What is the difference between 6 speed and 4 speed

2022.01.07 19:14

More gears will just help the car to run its engine at the maximum RPM range for a longer time. The 4-speed autos will be behind a 5-speed regarding road performance but the latter one will warrant more maintenance and cost because of allowing the driver to shift more.

In a word, a 4 speed automatic transmission car is a good choice. Driving Tips. Maintenance Tips. Car Review. Car Comparison. Industry knowledge. Last updated Apr 25, And 2 they tend to not shift very fast with their rail type shift linkage. Trust me, in my younger days I was a lightning fast shifter, and I'm still really, really fast at speed shifting, but not with any of these 5 speeds.

For some reason, no matter how fast or strong you think you are, the shift linkage always wants to stop and pause in neutral before going into the next gear. In other words, a 4 speed with a fast Hurst shifter on it can simply jump from 1st to 2nd in one short, smooth motion, but not a rail shifter tranny.

They always seem to go "click It's never as fast or as smooth as the old 4 speeds were. I'm sure some guys will be saying they can shift theirs really fast. Well goody two shoes, they've evidently never shifted something like a Super T or an M with a short throw Hurst shifter on it then because hands-down, those definitely shift quicker and smoother, without a doubt. Here's why; what kinds of vehicles do these 6 speeds come-in? At what speed do you think they'll be shifting into 6th gear and take it up to that car's max speed?

It's certainly not at 60 MPH or so. Well just how much speed and RPM do you think are built into one gear? In other words; how fast can you typically go in 1st gear? How about 2nd or 3rd? Each gear has a given amount of speed and RPM built into it, no matter which gear it is. The rest is all up to your engine's power, your rear-end gearing and your terminal top speed. In other words; in cars that these types of trannys normally come-in, they don't usually use 6th gear until they are already going over about 80 MPH or more in most cases and have enough engine torque to pull that gear.

Let me give you a scenario. A friend of mine built a hot little 66 Chevelle with a decent small block in it. It was probably an honest to goodness or so HP and at least that much in torque. With his 3. Hell no! So to use a gear like that, and to go MPH, you'd be shifting into 6th at probably about MPH or so with the engine revs up enough to be well into its max power band area to be able to "pull" that tall gear.

Just think about how well you can accelerate a 10 speed bike when going 10 MPH in 10th gear. Good luck with that! To submit your questions or ideas, or to simply learn more, see our about us page: link below. Efficiency In recent 6-speeds, the extra speed from a 5-speed allows the engine to run at a lower RPM and save fuel, comparatively.

Shifting Differences Whereas in a 5-speed, drivers are advised to accelerate above 25mph in fourth gear, in a 6-speed car, drivers are advised to accelerate above 35mph in fifth gear. Getting the Feel As manual shifting is a fairly intuitive skill set, there is no easy advice for a driver who is changing from a 5-speed car to a 6-speed. References City Data.