How is ammo measured
The higher the AWG number, the thinner the wire. Where did this odd system come from? According to this page , "The modern method of drawing wire is believed to have originated in Europe late in the 13th cent.
In this process the metal is pulled, or drawn, through a number of holes, each smaller than the one preceding, until finally it is passed through the hole having the desired diameter. This page has some good information on wire resistance.
Then there is the common penny designation used with nails. You can buy nails ranging from twopenny to fiftypenny in the United States represented as 2d or 50d, respectively. According to this article , "This stems from Roman times.
The "d" stood for "denarius," a small coin common throughout the Roman empire. After all, how many times have we heard a magazine called a clip? For new shooters learning shooting fundamentals, the language of seasoned shooters can be confusing and intimidating. To compound the situation, the language of firearms has evolved with few solid rules.
In many cases, the vocabulary seems to have a mind of its own, wandering in circles without an obvious pattern. This is particularly true when it comes to caliber. In the interest of education, we are going to explore the basics of cartridge caliber designations. Caliber is the nominal bore diameter of a firearm.
It is measured in inches or millimeters. The term also applies to the diameter of a bullet. The entire thing is a cartridge. Caliber is expressed in either metric or Imperial measurements, depending on where the cartridge was developed Usually inside the United States versus pretty much anywhere else in the world. As usual, the U. When pronouncing these terms, you drop the decimal point.
A 9 mm projectile measures 9 millimeters in diameter at its widest point. Metric measurements are also common. For example, a 9mm handgun has a bore diameter of approximately nine millimeters. That is technically incorrect. The strictest definition of caliber is diameter measurement in inches.
However, gun people will still use caliber in a general sense to refer to diameter no matter the measurement used. No one expects you to refer to your Glock 17 as a. In fact, if you did, you would probably get more than a few weird looks. If you are math junkie, caliber designations might actually give you a headache, because the numbers are rarely exact measurements.
For example,. A 9mm bullet is the same diameter as the bullet used in. Each of these cartridges fires a projectile approximately. The difference between each round lies in the powder charges and cartridge length, not the size of the projectile they fire.
From left to right:. All use. So what do all those extra numbers mean? In the case of the. Powder: The gunpowder used in a cartridge that propels the bullet.
Primer: A small cap in the head of the cartridge that, when struck by the firing pin, ignites the powder. How Does Firing Ammunition Work? When you pull the trigger of a firearm, the firing pin hits the primer and ignites the powder. As the powder burns, it creates pressure that pushes the bullet down the barrel.
How is Ammunition Measured?