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When is pattie mallette book coming out

2022.01.07 19:16

LOL but iff you buy any book of her, the adult book, or the teenage book, they are both awesome and inspirational, and you will see how your life is gonna be changed! I promise you! Right now I am lving a happy normal life and i have been but i know tht she will change others, and just to let you guys know i was at the justin bieber concert July 17,! Thnak you Pattie And justin! And i would love to be an author as you can see here, I love to write!

I read this book in 5 hours! This is such an inspiring book that really gives you hope. Being a big Justin Bieber fan, I did know some of the things that his mom has been through but not nearly as much as is told in this book.

Pattie is definitely so much more than just world famous pop star Justin Bieber's mom, she is a bright, beautiful and brave woman. This book had my jaw dropping and my eyes tearing the whole time. It really makes you realize that your little day to day problems are nothing compared to what others go t This is such an inspiring book that really gives you hope. It really makes you realize that your little day to day problems are nothing compared to what others go through everyday for years.

After reading this book you really feel like if she was able to get through all those things and come out on top, so can I. Pattie Mallette is an inspiration to all and I thank her for being so strong by putting her story out there.

I am convinced that it will help many that have been or are going through similar things. I am so happy for her now because she is finally living the life that she has deserved to live all this time. I also want to thank you Pattie for raising Justin to be such a good man and allowing him to pursue his music career because he is my idol. He has helped me through so much. Thank you! View all 7 comments. Jan 26, Shari rated it it was amazing. I love reading, and I love reading biographies.

They mentioned that she raised him as a single Mom and had lots of struggles, but that she was a born again Christian and talks about her faith being what brought her through. That intrigued me. At this point, I must confess, I am not a Justin Bieber fan. I mean, I knew he was from Stratford, ON, he was a young kid, and that he rose quickly to stardom, but really that was the extent of my knowledge.

I received a gift card for Amazon. On Amazon the description of the book says: Most people only know her as Justin Bieber's mom, but Pattie Mallette has had an incredible journey of her own. After reading this book, I have to say that I did relate to her on some of the aspects of her story. I also have to say as a Christian I loved reading her testimony of what God has done in her life. This is what being a Christian really is. That is because there are radical people out there who claim they are Christians but have no idea what Christ would really have them do.

And she tells how he met her needs not always in her timing, but in his. Having been a Christian all my life, I could relate to this part of her life too. Only God and myself knew and they would tell me things.

When I told them the look on their face told me it was God who told me to say it. If you are looking for a tell all, dish out the gossip dirt flinging book, this is not the book for you. I felt like she handled it all in a very classy way. Also if you are just a fan of Justin looking for all the inside goodies, I feel like you might be disappointed in this book too. She does tell some intimate stories, but most of the book is about her and her perspective. If you are interesting in learning more about the woman who raised Justin, about a woman who had a tough life but tried to figure out life, who trusted God and is learning every day to be a better person.

A person who was victimized, but has chosen to no longer be a victim, and about a God who is powerful and can make changes in the most hardened heart, then this book would be good for you.

If you are in a dark place, and feel like there is no hope for you, or a teenage mom needing to feel like someone gets it, I highly recommend this book. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and found it to be such an honest and truthful look at how it is to be a Christian, broken, sinful, forgiven and loved. I never thought an autobiography could be so interesting and good! From the first page of the book, to the last, I was on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happened next.

Every chapter is a new journey that I was dying to read. Pattie takes you from the very beginning of her life to where she stands today. Mallette shares some of her deepest secrets from her childhood, I never thought an autobiography could be so interesting and good!

Mallette shares some of her deepest secrets from her childhood, that you would've never guessed happened to her. Pattie really played with my feelings while I read this novel. At times she mad me cry because of the difficulties she had to get through and at other times she mad my smile gleam as she explained the memorable times she shared with Justin when he was just a little boy. I can honestly say this is probably the best autobiography I've ever read.

I never thought I could shed so many tears through one book. Reading this book gave me a different perspective on life.

Pattie has many different Bible verses throughout this novel, that really gave you an understanding of life. She shares different times that she talked to God, and how she made it through the tough times. If God can help me find my way up, I promise, He can do the same for you. Nowhere but up is about a single mother of one of the most famous popstars in the world today. The book talks about the many struggles Pattie Mallette went through growing up. Life really wasn't easy and wasn't good for her.

A lot of people see her as Justin Bieber's mom, but before all the glamour she was just like any other person dealing with a lot of hard things. She dealt with a lot of things such as depression and abuse. This book she talks about how broken she was growing up and how she s Nowhere but up is about a single mother of one of the most famous popstars in the world today.

This book she talks about how broken she was growing up and how she slowly found a way to be whole again. I gave this book 4 stars because it was really good.

I really enjoyed reading this book, it was very interesting and always kept me wanting to read more and more. I was drawn to this book because she was Justin Bieber's Mom, but when reading the book I realized it was talking about her life not justins.

I only gave it 4 because even though I liked it, I felt like a person who could relate to patties troubles would have understood and liked it better. I would defiantly recommend this book to young girls dealing with hard times or a Justin bieber fan because it is really amazing book, it is so inspirational and I would read it again any day.

Sep 25, Agata rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction , christianity. Pattie didn't have an easy life growing up. She was abandoned be her father at 2, sexually abused, depressed and it lead to drugs and toxic relationships in her teen years.

After a failed suicide attempt, she came to accept Christ into her life. It's a bit more complicated than that but I'm not going to spoil the book completely. Of course, this wasn't a fix to all her problems but it gave her strength and peace that most Christians are familiar with. This book wasn't easy to read, emotionally. Spiritually, it challenged me and in a good way. I wish I had underlined so that I could write down the one liners that really stuck out to me.

There's one that she mentioned about tithing that has weighed heavy on my heart ever since I read it and I want to post it here so I can always have it for reference: "You see, tithing isn't really about money. It's about being free from its control and trusting God will take care of you. Christian or not, everyone can learn something from it. Sep 19, Bridget rated it it was ok. Dec 03, Loren rated it it was amazing. Thoughts: WOW!! I had heard bits and pieces of Patti Mallette's story here and there but to hear it told from start to finish left me in awe!

Complete and total AWE! Patti shares her life story from a very young age up to today. To say she had a rough childhood wouldn't even be close to the truth. She has experienced things that no person should have to go through, let alone a child at the tender age of yrs. From years and years of sexual abuse, plus abandonment issues and all that comes f Thoughts: WOW!! From years and years of sexual abuse, plus abandonment issues and all that comes from that, Patti found herself lost in drugs and alcohol attempting to cover up the pain.

Everywhere she turned, it seemed those she felt she could trust, would prove her wrong again and again. After years of doing things "Her way" and finding herself in and out of toxic relationships, Patti finds out she is pregnant. She is more than convinced that being pregnant is just not true and asks to do the test again. This stubborn mind-set continues to play in other circumstances that arise in her life.

I had to laugh at these situations in which God most definitely met Patti right where she was, at that point in her life!! But isn't that just the way HE is for all of us!! Patti's story is one that inspires and leaves you speechless at the same time. Truly, her decision to share her life story,will no doubt touch the lives of many! I can't help but think of the Scripture that says "What the enemy meant for harm, God turns it into good!

Just before each concert, she and Scooter look for someone or maybe even a group to receive either "front row seats or back stage passes. Can you imagine?? The joy on Patti's face when she announces to those whom they have just blessed is priceless. Clearly, Patti learned the gift of giving, of paying it forward and is able to do so with many unsuspecting people out there.

She has taught Justin to do the same but more importantly she taught him, WHO gave him his gifts and talents! Truly Patti knows, life is hard, but when you have Christ with you - all things are possible, and when you are at the end of your rope, there is nowhere to go but UP! Nov 02, Melissa O'Mara rated it really liked it. I enjoyed this book it has a very strong story and strong message to readers about speaking out and getting help from abuse for example.

When she was little, her dad left her and her mom for nothing. She did not know when she would ever see her dad again. She would always think to herself she was was ugly and always said she would also skip school; she lived in a broken home.

Pattie was also getting sexually abused by family members on he I enjoyed this book it has a very strong story and strong message to readers about speaking out and getting help from abuse for example. When she was 12, Pattie was on her way home she was walking to her house and saw her real dad talking with her mom on the porch and try to hug Her but she was just so mad at him.

Her blood boiled inside of her, she soon forgave her dad but then when he leaves again she was heartbroken that he just came back into her life and leaves again but they stayed in touch writing letters each other weeks later her mom called her downstairs to talk to her. Her mom told her that her dad is died unexpectedly from some street violence, she was upset and she started to do bad things like drugs and alcohol.

Her mom so did not care about her. Pattie turned to self harm, she started thinking to herself that she was worthless in the world. One-day Pattie was so upset she ran to the street and wait for a car to come by to commit suicide because she thought that everything would be better if she was gone. Soon a neighbor saw what she was about to do, and brought her back inside of her house and talk to her. Patties mom decided to put Pattie into a mental hospital for a few months to get some therapy and help.

As months went on Pattie had one visitor it was a student from her school that came to talk to her at the hospital about god. A few weeks later she met a boy named Jeremy,they had a on and off relationship and Pattie was also having fallbacks going back to drugs but she pushed herself and remembered what God has planned for her. Soon she had a son named Justin with Jeremy but Pattie realize that it would be just her and Justin and she would be taking care of Justin by herself.

She promised to give Justin the best life she could. May 14, Teena rated it really liked it. It's difficult to review a book like this. On one hand, I give Pattie Mallette props for having survived abuse, depression and the struggles that go along with being a teenaged mother. On the other hand, I felt the book was a bit generous in the "God sent me a sign" department.

Don't get me wrong--I have respect for people who live their lives with faith, I just have a difficult time believing that members of the church suddenly stopped her on the street to tell her stories of a "Jewish man who w It's difficult to review a book like this. Don't get me wrong--I have respect for people who live their lives with faith, I just have a difficult time believing that members of the church suddenly stopped her on the street to tell her stories of a "Jewish man who will come into her life" who turned out to be Scooter Braun.

Some things I found were annoyingly inaccurate and others just seemed like fabrications. She said her friend drove her these "friends" always turn out to be male but it still didn't ring true to me. I felt like she left out a part of the story. Had she told what I suspect was the truth, she may have said: "A male friend who really wanted to have a relationship with me agreed to drive Justin and I almost 2 hours away so that he could busk on a street corner". THAT would have sounded better and is probably closer to the truth.

This was an easy read and although I'm not a huge Justin Bieber fan, it was fun. Dec 03, Brenda rated it really liked it. I think it takes a brave person to expose their personal life,their trials and struggles, but that's just what Pattie Mallette does in this book. Mallette tells her story in a very straightforward manner, never sugarcoating the fact that from an early age she felt unloved and unwanted.

These feelings followed her into adulthood and she tried dealing with them by turning to drugs an alcohol, and even looking for love in all the wrong places, even turning to suicide when the pain became to much I think it takes a brave person to expose their personal life,their trials and struggles, but that's just what Pattie Mallette does in this book.

These feelings followed her into adulthood and she tried dealing with them by turning to drugs an alcohol, and even looking for love in all the wrong places, even turning to suicide when the pain became to much. It took God to give her hope and lift her up. An inspirational story that encourages and uplifts, reminding that God can and will lift us up if only we let him.

One of my favorite lines in the book was "sometimes you have to go thru your past to get to your future. Mallette's story. Whether you are a fan of Justin Bieber or not this is a story well worth reading. A complimentary copy of this book was provided in exchange for an honest review. Jan 15, Maggie rated it it was amazing. Pattie shows us that everyone has troubles in there lives but there is always a way to fix every mistake.

Dont be fooled by the name Justin Bieber, Pattie tells her life of having money troubles and life with living with a child at a young age. She went through so much and she truly puts her whole heart into this book.

This book has taught me that everyone can have hope even when you think nothi "Best book i have ever read" i told myself as i finished the last few pages or Pattie Mallettes book.

This book has taught me that everyone can have hope even when you think nothing can fix your mistakes. Pattie has a good heart in caring for Justin and helping him, and herself through being poor to having no one with her. Just me and Justin she says in her book, Her mom barely even knew she existed and had only people at her church to talk to and get help. This book is amazing and shows me that Pattie went through so much through her life and i still dont know how she did it.

If you read this book trust me when i saw it is the best book i have ever read and it changes my ways on looking at Justin and Patties lives. Dec 27, Vicki rated it really liked it. I very much enjoyed reading this book, though in my opinion, some of the things she claims happened to her seem a little too far fetched to be real.

I'm not referring to the abuse-just some of the answers to her prayers. May 29, Tijana Simic rated it it was amazing. Oct 08, Anne added it Shelves: memoir. Hard to read about so much trauma in a person's life, but then how amazing to see what God has done.

Jul 07, Jamie Casey rated it really liked it Shelves: autobiography , non-fiction. Really enjoyed reading this. Nothing touches me more than true life stories, and what a story Pattie tells here. Highly recommend. She's literally risen from underneath the ladder to the highest rung and what a pleasure it is to see her up there. She deserves it. Very touched by this book and this amazing woman's story. Thank you Ms. Noteworthy quotes and moments in book: Church wasn't a drag, a boring chore like washing the dishes or cleaning your room.

Church was, well, fun. I liked th Really enjoyed reading this. I liked this kind of fun. This was fun that I wanted. I wondered why my family never went to church. From what I could tell from the Bible stories and the cool-looking pictures, I like Jesus.

I wanted Him to be my friend. Therapy, like her faith, has been a long and ongoing process. She has forgiven, but not confronted her abusers. She has pledged her sexuality to God, and will wait for marriage before sleeping with a man again. For all the painful anecdotes in Nowhere But Up , it succeeds as a story of well-earned hope. With 1. I want them to feel like if I can do it, they can. Copyright owned or licensed by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. All rights reserved.

To order copies of Toronto Star articles, please go to: www. Read more about: Justin Bieber. Down tumbled tears of shame. Tears of remorse. Tears of fear. Tears for the unknown. As I gasped for air in the middle of a sob, I forced myself to calm down.

All I wanted to do was check in and go to my room where I could be alone. I was engulfed by a sense of loneliness yet wanted to fester in those feelings by myself. Carolyn Kellogg is a prize-winning writer who served as Books editor of the Los Angeles Times for three years.

She joined the L. Times in as staff writer in Books and left in In , she was a judge of the National Book Award in Nonfiction. Sylvere Lotringer, intellectual who infused U.