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What kind of food can bettas eat

2022.01.07 19:15

While they may be hard to source during the winter months, mosquitos and their larvae are very active and abundant during spring and summer and in warmer climates. Purchase a starter culture and harvest them yourself, or find a reputable local or online store that carries them. Brine shrimp are an aquatic crustacean that betta fish love. The photo above is zoomed in, from the University of Utah , they only grow up to 1 centimeter as adults.

Bloodworms or Glycera are the larvae of the midge fly and can be found in pools and ponds of water. Betta fish commonly gorge on them in the wild, making them ideal variations for even the pickiest of eaters. They are high in iron content, resulting in their bright red coloring. Also known as the vinegar fly, the common fruit fly is something you are probably very familiar with. Those are fruit flies and betta fish love them because they are insectivores.

Instead, there is a wingless and flightless variety that is ideal for feeding betta fish and can even be bred and harvested in a small container inexpensively. Mysis shrimp, or opossum shrimp , are another great option for betta fish because of their exoskeleton. This exterior is rich in fiber, which aids the digestion of protein-rich foods. If your betta fish is a picky eater, these guys might do the trick for some variety.

They are packed with betta-loving nutrients, more so than brine shrimp, and are also high in moisture and amino acids. Pay no attention to the amount and instructions on the side of the betta fish food can. These directions are often very misleading and can cause problems with your betta and the water quality in your tank. Typical feeding instructions say to feed as much as your fish will consume in 5 minutes, or to feed several times daily in amounts that can be consumed in 3 minutes.

This is not recommended and will lead to overfeeding and excess waste. Adult bettas can be fed once per day, and babies fry can be fed twice per day. It might not seem like enough, but many pellets expand to more than 2X their size once they get wet. Additional feedings may be necessary depending on the activity level and personality of your betta. Bettas will overeat if you let them. Always clean up any excess food that falls to the bottom of the tank with an aquarium designated turkey baster.

This will prevent ammonia buildup and the potential for harmful diseases being present from food decay. Extra feeding will lead to overeating or they may not eat the excess at all. A lack of appetite may mean that they are not hungry or have recently undergone some type of stress e.

Cold water that is outside of the recommended range of degrees Fahrenheit may also cause your betta to act lethargic and will slow their metabolism. A lower metabolism means they will need fewer feedings. As betta fish get older they will also be less active and may eat less frequently, this is normal. Make sure to monitor for signs of illness and disease , and initiate the proper treatments as soon as possible.

It is harmful to your fish and can mess with your water parameters. There is no reason to feed your betta fruit. A blanched, skinned piece of a pea is often helpful for a bloated betta with constipation issues.

You might also try veggies like lettuce or cucumbers. Your betta may or may not eat them. These veggies are best left for this specific purpose and not as a regular diet item. Bettas will eat small amounts of fish, but again, I would avoid it. The risks outweigh the benefits. Betta fish do not eat plants or their roots! This may be hard for new betta keepers to understand due to the popularity of vases sold with betta fish in them. Allegedly, you never need to feed the betta or change the water.

It's a horrible way to keep a betta. Betta fish love plants in their tank, but not to eat. They require meaty foods like those mentioned in this article. A betta may nibble on a plant root out of desperation, but plants are not a good food source for them. Betta fish love plants in their tanks, but they don't eat them! Many betta owners feed small, live insects to their fish. Betta fish eat insects in the wild, so they might appreciate an occasional treat.

If an unfortunate ant or fly ends up in your betta tank and he eats it, there is probably nothing to worry about. One reason I would caution not to intentionally feed wild-caught insects to your fish is the same reason I advise people to be careful about adding objects they find in the wild to their tanks: You never know what kinds of pesticides or other chemicals that insect may have encountered. Bettas can and will eat regular tropical fish food. Most fish food contains less protein than a betta requires.

You can look at the ingredients and make your own judgment on a case-by-case basis. The answer is a resounding maybe. It depends on the betta.

As with any other betta fish tank mates , there is no way to know until you get them together. Bettas are predators, and small shrimp are on the menu. If your betta sees your ghost shrimp as prey he will harass and possibly try to eat them.

Yes, your betta fish may try to eat your ghost shrimp! By Brian. Again, maybe. However, they may try to get at the meaty parts of the snail if they can. If you have pest snails , this might be a good thing. As with all of my articles, this one is based on my own experiences, research, and knowledge. I think it should get you off to a good start, but I also encourage you to seek other sources and learn as much as you can about betta care.

If you can follow these basic suggestions, I think your betta has a shot at a long, healthy, happy life. Good luck! It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Health Problems. Freshwater Pets. Freshwater Aquariums. Make sure, however, not to extend this fast more than you have to, otherwise your fish will not stay healthy.

Hope my little sharing here is useful and I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Feel free to leave a comment here or you could also share your experience on the various social media platforms:. Thank you for your info on feeding Bettas. I seem to be doing most of the things you recommend. I do find, however, that these fish are individuals.

Some are constantly waiting for food every day and some every couple of days. I have never found fresh food to buy. Bettas have their own unique individual personality. Ultimately, you need to discover the best method for your own betta. Would be really helpful if you can do a post about water conditions, ideal ph levels etc.

Thank you! The pH level for Bettas should be between 6. Make sure to have a filter in your tank that is appropriate for the gallon amount. AquaTech is a good brand. If your tank is cloudy looking and not a sharp image when you look inside, do a full tank cleaning. Add the appropriate amount of weekly care chemicals afterward. Hope this helps a little! Question — what if you go on vacation? We do have cats so generally someone stops by every days.

You may want to try experiment with vacation feeders before you go on your trip to find the food that works best. For your cats and the safety of your fish jumping out, make sure your aquarium has a secure lid.

My cat Moon has tried to get in unsuccessfully with the lid.