When is pheed coming to android

2022.01.07 19:15

As of Tuesday, it ranked No. In addition to features, Pheed is also extending the same business model to Android, taking a cut of any subscriptions or pay-per-view fees paid.

Clippers, and E! Entertainment Television. The company has not paid high-profile talent to join or promote the service. Pheed faces stiff competition from rising new social apps like Vine and Snapchat in addition to the likes of Tumblr and Instagram. She added that average time spent per user on Pheed is 49 minutes a day, indicating a high level of engagement.

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Version History Here you can find the changelog of Pheed since it was posted on our website on The latest version is 2. See below the changes in each version:. Continue to Pheed.

And Pheed, with its pictures tells the stories of the world. Download Pheed now and discover news, entertainment and many other hot topics through pictures. Pheed gathers world news and Continue to app Rating:. It comes with powerful multimedia tools for creating notes with photos, videos, audio recordings, or your drawing Tags: pheed , when is pheed coming to , when will pheed be , is pheed available , how to get pheed , is pheed , when will pheed be available , pheed sur , when is getting pheed.

Description Pheed is a premium service that enables people to subscribe to a particular pheed channel and access exclusive text, voice notes, audio clips whether for stream or download , videos, photos, live broadcasts and direct events, all in real time. This app is no longer available. Explore Android.