conrilili1977's Ownd

Can i may have

2022.01.07 19:18

Home » May vs. A lot of people use them interchangeably, especially in speech, but is there really no difference between the two? Today I want to clear up any confusion between these two words and outline the unique characteristics of each of them. In popular usage and speech, may and might are used interchangeably when referring to possibility and probability, but there is a slight difference between the two. May is used to express what is possible, factual, or could be factual.

Dave Jenkins Nov How should a waiter or bartender address a customer? Overhead yesterday in a coffee shop: Customer: Excuse me; I was wondering if I could trouble you for a side salad. Waitress: Side salad?

As far as I can discern, it is neither impolite nor polite. However, it is incorrect. Caroline1 Mar I mean it depends on how you are using say if your saying can i go get some more food you are asking am i able to go get some more food.

So i think can i is proper but my teacher corrects me every time. Tamir Smith Mar Why are people like sheep when it comes to anything American? Another Americanism that is creeping into our vocabulary is "listen up". Also, why are so many British women and men obsessed with driving 4 x 4's another American influence. America has the infrastructure to deal with them - our little island doesn't! Glad I got that off my chest! When speaking to a customer the use of "do you want SAL Jul At one time I would have said yes, but I hear my daughter saying, "Can I get?

I think it is just another way of asking. Modal verbs, or modal auxiliaries, are generally defined as being helper verbs which affect the meaning of a main verb, by adding a quality to the action, most commonly possibility, probability, obligation or recommendation , or futurity. Common examples of verbs that match this definition are:.

Futurity: will, shall, would, going to. Examples: a1 I can speak three different languages, English, French and Spanish. All persons Present Past Present perfect Affirmative may might may have Negative may not might not may not have.

All persons Present Past Present perfect Affirmative might might might have Negative might not might not might not have. You may use can if you wish, and you can use may if it makes you feel better. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Log in Sign Up. Usage Notes 'Can' vs. What to Know Can and may can both be used to ask for permission, although "may" is considered more formal.

More Words At Play. Merriam-Webster's Words of the Week - Oct.