How many interview in nda

2022.01.07 19:15

Answer: Yes, the selection procedure of NDA for all the branches is the same. Answer: Candidates need to submit class 10th and 12th certificates, valid photo ID, SSB call letter and caste certificate if applicable during NDA selection procedure Answer: The different stages of SSB interview are screening. It is very difficult to predict the safe score for maths and GAT paper in NDA examination as the trends vary each year depending upon the difficulty level of questions asked and number of candidates appeared.

But in the previous few years the final cut off score released in aggregate is around So so you should try to target at least marks in maths paper that is attempting 40 question correctly. You need to clear the sectional cut off as well as overall cut off in order to qualify in NDA Entrance Examination. The total marks for GAT is and for Mathematics it is marks. You need to score minimum marks out of marks to qualify in GAT and minimum 75 marks out of marks to qualify in Mathematics.

Therefore if you are born before July 1, then you are eligible for NDA Exam right after your class 12th. And you will be eligible for this exam until you attain For further relevant information related to NDA Eligibility criteria, please visit the link provided below:. Yes , you are eligible for NDA examination Army without maths.

Now, girls are also eligible for Army in nda. When you look back in life , this app would have played a huge role in laying the foundation of your career decisions.

Found everything I wanted and it solved all of my queries for which I was searching a lot A must visit No need to find colleges in other sites, this is the best site in India to know about any colleges in India. Table of contents. Selection Process. Question: Who conducts the NDA exam? Question: What are the different stages of NDA selection procedure ? Question: What is the minimum age limit to apply for NDA ? Answer: The minimum age limit for NDA 1 is Question: Is the medical examination compulsory for NDA selection ?

Question: What are different branches of NDA? Question: What are the documents required in the NDA selection procedure ? Question: What are the different stages of an SSB interview? Question: I am medically not physically fit. Can I apply for NDA ? Latest Articles. Read More. The SSB interview is a five-day process , which has two stages. The first stage of the interview is conducted on Day 1 of the SSB interviews. This means unless one can qualify through the first stage on Day 1, they are sent back home.

On the first day of the SSB interviews, all candidates are subjected to the two different tests. The performance in both these tests are jointly considered to qualify the candidate as eligible for the other selection tests that are staged during the next four days of SSB interviews.

So what actually happens during the five-day-long selection process? Upon arriving at the indicated interview venue, one must first report to the centre indicated in the call letter.

In general, the first step is to fill up the form, after which a unique identification number is allocated to each candidate.

Do not be surprised if the officials stick the number on your chest because this is how defence recruitment interviews are often conducted. Once the initial processes of form fill up and numbering are done, two different screening tests are initiated.

The OIR tests are conducted in the form of verbal and non-verbal tests. The PPDT is an austere event where the visual is displayed for only 30 seconds and the narration must be penned down within three minutes. Candidates are then segregated into smaller groups and they narrate their story to other members following which a group discussion is also held to reach a conclusive narrative. Comments 0. Related Questions. How to face ssb interview of NDA exam?

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