How is basketball good therapy for the inmates

2022.01.07 19:14

Later, he boasts to the men that he plans to go downtown to watch the World Series in a bar, betting that he can escape by lifting a marble water fixture and throwing it through the window. When he fails, he says that at least he tried. Cheswick joins McMurphy in demanding the World Series, and they force another vote.

McMurphy tries in vain to get any of these catatonic lost souls to respond, and Nurse Ratched adjourns the meeting. Belatedly, the Chief raises his hand to break the tie, but Nurse Ratched refuses to count his vote. Although she appears to have won, McMurphy sits in front of the dark television screen and begins to call the baseball game play-by-play. The other men join him in wonder, cheering imaginary hits and runs under his contagious enthusiasm. Nurse Ratched demands that they stop shouting, but for once she cannot control them.

In response, Dr. Spivey tells McMurphy he sees Nurse Ratched as one of the finest nurses on the ward. McMurphy offers his explanation. The conversation ends with McMurphy flippantly showing Spivey a picture of a naked woman from his deck of pornographic cards. He asks Spivey if he knows where the woman lives. He hijacks the bus to take the nonrestricted patients on an outing, picking up his girlfriend, Candy, along the way and driving the men to the docks. After boarding a fishing boat, McMurphy introduces the patients to a suspicious harbormaster, claiming that they are doctors from the mental hospital who have chartered the boat for a fishing trip.

They motor out of the harbor, and McMurphy teaches Cheswick to drive the boat while the other men learn to fish. Taber catches a monster fish.

When the boat trip is done, the men return to face Dr. As expected, the other members of the team scapegoated Danny and made fun of him. The group leaders confronted them, and Danny did not back down and made it through the first group. When Greg returned on the the next day, the focus was removed from Danny, and transferred to him. When Greg made fun of Danny, the group stood up for him. So, in one day, the group had seemed to accept and protect Danny, but reject a member who had previously been in the group.

Greg, however, was very threatening and impatient with the group. Ten Weeks. Group cohesion was once again achieved, so another game with the teachers was scheduled. Danny and Greg did not show up. The group beat the teachers in the second half.

Eleven Weeks. Cowens was discharged for behavior outside of the group; this was difficult for the boys because they had become dependent on him for leadership and support. Reaction to Cowens' leaving was expressed not in anger but in depression or a sense of loss. The group seemed just to be going through the motions. Danny appeared to take advantage of this situation by trying extra hard to gain attention and respect.

This seemed to be exactly what the group needed to get back on the track. Danny had worked his way into being a powerful member of the group; he made himself attractive enough so that others wanted him on their team. He had impact on the group, not by basketball ability, but by his determination. He would get a nosebleed after being hit in the face and not stop playing, whereas Lloyd would fall down and fake an injury for attention. Final Weeks. Another new member arrived, and the reaction was much milder than before.

There were now three new members and three core members, and the group ran smoothly. After a few sessions, the group decided they did not want to play basketball anymore, and stickball was deemed to be their new activity. It was then a new term and time for a new group. The last days of group ended with much the same feelings as the first day. There was skepticism and enthusiasm about the new group. Discussion The goal of the group — to identify, explore, and release aggression — was achieved.

It would have been possible, once cohesion was achieved, to take this group into a primarily verbal phase of group treatment. It was also helpful to view this group in terms of other therapeutic aspects — the development of identity and sources of self-esteem, as a laboratory for analyzing sources of power, and the development of group cohesion.

Identity and peer group acceptance Developmentally, adolescence is a time when gaining approval and being accepted is very important. However, it seems that many adolescent psychiatric patients have either failed or have not had the opportunity to become a member of a group.

The basketball group allowed these patients to form relationships, to receive immediate feedback without too much threat, and for most everyone to find a place. Danny was of special interest here — a small, young adolescent, who was able to face initial rejection and by determination find a place for himself within the group. Liff , in discussing the role of the group therapists in the treatment of learning disabled patients, stated that the central problem for the therapist is to help each patient identify with and internalize the positive climate and observational structure inherent in a cohesive group so that identity can eventually emerge in a mature and responsible way.

Giovacchini indicates that the character-disordered patient could not construct a cohesive self because he was not responded to — and if there is not one around to respond — then there would no external reinforcement of his potential to achieve a stable sense of being. This was achieved in the group. This group was interesting, in fact, as a laboratory for studying dominance hierarchies and sources of power in a very raw form. Had we been merely a basketball team the leaders would not have been so attuned to this analytic attitude.

This was true even in a group devoted to basketball. Each member seemed to display his dynamics — his ways of controlling his environment — in a blatant fashion, the same dynamics he displayed in the psychiatric milieu.

However, in the basketball group, these behaviors could be directly addressed by peer confrontation and by the leaders since all members did share the same ethic and the same task — whereas in the hospital corridors they did not share the goal of a therapeutic and peaceful milieu.

At the same time, most every member was able to achieve a source of esteem and power within the group, and for some the addition of basketball skills helped. They learned that each could have his own power and achievement and a place within the group, and usually not at the expense of another. Sources of power and dominance strongly resembled those displayed in the milieu.

Swen, the oldest and biggest of the members, liked to have things his way, and if he did not get them, he played the role of martyr. He was sarcastic and teased, but he could also receive it. He was a powerful member of the group because of his size and demeanor, and what he lacked in basketball skill, he made up for in a reckless style of play, which was intimidating. Yet he was a stabilizing force during the group, using his physical size to control the game and acting out aggression in a physical way.

Lloyd was an outstanding basketball player, seemed to know it, but needed to demonstrate this by bragging or showing off in a covert way. If the game was to go to 21 and his team had 20, he needed to be the one to make the final point. He showed little affect toward other members, but displayed some with the leaders.

Other members wanted him on the team because he was a good team player. It was difficult to know if he was swearing and calling you names because he liked you or because he was angry.

He expressed his anger verbally and was abusive at times, and gained power by verbally intimidating or belittling. He played physically but fair.

Group members liked to be on his team but hated to guard him. He expressed anger both physically and verbally but did not actually abuse or assault anyone. He gained power by his skills and intimidation without ever having to prove his toughness.

The next day he persuades George Sorenson, a former fisherman, to take the last slot. When Candy arrives at the hospital—without Sandy—the men are transfixed by her beauty and femininity. In doing so, she discovers that McMurphy lied about the cost of the rental to make a profit off the other patients. She tries to use this information as part of her typical divide-and-conquer strategy, but the other patients do not seem to mind. McMurphy then persuades Doctor Spivey to come with them and drive the second car.

When they stop for gas, the attendant tries to take advantage of them. McMurphy gets out of the car and warns him that they are a bunch of crazy, psychopathic murderers. The other patients, seeing that their illness could actually be a source of power for them, lose their nervousness and follow his lead in using their insanity to intimidate the attendant.

Bromden marvels at the changes the Combine has wrought on the Outside—the thousands of mechanized commuters and houses and children.

When they get to the docks, the captain of the boat does not allow them to take the trip, because he does not have a signed waiver exonerating him should any accidents occur. Meanwhile, the men on the dock harass Candy, and the patients are ashamed that they are too afraid to stand up for her.

To distract the captain of the boat, McMurphy gives him a phone number to call.