When is harold and kumar 3 coming out in australia

2022.01.07 19:15

H arold Lee and Kumar Patel are back -- in the movie theaters. They are older, and well, not necessarily wiser. Fun and laughter have to be the eternal part of a good life lived, along with sliders from White Castle and a bag of good quality weed. But the most important point is that a Korean-American actor -- John Cho and his Indian American counterpart Kal Penn are still able to make headlines. Many amongst us take pride in the successes of over achieving, model minority Asian kids -- excelling in spelling bees, SAT scores and more.

One of the highlights of that film was when the two Asian dudes sit down and smoke marijuana with the former President George W. Indeed irreverence is the hallmark of these films.

Print this article. Star Kal Penn would still love to make a fourth film in the series, but he thinks there's one key to getting it done now. Here's what he told Variety :.

I hadn't really thought about this, but Kal Penn does make a good point about how people like to watch their stoner comedies. Instead of franchise fans having to marathon their way through the first movies at home, and then head to the theater to watch the duo's new adventure, they can just do all four movies in one sitting, without ever having to, you know, shower, put on pants or stop eating pepperoni pizza with cheese doodles and melted ice cream on top.

Is that what people who like to smoke a little sumthin' sumthin' enjoy eating? Asking for a friend We would love to do a fourth movie. John Cho and I text about it all the time. Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg — who created and wrote all three movies in the franchise — we all would love to do one. I think we all, thankfully, have the blessing of being really busy right now and want to find the right venue and the right timing. While I usually have to be convinced that sequels which come more than five years after a previous franchise entry are a good move, I have to admit that I'm kinda into the thought of catching up with Harold Lee and Kumar Patel as married men who smoke pot with their kids.

Alright, maybe not that exact idea , but you get what I'm saying. Who doesn't want to watch some formerly wild dudes rebuild their connection to cannabis and do some crazy, stupid shit?