How many have claimed to be jesus
His commune mixes a selection of rites drawn from Orthodox Christianity with environmental edicts and a series of other rules. Veganism is enforced and monetary exchange is banned inside the commune. It is not clear what will happen to the disciples now that their leader has been arrested, nor is it clear why authorities decided to move now. The official Russian Orthodox church has long condemned the group but officials have largely left the devotees alone.
It, no doubt, evokes a different response for each reader, based on their relationship or lack of relationship with faith and the Bible. People of all faiths, those without and even art enthusiasts will be captivated by the images of Jesus Christ walking among us. We get it: you like to have control of your own internet experience. But advertising revenue helps support our journalism. To read our full stories, please turn off your ad blocker.
We'd really appreciate it. Click the AdBlock button on your browser and select Don't run on pages on this domain. INRI Cristo is wheeled around their compound on a rolling pedestal. Jesus of Kitwe born Mupeta Chishimba proselytizing in a market place. Big crowds gather, recording his every word on their mobile phones. Moses Hlongwane, otherwise known simply as Jesus, on the day of his wedding to one of his disciples.
Communal feast during an all-day pilgrimage march for Vissarion's birthday on January 14th. There have been scores of predictions about the second coming but none have panned out. Not so, say the many people who claim they are reincarnation of the Son of God. Only they know whether they actually believe they are Jesus returned or con artists feeding on the faith of the gullible.
Vincent UK. There is no mention of a special star, wise men, or mangers attached to his birth. Public domain. While travelling to Australia to carry out missionary work, Potter claimed that Jesus Christ entered his body during some sort of supernatural experience. He returned to the United States, gathered a small band of followers, and settled in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
In , he told his little group that it was time for him to ascend to heaven. He leaped from a cliff; but instead of ascending he descended. His disciples gathered up his remains and cremated him. From India Murza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be both the messiah and the mahdi, redeemer of Islam. Born half blind in to a poor Japanese family, Chizuo Matsumoto eked out a living weaving tatami mats.
Then, came the selling of herbal medicines and some difficulty with the authorities over not having a pharmaceutical licence. Along with this came the name change to Shoko Asahara and the pinching of bits of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity.
At its peak, 10, people in Japan and many more in Russia bought into his, dare we say, cult. He declared himself to be the Lamb of God. As Jesus Christ, he prophesied the end of the world in a nuclear wallop and only those to be saved would be members of Aum Shinrikyo. What better way to invite adherents into your cause than an act of terrorism? So, in March , a group of Aum Shinrikyo devotees released some Sarin nerve gas into the Tokyo subway system.
Thirteen people died and thousands suffered injuries. The winters are bitterly cold, which his Last Testament teachings say are all the better for developing his devotees' character. His disciples celebrate Christmas on January 14, Vissarion's birthday, when they enter the community's innermost and holiest village, Obitel Rassveta, or The Abode of Dawn. A former MI5 agent and whistleblower, Shayler declared himself the Messiah in and now occasionally preaches as his cross-dressing alter ego, Delores Kane.
Shayler says his partial identity as a woman gives the Messiah practical insight into the world from a female perspective. Born on December 24, , Shayler rose to prominence after leaking secrets to a British newspaper alleging the government spy agency MI5 targeted people perceived as socialists.
Shayler had worked in the MI5 branch which monitored left-wing activists, and later handled Irish and then Middle Eastern terrorism. Shayler made other claims to media, about the bombing of the Israeli embassy and was charged with breaching the Official Secrets Act. When he claimed himself the son of God, saying, "I am the messiah and hold the secret of eternal life", he dedicated himself to "destroying the Zionist empire".
In , he delivered a "sermon on the mount" from a hill in the rural England village of Abinger Hammer, in Surrey. He now delivers sermons to handful of followers, sometimes as the mini-skirted Delores in a blonde wig in the grounds of his 17th-century National Trust farmhouse. I am the latest reincarnation of the Christ and live a life of unconditional love," he told the Independent in Shayler says the engravings on the Rod of Aaron, the staff carried by Moses' older brother in the Old Testament, contained an anagram of "David Shayler, Righteous King".
Convinced that he is Almighty God as well as Jesus Christ, he claims he will conduct the Last Judgment as Christ, but within the Japanese political system. The year-old has yet to win an election, but says his first step as saviour will be to take over as Japan's prime minister. After reforming Japanese society, Mitsuo will then take over as general secretary of the United Nations. His election campaigns have been marked by his urging political opponents to commit harakiri, or ritual suicide.