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What is the difference between wq and wq

2022.01.07 19:14

See also Can you install Windows 7 on a Windows 8 laptop? Related posts: Best answer: How do I change font color in Linux? Question: How do I change the terminal theme in Linux? How do you change the text color in Linux terminal? Quick Answer: How do you change font color in Linux terminal? You asked: How do I add color in Linux terminal? See also How are processes managed in Linux? Like this post? Please share to your friends:. Even though HyperTerminal is not a part of Windows 10, the Windows 10 operating.

Move the mouse pointer to the lower left corner of the screen, right-click, and. Thank you for this excellent sharing! View more. After it, you can know the wq, wq! I usually use wq: in linux. Anno7 Created Sep 24, Vien Created Sep 24, Good share.

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All operations performed using your account will be regarded as your own actions and all consequences arising therefrom will be borne by you. For details, see " Privacy. Should you have any questions, please contact e. My Followers. The :wq command is used in Vim to write and quit. The contents of the buffer are written to disk for the associated file and then the Vim session is terminated. So, what is the difference between this and the :x command.

The Vim help files give the following description of the :x command:. Either way the contents of the resulting file are going to be the same.