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What kind of goods does canada import

2022.01.07 19:15

The other top category to show improving import sales was the pharmaceuticals category via its 3. For a more detailed view of imported goods at the four-digit HTS code level, see the adjacent virtual folder tabs. In , Canadian importers spent the most on the following 10 subcategories of machinery including computers.

Among these import subcategories, Canadian purchases of computers including optical readers was the lone gainer from to thanks to its 4. These amounts and the percentage gains within parenthesis clearly show where the strongest demand lies for different types of imported machinery among Canadian businesses and consumers. Among these import subcategories, Canadian purchases of armored vehicles and tanks down These amounts and the percentage gains within parenthesis clearly show where the strongest demand lies for different types of imported vehicles among Canadian businesses and consumers.

Eurozone Industrial Output Falls for 2nd Month. Calendar Forecast Indicators News. More Indicators. National Statistics World Bank. We have a plan for your needs. Standard users can export data in a easy to use web interface or using an excel add-in.

API users can feed a custom application. White label accounts can distribute our data. Balance of Trade. Current Account. Current Account to GDP. External Debt. Terms of Trade. Capital Flows. This section shows exports and imports data at subnational level for Canada.

Click any date in the line plot, any subnational region in the geomap, or any product, destination or origin country to explore the exports or imports behavior of Canada over time. For full datasets download visit Bulk Download page. Go to Bulk Download. Explore Visualizations. Fastest Growing Export Markets - Fastest Growing Import Markets - Click any of the products in the bar chart to see the specific Ad Valorem Duty Rates by partner country. This section shows exports, imports and economic complexity data at the subnational level for Canada.

Click any of the Province in the geomap to visit the specific subnational profile. Explore Subnational Data. Canada has a high level of specialization in Semi chemical Woodpulp Specialization is measured using RCA, an index that takes the ratio between Canada observed and expected exports in each product. The highest complexity exports of Canada according to the product complexity index PCI are Electric solder, weld, braze,hot metal spray equipment 1.

PCI measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters. The top export opportunities for Canada according to the relatedness index, are Nitrogenous Fertilizers 0. Relatedness measures the distance between a country's current exports and each product. The barchart show only products that Canada is not specialized in.

The product space is a network connecting products that are likely to be co-exported.