What is rqm
IBM Rational Quality Manager, also known as the Quality Management QM application, can help you manage software quality, improve operational efficiency, and increase test accuracy in a continuous delivery environment. Note: The following resources were created for a specific release, but also apply to later releases.
Learn about the product in the formats that you prefer: short videos, help topics, tutorials, or online at Jazz. Learning Circle: Advanced usage. EPAM Systems. Esterel Technol.. GitHub project. Google Code Pro.. Gurock Software. Hewlett Packard.. High-Tech Bridg.. Jamo Solutions.
JAR Technologie.. JBoss Developer. JS Foundation. KMS Technology. LDRA Limited. Loadster Perfor.. Meliora Ltd. Micro Focus Sof.. Mobile Labs. Mockaroo, LLC. MSys Technologi.. Neowise Softwar.. Novosync Mobili.. NRG Global. NTT Resonant. OC Systems. Odin Technology. Original Softwa.. Patterson Consu.. Perfecto Mobile. Pivotal, Inc.
Postman API To.. Process One. Programming Res.. QA Systems. Qualitia Softwa.. RadView Softwar.. Reflective Solu.. Robotium Tech. Rogue Wave Soft.. Sandklef GNU La.. Sauce Labs. Seapine Softwar.. Siemens PLM Sof.. Spirent Technol..
Stimulus Techno.. Swifting AB. Telerik By Prog.. Test Collab. Test Goat. Test Recon. Testsigma Techn.. The Core Bankin.. The MathWorks. The Open Group. Time Simulator. Trace Technolog.. Tritusa Pty Ltd. TWD Solutions P.. Tyto Software. Universal Test.. Usetrace Ltd. Utrecht Univers.. Validata Group. Rational Quality Manager is a test management tool. It stores test cases, records test execution and results, maps testing onto requirements and tracks defects.
Large collections of automated RFT tests can be run from RQM and the results stored and managed in RQM, in order to lower the cost and increase the speed of application development and delivery. Like other test management tools, IBM Rational Quality Manager provides a central repository of test data, which users can access and update in real time. This is a major improvement on keeping test data in spreadsheets or word processor documents because it eliminates the risks of the documents being lost, incorrect versions being used and multiple testers running the same tests.
In RQM, tests are organised in test plans. A test plan identifies the requirements to be tested, then allows users to create the test cases corresponding to the requirements and the test scripts whether manual or automated corresponding to each test case.
As tests are executed, the test plan moves closer and closer to completion. To execute a manual test, RQM presents each step of the test one at a time to the tester. The tester performs the step on the system being tested and enters whether the step passed or failed into RQM.
To execute an automated test, RQM invokes an automated test tool, such as RFT, and makes it execute the desired automated script. When the automated test tool has finished executing the script, the result is passed back to RQM and RQM stores the result. RQM provides a number of standard reports which show the progress of testing to the test managers.