Can i claim ppi without paperwork
Cast an eye over our brief guide to get clued-up. Payment Protection Insurance was mis-sold on a number of financial agreements so any loan, credit card or mortgage applications could provide the basis for a claim. You will need to check your own financial records by reviewing copies of your loan agreements. These should have been issued at the time you made the agreement and will include details of whether PPI was added or not.
Using a claims management company. Check your paperwork Before you start to claim back your PPI, you need to ensure that you have a valid claim. You were self employed and the policy did not cover self employed people You were not informed that the policy does not cover pre-existing medical conditions if applicable Your agreement had a pre-ticked box meaning you had to opt out of the service some pre-July agreements had these Write to your lender Once you have established that you have a valid claim you need to write to your lender.
If your claim is accepted, your lender should get back to you and refund your money. Write to the Financial Ombudsman If your claim is rejected but you believe that you have a valid claim, go to the Financial Ombudsman and make a formal complaint using the complaint form that you can download here.
When won't the easy route work? Using a claims management company We believe consumers should have a choice as to whether they process the claim themselves or use a claims management company If you feel unable to process the application yourself, do call us as we can point you in the direction of a number of regulated and compliant claims management companies who can certainly help to make the process easier.
Here are the steps to take. Before trying to find out if PPI was mis-sold, you need as much information as possible regarding the account or product. This includes the following:. If your account or product was active in the last six years, your bank should have a record of it and if PPI was included. To obtain this information you will have to pay a small fee for a subject access request SAR. Alternatively, a creditor or reputable claims company can get this information for you.
We have experience finding customer information from 20 years ago and can do it again for you. Once you have the relevant account information, you can check for PPI.
If you think the amount of compensation is unfair You should check the factors that can affect the amount you get. For example, did you make a claim on the policy, or do you owe the bank money? You should also check the assumptions the bank has made. If your bank needed to make any assumptions to calculate your offer, it will have been explained in your letter. In most cases if you think anything is incorrect or that you have been unfairly treated, your first port of call should be your bank.
The process is straightforward but due to the volume of PPI complaints it can be slow. If your complaint is upheld, then the company that sold you the policy should do its best to put you back in the position you would have been in if you had never taken PPI out in the first place. Regulators require your PPI provider to put you back into the financial position you would have been in if you had never had PPI. There are three sums that make up how PPI compensation is calculated.
You have up to four years after the end of the tax year in which you received your payout to reclaim tax on mis-sold PPI. Most people just need to complete a form R40 to apply for a refund.