When is which used

2022.01.07 19:15

I think I finally caught a glimpse of the bird that is building a nest in the window. Do you remember the name of the book that Carla recommended to us?

How do you use which? Examples of which in use In these examples, the information provided by each nonrestrictive clause is not essential. This sandwich, which has my favorite pickles , is delicious! These pairs of pants, which no longer fit me , should be given away. Don't Get Mixed Up Again! Get Dictionary. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Matt Gaffney — I disagree with you completely. There is no choice in the matter. For example:. That was one that I completely agree with. Likewise for vice-admiral, vice-president, and so forth. DAW: Guess I am a bit lazy in that way. Spellchecker, grammar checker, whatever. Hyphen, no hyphen, in this case because my nickname among some friends actual and virtual is spellchecker so I always write it that way.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Dale A Wood. But, as you stated, it may be a fantasy to want to clean up redundant, misused, and unnecessary clutter from the language. But I think the truth is that it mainly comes from us native speakers. Both Shakespeare and Milton used it to refer to things. But yes, we do teach the actual language that speakers of standard English use, rather than the artificial language that prescriptivists would have us teach.

As for basic English! My students are mainly advanced or proficiency level. Get Published. Build My Platform. Find a Fiction Agent. Find a Nonfiction Agent. Write My Query. Sell My Work. Business of Writing. Breaking In. Be Inspired. Writing Prompts. The Writer's Life. Writing Quotes. Vintage WD. From the Magazine. WD Competitions. Annual Competition. Self-Published Book.

Self-Published Ebook. Popular Fiction. Personal Essay. Short Short Story. From the Winners. Your Story. For example: Baby foods that contain soybeans are best. He went to the florist shop that sells my favorite flowers. The class that I really dread is math. Which vs. That Quiz Practice Questions Take a quick which vs. That Printable Quiz If you want to use the quiz in a classroom setting or to take it without the temptation of looking at the answers, you can print the which vs.

Answers to Which vs. That Quiz Practice Questions Check out the answers to the quiz and read the explanations to better understand why which or that is correct. She showed the leg that was injured. The shirt was my favorite color, which is blue.

Knowing the color of the shirt is extra information.