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Wow where to buy mysterious fortune card

2022.01.07 19:14

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Thread: Mysterious Fortune Cards - Inscription - short guide. Results 1 to 8 of 8. Thread Tools. Mysterious Fortune Cards - Inscription - short guide Guide is in red, disclaimers and overview of my life is in default color. Let me start off by saying that, even though this is not the best kept secret, I couldn't find any posts related to this except for a spreadsheet.

This is part of a short guide series I will be doing, mainly to promote my blog on which I will be posting a wow gold guide every few days or so. The Mysterious Fortune Card method is my first well second if you count the welcoming message post on the blog.

I hope to get some followers this way. If you are annoyed by the fact that I am doing this to promote my blog, feel free to leave a comment on where to find some publicity. Also, yes I know my blog is the same as everybody else's. For me its about the content, not about how it looks. I also know that these methods and topics have been used by other bloggers, and I don't know how I'm going to be different than those yet, but for now let's just start with the guide.

First off I wanna say: Yes, this is a repost x, BUT they always drown in other guides and there's always updates to this goldmaking! Last edited by Mahizzta; at PM.

I will say this one thing, unless you are mass milling herbs, you are gonna be killing so much time. I wouldn't even bother with TSM prospector anymore, imo. Just use the cheaper WoD herbs and mass mill.

Besides, unless you miraculously getting Cata herbs for less than 2g a piece, it's not worth it. Secondly, I should put a special emphasis on advertising constantly. These cards do not sell themselves. No one thinks to buy these cards unless you are advertising. As such, you HAVE to advertise all day everyday you are online or have access to trade chat. Hell, even if I am out of cards to sell, I will look at the AH and macro a sale of other people's cards. I do this to ensure the price does not collapse.

Maybe my luck is just terrible. Comment by Spent 1. Opened them all up. Lost g. Highest I got was a g card. Comment by Lotteries are a tax on people who are bad at math. Comment by I am sorry for inscripters here, but guys I lost almost the same amount of gold spent. Allthough, if something like Blue-Protodrake just dropped for you, i suggest buying one. Also, just for reasonable knowing, there is a chance of 0. Don't be a idiot like me and try to get it. You are going to ruin yourself.

Comment by i got one after my 18th card! Comment by foureyedvulpine Word of Caution : If you intend on farming herbs to make the cards, be sure to do a little research beforehand. As I type, these cards are going for 15g apiece on the AH in Eitrigg.

However, all of the Cataclysm herbs that produce the necessary mats Cinderbloom, Whiptail, etc. From Wowhead's data, Mysterious Fortune Cards require 2 Ashen Pigment to create, which are commonly obtained by milling 5 of any of these herbs.

Since milling yields Ashen Pigment, you're practically guaranteed to have enough for one card with just 5 herbs. Of course, it won't be like this everywhere, as I'm hearing of much higher prices for cards in other realms.

I'm just saying that a little research goes a long way if you want to maximize your profit! Comment by only reason i buy these cards is to cook fortune cookies. You would need many, many, many more flips to determine what the actual drop percentages are - roughly 32 million flips.

Comment by Azsalyn So if I'm making this myself Man, my character is some kind of stupid Its rly hard to get nice card drop seems like. I hope you be have more lucky than me. My total earnings were gold. It was all milling herbs from Hyjal my alt farmed leveling from It's all luck.

If you have herbs to dump, this is a fun way to do it, but I wouldn't rely on it for income. All I can say is, good luck! Comment by For those of you playing the game and have say, Tukui, or an autosell addon If it's Tukui, merchant.

Tested working with Tukui. Comment by Anathelia Word of Caution: If you intend on farming herbs to make the cards, be sure to do a little research beforehand.

Comment by Xykar As an inscriptor, if you want to open them look at it this way: - If you farm your own herbs, it is only time spent. You spend 40 silver on a Resilient Parchment. You could argue that you're missing out on "potential" profit by not selling them on the AH, but that is hypothetical money as is the potential for a gold card.

I've opened about 30 and I got one g card. I've put about 50 on the AH and all have sold within 48 hours. Comment by Definitely a viable money making scheme - Although it seems like most have caught on to the futility of their output for more than often little reward. Comment by Just for the heck of it. I purchased 15 cards for gold. I mailed 2 off to friends so 0 copper for those..

I flipped 13, got 1 1 50 3 5g 4 1g 2 50s 2 10s g20silver - 60 copper to mail off the unknowns g19s40c total net profit g19s40c and 2 happy guildies. Yes I will keep flipping, I am even considering spending the 4k gold to make one of my alts a card dealer.

Comment by BloodWren Got a bit bored in 2 one evening, decided to spend a little of my disposable income. Bought 6 cards, four 10s, a 1g and a 5k. I shrugged and vendored it. It's bad for your pockets :D. Comment by are the cards worth anything once flipped if it's a white item?

I purchased of these at 10g a pop on kalecgos realm , here is what I got; 1 rare quality for g. Comment by Purchased a total of cinderblooms for 1g 20s each. Milled them down and got cards. Sold them 12g each. Comment by Daisieheart so these are still making good money in cata? Comment by Someone on my server was buying the gold cards for gold and the gold cards for gold. Comment by Pouned Bought of them.

One was the 5k one. Went from 19k to 24k for an investment of gold spent around 1k, income 4k. Comment by Can you stack the 1 and 5k cards? I really need a checkbook for trading. Comment by Gocko These are pretty much worthless and a waste of money and is something you should only do when you are bored, but god they sell like candy to little kids for us Scribes so I ain't complaining!

Comment by Megamoose The expected value of playing this game at 15g a pop and assuming all 57 cards have an equal chance to drop which they probably don't is roughly a 76s75c return on the 15g spent. Thats a 14g23s25c per attempt loss. Comment by Megamoose This is especially true considering the price to buy 57 cards is only gold.

I am aware that buying 57 would not guarantee a success the 5k card , but it would greatly increase the chance of a success. Comment by OK so this is in regards to the drop rate of the fortune card. OK so first stack the fortune card worth g dropped with 39 still left in the stack. OK so Second stack it never dropped. I suspect maybe it is a timed drop on total number of cards flipped by everyone on server.

Comment by salamandre House always wins. Yep that's true. If you spend lot of money every day in order to get a regular income out of gambling, you do it wrong, and you will lose money in the end. Now lets do some maths Imagine that k tickets are sold at a price of 20 bucks each. You buy one. At the end, they take 1 random ticket, and this one wins the jackpot. Now if my mats are correct, the house made 3 million profit minus the cost of ticket printing.

Chance that someone wins the jackpot? It could have been you? When you buy a ticket, you don't only buy some kind of maths formula. You also buy the hope and the thrill of an hypotetical win. I used to make those cards with my scribe, and sell it on the AH. So, i could have sold them all, for a nice 2k gold. I decided to turn them instead. How much profit did i make by turning them instead of selling them? Absolutely nothing! But hell that was fun! Comment by ThomasJohan Epic are like children: None are as wonderful as your own.

That made my day! Comment by Made cards today, cost me about G and like 30 minutes to make them. Used them all and looted G. On my server could have made about 3k selling them on AH. Comment by Talking in the raid about the odds of flipping up the G card in our Fortune Cookies Alt-tab out to look it up, alt-tab back to copy-paste my findings in raid chat Comment by Kalquerak For anyone wondering, the average value of one of these cards is about 2g 50s. So if you're getting them for above that, you're probably losing money using them.

Comment by seahen Maybe not everyone who buys these cards buys them just to gamble with. Comment by Cards of note -1 g -1 50g -7 20g 5g 1g. Comment by anzpanz Bought total of around cards: 1x g 1x g 3x 50g loads of 20g ended up with no profit nor loss :. Comment by Ace0fSpaades I've come to figure out that on Whisperwind, People make this a game, they put up every single card they make for anywhere for 15 to 30 gold per card and tell people if they win the gold card to send it to them COD and they'll send them gold or if they win the gold card they will win send them gold.

I've found this to be very disheartening since the second I hit 85 I had about gold and blew it all on those cards and maybe came out with g? Very big money maker if you know what you're doing with them. Watch out for the people that take yours off just to put them back on for a higher price, also watch out for the people that put cards up that cost 10 gold per card..

Comment by I have made around of those cards so far after my calculations and all i can say is that in the end i got 10x,14x cards. You make the math. I can also say that the report of the gold spent on herbs and the gold earned is not the same. I did spent around g on herbs and i ended up with around g. The gold i was spending on the herbs i was getting it back from the inferno inks.

Maybe is just me been lucky but as far as i can see it this was a very lucrative business for me. Comment by Doky92 Hey. Hmm my luck is coming when i dont wait for it I farming the Vitreous Stone drake killed slabhide about times since no mount And yesterday i make 10 card and from the fifth i got the gold Comment by rabbitboi I knew this was a game for suckers, but it's a game nonetheless.

Just for a lark, I went and bought a stack of these things, with the intention of posting here a data set that might help others, as well as have a laugh over how much money I'd lost. To have the right mindset, before I started flipping them, I considered the gold I spent on the cards already lost. Here's how much I managed to recover: 66 cards were the 10 silver variety 9 sold for 50 silver 18 were the 1 gold ones 6 cards sold for 10g So I spent g, but managed to recover That's assuming I vendor the card, instead of trying to sell it for more in Trade.

Overall it was still kinda fun, reading the flavor text of all the cards I got, but if I hadn't gotten lucky it would've been a tremendous waste of gold. I'd rather tremendously waste my gold on things like pets and mushroom chairs in the future though. Comment by Redclouds Opened about of these today and got one 5k one and another g in change. Comment by Nytelyfe I have seen a few commnents making reference to it but nobody has come outright and said it yet.

Each card has its own value after you flip it. If nothing else some have neat sayings if your bored. Comment by Lord I was born a gamblin' man Comment by Bought cards to a total price of g what i got: 2x g 2x g 2x g 7x 50g 40x 20g and the rest is just random silvers. Put some luck into it, and u will profit! Comment by i just bought 50 with a gold and got the 5k card first time what a luck. Maybe one day we could pinpoint what percentage that sweet gold card has! Comment by I compliment everyone's efforts to understand probabilities.