How is ideal weight determined
Remember that ideal weight is not an absolute target for either appearance or health. The values in the charts are estimates and may not take into account factors like muscle mass or health conditions that affect weight.
The traditional ideal weight calculation is essentially a rule of thumb rather than being based on health research or a comprehensive study of population averages. These equations were developed for use by doctors to calculate drug dosages.
They tend to overestimate ideal weight at shorter heights and underestimate it at taller heights. However, a study found that the results correlate well with the body mass index of 21 for women and The authors of the study suggest a different equation using body mass index.
The healthy BMI range is the same for men and women, so the results apply to both. The healthy normal weight range is a BMI between The biggest differences between the older equations and the newer equation come in the taller height range. Also, the ideal for women is the same as for men when using BMI, and the new equation allows a few pounds more at each height for women than the older charts. You can be healthy in a wide range of weights, but being underweight is associated with poor health outcomes and higher mortality for some conditions, as is being far above the healthy BMI range.
If your weight is above that of the ideal for your height on the charts, it is tempting to think that it is because you are lean but very muscular. This may be true in some cases, but most people usually weigh more because they have more body fat. Your body mass index, calculated from your height and weight, is commonly used by health authorities to assess if you are overweight or obese.
Very muscular people may have a higher body mass index while still having low body fat. Meanwhile, people who have lost muscle mass and replaced it with fat may appear to have a normal BMI when they actually have too much body fat and not enough muscle for good health outcomes.
A waist over 35 inches for non-pregnant women and over 40 inches for men indicates a higher risk of obesity-related conditions, according to the CDC. If you're wondering what your ideal weight is based on your height, this chart can help. There are other ways to measure a healthy weight and whether you have increased body fat. You can find your BMI with a simple calculator using your weight and height. It will then characterize your BMI as underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.
Your body fat percentage is not the same as your BMI. This measurement is often used to assess whether you are gaining muscle or losing fat. The healthy ranges are different for men and women. There are a variety of ways to measure it, including using a body fat scale that uses bioelectrical impedance. It is not as simple to find the ideal weight for children and teens up to age The equations for body mass index are different from those of adults.
This can be done with a calculator on the CDC's website. Then the result is compared to a percentile chart based on age. Normal weight is a BMI between the 5th percentile and the 85th percentile. The CDC has a weight for stature table in kilograms based on age. Being at the ideal weight for your height doesn't guarantee that you will look the same as another person of that same weight and height. There are multiple factors that affect how different people look at the same weight and height.
People who have more lean body mass —muscles rather than fat—will have a different appearance from someone of the same weight who is less muscular. Each person has different proportions.
Some people are longer in the legs and shorter in the torso, and vice versa. If you are a short-waisted woman, it's unlikely you'll have an hourglass figure with a nipped-in waist, no matter what your weight may be. A person whose waist measurement is less than half their height has a lower risk of a number of life-threatening health complications.
To calculate the WtHR, a person should divide their waist size by their height. If the answer is 0. The authors also cited findings from another study — involving statistics for around , people from different ethnic groups — which concluded that WHtR is better than BMI at predicting heart attacks, strokes , diabetes, and hypertension.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC note that a man with a waist size of 40 inches or above, or a woman with a waist size of 35 inches or above has a higher risk than other people of:. Essential fat : A person needs essential fat to survive. It plays a role in a wide range of bodily functions. For men, it is healthy to have 2 to 4 percent of their body composition as essential fat.
Storage fat : Fatty tissue protects the internal organs in the chest and abdomen, and the body can use it if necessary for energy. BMI, in contrast, does not distinguish between fat and muscle mass. The most common ways of measuring body fat percentage is to use a skinfold measurement, which uses special calipers to pinch the skin. The health professional will measure tissue on the thigh, abdomen, chest for men or upper arm for women. The techniques provide an accurate reading within around 3.
Other techniques include :. None of these can give a percent accurate reading, but the estimates are close enough to give a reasonable assessment.
In this video by What Matters Nutrition , David Brewer, a registered dietician, takes a look at the question of ideal weight, discussing many of the points raised above. Combining them may be the best way to get an accurate idea of whether you should consider taking action or not.
Anyone who is concerned about their weight, waist size, or body composition should speak to a doctor or nutritionist. They will be able to advise about suitable options. BMI has been used for more than years to assess weight, but how accurate is it? Brachytherapy: Radioactive Implants to Fight Brain When Precision Matters: New Technology at Robotic Hernia Repair on the Rise 0.
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