish—the food and drink components of the Last Supper even Candy symbolizes Mary Magdalene. It will also mark the last occasion during which the men are in the presence of McMurphy, their savior, before his impending demise.

Part 4. The insinuation is that everything he does, fishing trip included, is a con perpetrated solely for his financial benefit p. He reminds the men that they may have lost a great deal of money to McMurphy, but they did so knowingly and had fun doing it.

What Bromden has actually regained is his inner strength and confidence. Bromden successively lifts it p. Bromden is upset and betrayed, and the other patients sense that they have been scammed too p. What does Bromden fail to realize? George, due to his OCD, refuses. McMurphy is upset by this because he has empathy for George and because he senses the malicious intent of the orderlies.

After shouting racial slurs at one of the orderlies the confrontation becomes physical. McMurphy ultimately wins the fight with an assist from Bromden who prevents the other orderlies from interfering p.

In other words, McMurphy defended George in a situation where he had nothing to gain and everything to lose. It was a selfless act motivated solely by the intention of defending a friend. What did he risk by standing up for what was right? What does it reveal about his character and motivations? It also echoes the sentiment shared by many that Ratched is unwell herself.

She informs him that his fellow patients agreed that he should receive shock therapy unless he admits that his behavior was wrong p. McMurphy declines putting into motion his first EST treatment. Do I get a crown of thorns? His mother, however, was a white woman with nothing but disdain and outright hostility for the aforementioned.

As such, Bromden not only witnessed his parents and their various values at war, these very aspects of his identity ended up at war within him.

Because there was no resolution between the two spheres of his identity, the Native versus the Caucasian, Bromden ultimately ended up sick and tortured by an unresolved conflict residing at the center of his being. Bromden feels that he has achieved a victory over the Nurse and the Combine because for the first time he has remained lucid and determined after an EST session. This is also evidence of the fact that McMurphy has indeed caused Bromden to grow stronger. Why is Bromden so eager to emerge from the fog?

It should be noted that this account makes no mention of the measure having any therapeutic value. Nurse Ratched appears to be using the mite of the medical establishment in order to settle a rivalry with a patient whom she does not even necessarily view as ill to begin with. During his absence he has basically become a folk hero among the patients who have not seen him in months.

She wants them to see the drastic and visible impact of the EST ibid. They understand that neither Ratched nor McMurphy will surrender, which means that this conflict will end in his total destruction. His mother and Ratched are close friends, she even works as a receptionist at the hospital.

She speaks to him and physically engages with him in a manner that is at once maternal and romantic p.

One speculates as to whether she supports his being committed simply because it keeps him sequestered away from the women in the rest of the world. Turkle expects to be bribed with alcohol and sexual intercourse p.

And keep the doors ajar for the coming of the rest of us, because you are witnessing the end, the absolute, irrevocable, fantastic end. It is our last fling. We are doomed henceforth. We must screw our courage to the sticking point and face up to our impending fate.

This prayer acknowledges that the men face an impending punishment that will result in a severe penalty, if not an execution. Bromden realizes that the power he imagined the Nurse to have was largely an illusion. Thus, if he ceases to see her as powerful she has no power. The party is a catalyst for this epiphany. Harding declines because he intends to leave officially and properly. He seems to understand that leaving in this manner will serve as an affirmation of his being properly cured.

In other words, they can begin to heal because they have reclaimed their humanity and their manhood. I discovered at an early age that I was—shall I say different? I indulged in certain practices that our society regards as shameful. And I got sick.

It shames and judges until the different person either changes or is somehow eliminated. Whatever people do is done with intention, whether they consciously realize that fact or not.

Sigmund Freud most famously argued the aforementioned and would have further argued that McMurphy had an unconscious desire to be caught by Nurse Ratched.

She becomes especially concerned with locating Billy Bibbit, who is initially unaccounted for p. She immediately begins to shame him by first judging Candy, then declaring how she will have to report the incident to his mother p.

This betrayal is the basis of yet another major similarity that exists between McMurphy and Jesus Christ. Jesus was betrayed by his best friend and it was this betrayal that brought about his execution. McMurphy, the savior of the men on the ward, has been betrayed by one of his closest friends there. McMurphy took a paternalistic interest in Billy and taught him how to be a man.

Judas felt such shame and remorse over his betrayal of Jesus that he hung himself. Billy, upon realizing his betrayal of McMurphy commits suicide as well. Yet another link to Jesus. This entailed attacking Nurse Ratched by first ripping open her uniform and exposing her bare breasts, followed by his attempt to kill her via strangulation p.

If his problems are the problems of all humanity, then Harding never needs to feel like he's alone with his pain. We can also imagine that this conversational tick would get pretty annoying after awhile.

The poor guy can't see the trees for the forest see what we did there? Cheswick gets fed up with the other patients always giving Harding a hard time.

He tries to stick up for Harding by telling the others they need to listen more. But it's no use. Communication isn't going to happen anytime soon. Maybe that's because Harding isn't getting the help he needs under the Ratched regime. Eventually, Harding's attempts to communicate to the group of patients fall apart. He goes off on a paranoid tangent because he thinks the men are accusing him of being gay, which he says might be true. But the others have no clue what he's talking about.

Chief Bromden is supposedly deaf and dumb, which is why the orderly Mr. Washington gets frustrated when McMurphy keeps talking to him.

But McMurphy says it doesn't hurt anyone for him to talk, so Mr. Washington should mind his own business. McMurphy nearly falls over with glee when he finds out that Chief Bromden has been fooling everyone in the mental hospital to think he's a deaf mute. The shorts, of course, are also highly symbolic. First, the white whales call to mind Moby-Dick, one of the most potent symbols in American literature. Finally, the whale boxer shorts poke fun at academia and its elaborate interpretations of symbols.

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Here are some sample. Come on, who can promise that? Yes, it s a big claim, but I think I can prove.